Section23 Announces September 2009 Slate

Slit-Mouthed Woman/Zombie Dead DVD Double Feature (S) LiveAction $19.98

Zombie Hunter Rika DVD (S) LiveAction $24.98

Legends of the Dark King: Fist of the North Star Story DVD Collection (S) $39.98
This is a new License and a awesome manly one at that.

Daphne in the Brilliant Blue DVD Collection 2 (Hyb) $39.98

There may be more a little later on.

I saw the Legends on the Dark Kings and figured it must be new. I WILL be buying that.

Well, interesting way to announce a new title, though this seems to be the norm for ADV/Sentai these days. It’s not exactly my cup of tea, but I know some people out there thrilled it got licensed. But I may pick it up and give it a go anyway.

I already planned on picking up Daphne, and Zombie Hunter Rika actually looks like a hoot. I think it has the goriest trailer I’ve ever seen.

Here’s a link to the trailer if anyone is interested:
Mod Note: Bloody & Gory

Thanks for the mod note. :slight_smile:

As for Slit Mouthed Woman and Zombie Dead, I can’t find anything. The only thing I can find is for a film called “Carved: The Slit Mouth Woman,” which was released in 2007 by Tartan Video. The company ceased operations since then, but all it’s title are now held by a new company called Palisades Tartan, so this isn’t it.

I can’t find anything on Zombie Dead at all. Anyone have any idea what it is?

Edit: Just found this, and it sounds like Switchblade material to me. This could be it: Slit-Mouthed Woman DVD . It appears to have been released on DVD in 2005, but the companies website, as well as most retailers, are now listing it “out of stock”.

Thanks for the find cody as I’m sure most people are not aware of the new Switchblade titles announced.

Thanks for the find cody as I’m sure most people are not aware of the Switchblade titles.[/quote]

No problem. I really enjoy Asian horror films, even some of the “raunchier” ones, so I like to spread their word. But after doing some research on this, there are apparently a few companies out there that make their fortunes with “pink” cinema. Hope it does well for Switchblade and ADV.

I wonder if ADV is trying to get this live action shows on any of the movie networks out there.