Samurai Girls/Hyakka Ryōran Samurai Girls & Samurai Bride

Hyakka Ryōran Samurai Bride Sequel Season’s Ad Aired

posted on 2013-04-03 12:30 EDT
Hyakka Ryōran Samurai Girls’ followup premieres on Friday

Crunchyroll to Stream Hyakka Ryōran Samurai Bride Sequel Anime

posted on 2013-04-04 14:57 EDT
Hyakka Ryōran Samurai Girls’ followup premieres on Friday

North America only? If that doesn’t scream Sentai sublicense, I don’t know what does.

Was there really any doubt with this?

Ep. 1

Dark Samurai get resurrected, Dartanian and the Master Samurai templates confront them. Obviously they get their ass handed to them because the Dark Samurai show up at the Yagyu dojo which has been turned into a maid cafe. Munikeira returns home after a training trip, and is shocked to find out about the cafe. Yukimura explains that Sen’s brother took all the credit for saving great Japan and left them with nothing, so they are broke.
Dark Samurai and our girls have a confrontation and they get their asses handed to them, Tries to bring out Bad ass Jubei by kissing her but She’s gone, and Munikeira gets his General powers sealed, and he can’t even use a sword. If he can’t bring forth bad ass Jubei in a month, he’ll lose his general powers for good. No Gissen this episode either

I’ll keep watching and bring you all updates but this episode set the premise for the series well, but it felt a little flat to me. Hope it improves by the next Episode.

Ep. 01

Alrighty then!

As much as the first season pissed me off at the end, I’ve been missing this art style.

Dark samurai… Maid cafes… and a style boner.

Ep. 2

There’s an underwear thief in the dojo stealing Yukimura’s panties. Yukimura mistakenly believes that Munikeira is the culprit. Sen says she’ll dance naked if he is. You come to find out that a monkey is stealing Yuki’s panties. During the scuffle trying to capture the monkey, Munikeira accidentally kisses it, which of course causes her to become a master samurai and transform into a cute girl.

Ep. 02

Man is this season ever silly.

So Muneakira turns the monkey into a Master Samurai, and because of such, their maid cafe is now thriving due to the cute addition to the service.

I think I need to start watching this one!


Dark Samurai girl with the sword starts going fight crazy at the graveyard.
Kanetsugu devises a maid contest to try and get rid of Sasuke (The monkey master Samurai).
She fails miserably and decides to leave the dojo so they can save the money from her screw ups. Sasuke follows her leaving a trail of banana peels which Munikeira and Jubei follow. Encountering the Dark Samurai with the giant sword, Sasuke turns into master samurai mode to try and save Kanetsugu, but burns out her time limit. Kanetsugu tries to stop her to save Sasuke and succeeds but gets the crap beat out of her and thrown into the river. Munikeira and Jubei find Sasuke and see Kanetsugu get thrown into the river. Munikeira dives in and saves her and has to perform mouth to mouth resuscitation to save Kanetsugu. Which she bonds with Munikeira when he tries so desparatley to save her, turning her into a master Samurai.
The fight turns off the Dark Samurai’s bloodlust so she let’s them go while Sen and Yukimura chew out Munikeira for turning Kanetsugu into a Master Samurai.
Next episode brings back Gissen, so hopefully Jubei’s bad ass self isn’t far behind.


Gissen is back just like Jubei but since Jubei is kind of broke, so is Gissen (Seems she can’t use her Evil Eye).
Gissen reveals what it means to be the samurai Bride (Basically Master Samurai with Greater power) and tricks our 3 masters into making fools of themselves while she tries to seduce Munikeira again. Fight with one of the Dark samurai breaks out and Gissen Bluffs her to make her back off.
Gissen joins the the cafe as a new maid at the end
next episode looks like the Dark Samurai are going to do their own Maid café


STARTING May 6th @ 11:00 PM EST / 8:00 PM PST


A tournament between maid cafes opens up and the finals pit the dark Samurai vs our Heroines True shadow cafe.
You have to watch it because I don’t want to spoil it but it’s hilarious. NEXT EPISODE BAD ASS JUBEI RETURNS!

Samurai Bride, Ep 1, is live at ANO

Ep. 6

Our Dark Samurai have a fight against a new girl with a boobie fetish.
She plays them for fools because they don’t take her seriously enough.
We cut to our heroes who are closing down the café because they paid their debts off and need to train
for the upcoming fight with the dark samurai.
-Analyzing the video that Matabei took during the Maid contest, they discover that the Dark Samurai are all Ki (Chi) users, so our heroes begin Ki training. During Training Kannetsugu interrupts their training sessions, and only Jubei continues to train despite the interruptions.
It’s then revealed the Kannetsugu is actually the new girl who is a ki master and a master of disguise and because of her training bad ass Jubei returns but now can’t shift back to cute Jubei, but no more memory loss between the 2 now.

Ep. 06

You never realize how much Kanetsugu really doesn’t matter in the series save for her role as comedy relief, until she gets replaced with a bad ass who is a master at disguise.

Samurai Bride, Ep 2, is live at ANO


Short and sweet version:
Jubei is going to die if she doesn’t change back to cute Jubei. While Sen and Yukimura train in using Ki, Munikeira trains in secret because Keiji won’t train men. Musashi finally realizing her big fight she wants is ready, goes to the dojo to fight Jubei. As Jubei slips away Keiji and Munikeira perfom a ki transfusion and Jubei finally changes back while Keiji goes out to fight the dark Samurai without her ki powers. The big fight is postponed when Musashi realizes that cute Jubei is back and will wait til the time of the battle and for everyone to reagain their ki energy. Keiji leaves because she feels she accomplished what she set out to do.
Next episode hints at someone dying

My Report Post

The new ep. is live, but completely un-watchable.
So it’ll probably be taken down soon and put back up at a later time when it gets re-encoded properly.

Samurai Bride, Ep 3, is live at ANO