For almost a month now I’ve noticed I can’t see my avatar pic. I’ve switched it a few times but it doesn’t help change the situation. Apparently I’m not the only one who has had this issue. Its not a huge issue for me but it might be for newcomers so a little help would be awesome.
From where are you linking this pic? From a site like photobucket, imageshack, or is it from your home computer?
Give me some more info please.
its the avatar pic. as far as i know you can only upload it from personal home files.
theres only one avatar pic btw Slow.
What file type are you trying to upload?
Try uploading the picture to an image hosting site such as imgur, then post it here. The file may have corrupted either when you downloaded it to your computer or uploaded it to AN.
you cant. when you click on ‘‘change avatar’’ it opens your computer file. plus i’ve chose a couple pics i know i’ve used before and they didnt work either.
UPDATE: i just went to my photos album on here and chose a random pic from my gojira album. i selected set as profile pic and that didnt work either.
I have reproduced 13th Gojira’s problem.
Starting with,com_community/Itemid,79/userid,3839/view,profile/
Change avatar
Select an image to upload: (Browse, select a 200x200 JPG from my hard disk, Open).
All the appearances on the avatar on that page immediately change.
160x160 (expired after about an hour)
64x64 (also expired)
Makes no difference if the image is resized before clicking on the “Save” button.
Bring up another window, the avatar does not show up.
Hit F5 in the original window, all avatar images disappear. View Source to see that all were replaced with
which is not a valid image URL.
Should be something like src=“”.
I tried MSIE, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. Same result.
The selected image does get uploaded to www.theanimenetwork/images/avatar OK, but the wrong URL gets stored in the Kuneha database.
Question to the mods: Does your avatar disappear when you try to change it?
I’d like to have my old one back.
wow first time i seen a double post here… nothing to see, move along.
when someone mentioned the subtilted problem in the VOD reporting thread i,com_kunena/Itemid,183/catid,5/func,view/id,103477/limit,10/limitstart,440/#111828 so had to track it down to be able to show it on the forums. that seems to be the same problem. the backend or iamge storing got changed and nobody updated the system to properly account for the domain change.
here is my avatar or whatever it is called…
like you say Joe, the TAN domain isnt being used for some reason but the amazon server alias that is hosting TAN is.
now i cant even find where uploaded images go in our user area of this crazy system or where to change me pic to see if i can find a work around until someone fixes the server issues…
How are you uploading the images? Hovering over the Profile tab in your profile is one way, but you can also hover over your avatar to see a “Change avatar” button. Does that work for those without avatars?
Also, I was able to change my avatar without any issues.
well apparently its all fixed now. thnx to all and anyone involved!
Excellent. Everything working for you as well, Joe?
My previous post described the problems I had with the latter.
- Hover over the existing profile picture, wait for the “Change Avatar” overlay to show up, click that.
- In the floating iFrame, “Select an image to upload”, click on Choose File ].
- Select image from local disk, click on Open ].
- Javascript document.write updates the current page OK, but the info is not transferred to the back end.
Your suggestion does work. Hurray!
- Hover over the blue-gray “Profile” button, select “Change Profile Picture” from drop-down menu.
- Goes to,com_community/Itemid,79/task,uploadAvatar/view,profile/
- On that page, the combination of “Choose File” and “Upload” does work.
[size=4]Since it just doesn’t work, I recommend that you disable this onclick() code:[/size] <div class="rollover"><a href="javascript:void(0)"
onclick="'profile','0000')">Change avatar</a></div>