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Jessica Nigri’s Space Sonico Cosplay For Sentai at Anime Expo 2015
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Jessica Nigri’s Jibril Cosplay at AX

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She’s good at this, like you would expect, a real Pro.

Mark Gosdin
So glad I snagged one of @Sentaifilmworks shirts at AnimeExpo!! These are some of the sickest staff tees I’ve seen.
@Sentaifilmworks is there anywhere to buy that awesome shirt online? I forgot to pick one up at AX :frowning:
Sentai Filmworks
@katgallaher Yes, very soon!

Sentai Filmworks
SO! We had a blast at @AnimeExpo this weekend. What was your favorite announcement from our industry panel?

that’s a nice t. so early White Zombie. retro kool.

The shirt looks like something I’d expect from maiden japan more than Sentai

With ngnl almost out, still no don’t be a steph shirt? lol

Somehow I missed that Sentai had licensed Gate, aka the manlier version of Outbreak Company. Good thing Outbreak came out first as Gate, just after one ep, has obsoleted it :smile:

[size=20]Anime Expo 2015 Announcements Rundown[/size]
7/10/2015 3:58:27 PM

Anime Expo was last week and we announced quite a few things at our Industry Panel this year. If you missed out on what all was revealed, we have a nifty rundown for you below!

During our panel we did a LIVE UNBOXING of the Beyond the Boundary Box Set. Neat, huh? Our friend Chris Ayres was on tap to take us through everything included in the set. Check out the pic to see what all will be included![/details]

You didn’t think that we would stop with Akame ga Kill! did you? Of course not, and we’ve definitely been listening to your suggestions since we announce Akame.

One show in particular was requested more than any other, and made the most sense to put on the legendary Toonami anime block, and that show is Parasyte -the maxim-! You can look forward to Parasyte premiering this October on Toonami with a brand new English dub. More details coming soon, follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date![/details]


We announced six titles at our panel and have recently added a few more to our Summer lineup. Check them out below. Which ones will you be watching?
• Aoharu X Machinegun
• Himouto! Umaru-chan
• Monster Musume
• Non Non Biyori Repeat
• To Love Ru Darkness 2
• Ushio and Tora
• Wakaba*Girl
These titles will soon be available on Hulu, so watch out for them![/details]

Apart from our Summer titles, we also picked up two series that fans have been clamoring for for…well, for a long time.

Higurashi - When They Cry
For years we’ve heard from the fans that we need to license Higurashi, and this year we did just that. A cult classic, Higurashi season 1 was previously released here in the states…and then nothing.

We not only have acquired the first season of the series, but have also picked up season 2 and the OVAs that comprise the third season. Both of these seasons have never been released in the US, and we are very happy and proud to be able to bring them to you all. More details about Higurashi will emerge as it becomes available!

…oh, and by the way, we have a few more titles we acquired along with Higurashi, but we can’t say anything yet. :wink:

Legend of the Galactic Heroes
They said that it couldn’t be done, that bringing this series to the US was IMPOSSIBLE. Well…we like a challenge. Legend of the Galactic Heroes has finally made its way to Western shores, and we are more than elated to be the ones to bring it to you.

This sprawling space opera documents an epic struggle that’s been raging for more than 150 years, an interstellar war on a galactic scale. Two factions, lead by larger than life heroes, battle for supremacy in a series that has seen some of the best luminaries in the Japanese anime industry take the helm and go on to mega successful careers. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is just that: Legendary. And now it’s coming your way.

This show is not one to be missed. More details on this historic acquisition will be forthcoming.[/details]

That does it for AX announcements! We had a blast this year, here’s to AX 2016! :slight_smile:

[size=16]See All the Qs & As at[/size]
Q. Do show rankings determine what shows you dub or sub?
A. How fans react to certain shows is one of the things we look at, among a number of different factors when making those kinds of decisions. But on their own rankings are more of a vague indicator of what we should look at/research a little more.
Q. I read in your AX news blog that when you picked up Higurashi you also picked up other shows? Are they related to higurahsi or are they entirely different shows?
A. The stuff we hinted at was acquired at the same time we acquired Higurashi and its sequels. You super sleuths may be able to figure out a possible list of shows that may be included in the list, though.
I can tell you that they are not related to Higurashi, and are different shows. I am personally really excited about one in particular…HERE’S A HINT: one of the character names has a very obvious american reference. In fact, I believe they even explain it in show. :slight_smile:
Q. When will you announce your November stuff?
A. Day for solicitations is coming soon! Very interesting stuff for November, can’t wait to announce!
Q. I bought one of your tshirts at AX last week and I love it! (it was the danmachi skull logo) I wanted to also get a Sentai original shirt but I had to make a choice between the two. Will you have any of the shirts available for sale outside of AX or other cons?
A. YES! We are working on a new storefront where you will be able to purchase Sentai original designs as well as other shirts. We will keep you all updated on when you can expect the storefront to be completed.
Q. How do collectors editions work? Im interested in the NGNL one but wont have money for it until later this month. Are the limited stock or are they usually available for a while and eventually just fade into obscurity and store shelves?
A. You should be fine. Yes, there is a set number of stock for every limited edition release, so make sure to pick it up as soon as you can!

