Trouble updating profile

I remember back when I 1st joined someone gave me a tip to fill in all the fields to get it to properly save. The issue now is that those fields are still filled out but it won’t save and the only thing I’d like to update is the shows that I’m watching.

And here I thought this was fixed… sigh

Try altering something in other fields (a period, comma, etc.) and see if that works. Otherwise, I’m stumped.

I’ll send this back to Administration for another go.

will do.

UPDATE: tried it and nothing changed. no rush, just wanted to make the issue known.

thnx 4 for your help and work Slowhand!

Yeah… I just tried filling in the fields that I have been putting off customizing and the save error keeps occurring as well. I’ll play around with it to see if I can find a temporary shortcut to the problem, and I’ll let you guys know if I find one.

I also found that the only way I am able to change my profile pic’, that is easy once you find it, is to click on the ‘Change Profile Picture’ in the drop-box ‘Profile’. When I try to upload a pic’ by clicking on the bubble option instead when I hover over my profile picture, it never seems to work as smoothly. Just for info purposes… if anyone else is having trouble with uploading a profile pic’, try the first option that I found seems to work for me.

:woohoo: Update! :woohoo: Update! :woohoo: Update! :woohoo: Update! :woohoo: Update! :woohoo: Update! :woohoo: Update! :woohoo: Update! :woohoo: Update! :woohoo:
Well, I was able to get the save changes to stick with this little trick. Remember how you had to fill in certain fields to get things to work… well it looks like there is a bit more that needs to be filled in. Here is a list of things that you will need to fill in…

Make sure all the fields marked with an asterisk (*) are filled in. By default some of these fields remain blank until you do so. If you don’t the saves will not stick. These fields include:

Anime Network VOD
City / Town

Also make sure to fill in any other blank fields as well… these include the fields that were mentioned in the past fix solution:

AN Online
About me
Currently Watching
Conventions I’m Attending this Year
Favorite Shows

A simple ‘rule of thumb’ approach would be to fill in EVERYTHING. The only changes that I cannot get to stick is in the Your Anime Face option… ah well, better than nothin’ I guess. As it was said in the past, if you do not have anything to put in or would rather not disclose, put a simple ‘placeholder’ in the field in question. I always just put a simple dot… dot… dot (…) in which seems to work just fine. Hope this helped… what an annoying bug!