

Plot Summary: One day, three second-year middle school students — Kazuki Yasaka, Toi Kuji, and Enta Jinai — meet a kappa-like creature named Keppi, who is the self-proclaimed heir to the throne of Kappa Kingdom. Keppi forcibly takes the students’ shirikodama (a mythical organ kappa steal through a person’s anus) and they are transformed into kappa. Keppi informs them, “If you want to return to your former selves, you need to connect in ‘that way’ and you must bring me the shirikodama of zombies.” At the same time, two policemen, Reo Niiboshi and Mabu Akutsu, try to do something at the police box where they are stationed.
Number of Episodes: 11
Vintage: 2019-04-11

ANN Info Page

Utena/Penguindrum’s Kunihiko Ikuhara to Direct New Work at MAPPA

posted on 2017-08-15 00:56 EDT
New project seeking production assistants


Utena/Penguindrum’s Kunihiko Ikuhara Reveals Next Anime’s Studios, Title, 2019 TV Debut

posted on 2018-03-05 11:01 EST
Yuri!!! on Ice’s MAPPA, Yurikuma Arashi’s Lapin Track animate Sarazanmai

Utena/Penguindrum Director Kunihiko Ikuhara’s Sarazanmai Anime Gets 2nd Teaser

posted on 2018-03-06 13:30 EST
Original anime from MAPPA/Lapin Track slated for 2019

Utena/Penguindrum Director Kunihiko Ikuhara’s Sarazanmai Anime Gets 3rd Teaser

posted on 2018-03-07 13:30 EST
Original anime from MAPPA/Lapin Track slated for 2019

Kunihiko Ikuhara’s Original TV Anime Sarazanmai Reveals Character Designs

posted on 2018-05-17 06:45 EDT by Crystalyn Hodgkins
Anime also gets spinoff manga launching on May 22

Utena Director Kunihiko Ikuhara’s Sarazanmai Anime Unveils New Promo, April Noitamina Debut

posted on 2018-10-04 11:58 EDT by Egan Loo

Utena Director Kunihiko Ikuhara’s Sarazanmai Anime Unveils 2nd ‘Linked’ Promo

posted on 2018-10-11 12:53 EDT by Karen Ressler
Yuri!!! on Ice’s MAPPA, Yuri Kuma Arashi’s Lapin Track animate show

Utena Director Kunihiko Ikuhara’s Sarazanmai Anime Unveils 3rd ‘Linked’ Promo

posted on 2018-10-18 12:23 EDT by Karen Ressler
Yuri!!! on Ice’s MAPPA, Yuri Kuma Arashi’s Lapin Track animate show

Utena Director Kunihiko Ikuhara’s Sarazanmai Anime Unveils 4th ‘Linked’ Promo

posted on 2018-10-25 12:47 EDT by Karen Ressler
Yuri!!! on Ice’s MAPPA, Yuri Kuma Arashi’s Lapin Track animate show

Utena Director Kunihiko Ikuhara’s Sarazanmai Anime Unveils Staff, Cast With 5th ‘Linked’ Promo

posted on 2018-11-01 12:59 EDT by Karen Ressler
Teaser visual also revealed for upcoming anime

Kunihiko Ikuhara’s Sarazanmai Anime Reveals Story Summary, Character Designs

posted on 2018-11-11 04:03 EST by Crystalyn Hodgkins
Story for April anime centers on 3 middle-school students turned into kappa, tasked with finding zombie shirikodama

Kunihiko Ikuhara’s Sarazanmai Casts Ryo Kato as ‘Zombie’ Enemies

posted on 2018-12-24 18:28 EST by Karen Ressler
New zombies to appear in every episode

Kunihiko Ikuhara’s Sarazanmai Anime Reveals Visual, Lyric Video

posted on 2019-02-21 05:49 EST by Crystalyn Hodgkins
Elise Shōjoshiki indie band member Teiko voices new character in series premiering in April

KANA-BOON Perform Opening Theme for Sarazanmai Anime

posted on 2019-03-07 05:30 EST by Crystalyn Hodgkins
Kunihiko Ikuhara’s original TV anime premieres in April

Kunihiko Ikuhara’s Sarazanmai Anime Casts Kenjiro Tsuda

posted on 2019-03-08 01:15 EST by Rafael Antonio Pineda
Anime’s ad previews KANA-BOON’s opening song

Sarazanmai Anime Reveals New Promo Video, Ending Theme Artist

posted on 2019-03-14 08:38 EDT by Crystalyn Hodgkins
The Peggies perform ending song for series premiering on April 11

Fuji Creative Reveals Episode Count for Sarazanmai Anime

posted on 2019-03-28 09:35 EDT by Crystalyn Hodgkins

Revolutionary Girl Utena’s Ikuhara is Directing an Anime this Spring!

April 01, 2019 10:00am CDT
As we approach his new Sarazanmai, let’s explore the brilliant career of Kunihiko Ikuhara!

Sarazanmai Voice Actors Say Anime Has Foreshadowing From Very First Scene

posted on 2019-04-02 13:45 EDT by Kim Morrissy
Voice recording for entire anime concluded as of March.

Crunchyroll to Simulcast Sarazanmai

April 09, 2019 2:00pm CDT
Kunihiko Ikuhara’s latest starts on April 11