Is it just me, or does it seem kind of like an episode was skipped between ep. 06 & ep. 07?
I mean, when we left off at the end of ep. 06…
Subaru was hiding in the gym vault, just about to be found.
Leaving off with quite a cliffhanger.
Then ep. 07 rolls around…
It’s starts off with Airi dreaming about when she was young and fell in the water.
Then jumps to Subaru & Tomoka together shopping for shoes for Tomoka.

Since it’s not even mentioned, at least once, it’s kind of like the whole end of ep. 06 thing never happened.
Not to mention, it feels like a good chunk of story is just outright missing from the progression.

Wow, just… wow…
Ro-Kyu-Bu! Lolita Tote Bag, T-Shirt Offered in Japan
posted on 2011-09-10 12:57 EDT
Officially licensed character goods from ACG, Cospa
The character goods maker ACG wil sell the following official Ro-Kyu-Bu! tote bag in Japan on October 30 for 2,100 yen (about US$27):

ACG specifies that the bag is 390 by 330 millimeters (about 15 by 13 inches) and “for both genders.”
In a separate development, the character apparel and goods retailer Cospa is offering this “Shogakusei wa Saiko Da” T-shirt, inspired by the third episode of the Ro-Kyu-Bu! anime:

The white shirt, in Japanese sizes XL, L, and M, will also ship at the end of October for 2,900 yen (US$38).
In the anime inspired by Sagu Aoyama and Tinkle’s sports comedy light novel series, Subaru Hasegawa had just joined a high school basketball club when play is suspended because the captain is accused of being a lolicon. Subaru is then asked by his aunt to coach a young girls’ basketball club, a “Ro-Kyu-Bu.”
This is the scariest stuff I’ve ever seen.
Seriously, would any of you ever wear that shirt?
Episode 7 seems to have a lot of bleeding between frames, which leads to weird discoloration…at least in the HD mode I’m watching.
On the actual show, I’m glad they’re making Aoi an actual part of the story; I like her character.
Finished up ep. 11

All in all (barring the loli fanservice), this series has actually turned out rather well.
There’s some pretty good character depth on the 5 main girls.
Though they could have done a bit better on that with Subaru.
###Ro-Kyu-Bu’s Japanese ‘Primary School Girls Are Great’ Shirt Cancelled
posted on 2011-09-27 15:15 EDT
English version of T-shirt still offered in Japan
Bump since it’s started on VOD.
So from a comment during the panel Acen I just read it sounds like either we won’t see a DVD anytime soon or one at all. It’s not really fully clear. If it does not happen it may mean the streaming numbers were not there .
Well, considering the JP release only just finished it’s run almost 2 months ago to the day, we might not hear anything for awhile yet.
And depending on the demands of WB (this and Memo Pad were probably a bundle deal) and what the contract actually entailed, we might even get a dub out of it (since Siren confirmed Memo Pad is being released with a dub there), which would be even longer before we actually heard anything about it.
Wasn’t sure what to think of this show but watched it anyways and liked it, I’d probably buy it if it wasn’t terribly expensive - and I can live without a dub.
I watched this in fits & starts. Seems I really like doing “marathons” rather than regular weekly episodes of a series.
I’m with Rebecca on this, a sub-only would be fine when they get to it.
Mark Gosdin
So apparently Sentai has issued a PR stating that Ro-Kyu-Bu will be streaming only now. I’m still waiting for the official PR to be posted, but it appears there will be no DVD release, at least for the foreseeable future. I guess the streaming and TAN numbers must have been pretty bad.
I will update when I have more info on the PR.
EDIT: Still trying to get the official PR, but this appears to have to do with a “buy back request” from the production committee for markets outside Asia.
HOUSTON, June 27, 2012— Sentai Filmworks announced today that the show’s production committee has requested a buy-back of the home video rights to this show from all of the committee’s licensees outside of Asian territories. In the interest of cooperation, Sentai Filmworks is complying with the committee’s request with respect to the home video rights only.
RYO-KU-BU: FAST BREAK will continue to be available through TV, Streaming and other digital sources.
About Sentai Filmworks:
Sentai Filmworks is one of the fastest-growing anime companies in North America, producing hit series like High School of the Dead, Towanoquon, Samurai Girls, Guin Saga, Needless and Angel Beats as well as high profile theatrical films such as Grave of the Fireflies and Appleseed. Sentai Filmworks’ programs can be found on home video distributed by Ingram Entertainment, Baker & Taylor, Section23Films, The Right Stuf and other good and fine distributors. Digital product offerings may be found at iTunes, Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, Zune Marketplace, Anime Network, Playstation Network, Android Market and YouTube.
Thanks Pup. It went up on ANN a few minutes after I last checked. It seems Sentai really had no say in the matter. They are apparently requesting home video rights be relinquished worldwide. I suspect we will never know the true reason.
I am kind of wondering if they were disappointed in the streaming numbers outside of Asia and offered to buy the rights back. It’d be a first as far as I know ,but other then something involving the creators I can’t think of much else.