[size=20]Ask Sentai #15: Danmachi Shirts and Mystery References![/size]

7/13/2015 12:56:50 PM

Welcome to another edition of Ask Sentai! Anime Expo came and went and there are a lot of questions about what we did and announced there, so let’s get started!!

As always, you can send in your questions to our page and we will try our best to answer.

Sentai Filmworks
This was our booth at this year’s @AnimeExpo. Those monoliths were 16 ft high. :open_mouth:

[size=20]New Releases This Week: Dark Magic, Darker Coffee[/size]
7/14/2015 11:52:19 AM

Welcome to the Brew & Brew, a place where you can sip a nice cup of joe while learning the forbidden arts of black magic…or something like that. Familiar of Zero: F, the final season of the Familiar series, and Is the Order a Rabbit? both release today! Which brew are you interested in?.

[size=16]The Familiar of Zero: F[/size]
Louise Francoise le Blanc de la Valliere is back, and along with her pet human Saito, is poised to rid herself of the nickname countless have come to know her as: Zero. The Tristain Academy of Magic won’t know what to do when this pair hit the halls, bringing with them all manners of supernatural silliness and misadventures that may engulf the entire school! Prepare to be mesmerized by the spellbinding romantic adventures of a hero/zero and her trusty human in The Familiar of Zero F!

Related: The Familiar of Zero (Season1), The Familiar of Zero: Knight of the Twin Moons (Season 2), The Familiar of Zero: “Rondo” of Princesses

Genres:Romance, Fantasy, Drama, Comedy
Rating: TV-14

[size=16]Is the Order a Rabbit?[/size]
Tea time is about to get a triple-shot of cuteness when high school freshman Cocoa Hoto stumbles into the Rabbit House Café. Soon, Cocoa finds herself not only living at the quaint coffee shop, but working part-time as a waitress, too! With the help of her fellow waitresses— the shy Chino and the brash Lize— Cocoa is in for a hopping good time as she makes new friends and embarks on everyday adventures.

Genres: Slice of Life, Comedy
Rating: TV-14

Sentai Filmworks
@ojessicanigri just posted a video of her time at our booth for @AnimeExpo : (WARNING: Manly Thrusting Dugtrios!)

Sentai, if one of those titles is Paranoia Agent I’ll brofist you all at any convention I go to.

[size=20]New Releases This Week: Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go![/size]
7/22/2015 10:30:55 AM

This week sees the release of a huilarious romcom with secret ninjas and the best pair of glasses worn by an MC ever, Guardian Ninja Mamoru! Make sure to pick up your copy before it disappears. :wink:

Behind the frail, hapless and nerdy Kagemori’s thick glasses and unkempt hair lies a master in the ways of the ninja, he secretly watches over and is in service to his “neighbors”, the Konnyaku family, who have been under his family’s protection for the past 400 years! Yuna, the young daughter of the Konnyaku family is Mamoru’s responsibility and has been since they were both in kindergarten. Luckily for Yuna, whenever she finds herself in trouble, her secret savior is never too far away!

Genres: Romance, Slice of Life, Comedy
Rating: TV-14 [D,L]

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ahhh…I see what you did there. LOL


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.@Sentaifilmworks work life

I don’t get it…

The thing on that knee looks like

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That’s right, welcome to the #SentaiNotakon panel! This may be a bit better, since I can do this panel like this:
Release details for Log Horizon 2?
.@CharlesLTennant Log Horizon 2 has made it onto our release schedule, so you can expect something soon! #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks At the risk of redundancy, any updates for us regarding Big O and other Sunrise stuff you guys picked up?
.@ZeroAlucard27 Jimmy! As of right now, no additional news on our Sunrise stuff. Keep asking us though! :slight_smile: #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks Where is the Akame dub cast?
.@PersonaSoda You’ll have to wait until the premiere on @adultswim to find out! #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks #SentaiNotakon When is Tamako Market out on BD? Also please release Love Story!
.@Sinthetic13 Not sure about Tamako Market as of yet, and yes we will eventually release My Love Story on BD and DVD. :slight_smile: #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks More like Hentai Filmworks!
@Sentaifilmworks Any plans on getting the Girls und Panzer movies? #SentaiNotakon
We are definitely looking into more Girls und Panzer stuff! #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks Do you have any special release plans for Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun? #SentaiNotakon
DING DING DING! Waiting for this question: Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun will indeed be getting a dub! #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks Are you considering the possibility of releasing Shirobako with a dub?
We are currently looking into the shows from that season to see what we can do with them. :slight_smile: #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks Do you guys have any upcoming news on the releases of Love Stage and Nozaki-kun? #SentaiNotakon
.@C_Dobbins No news yet on Love Stage, but I did just announce that we are dubbing Nozaki in the future. :slight_smile:
@Sentaifilmworks Is Legend of Galactic Heroes in your release schedule yet or is the ink on the contract still drying? #SentaiNotakon
.@rootsofjustice The ink is still drying on the LOGH deal, but we are already planning things for our interstellar baby. ^_~
@Sentaifilmworks Any news on Cross Ange getting a physical release?
.@MirTeiwaz Cross Ange will indeed get a physical release, but I am not sure when right now! #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks any news on Gatchaman Crowds
.@biozerozx We will have news on that franchise soon, actually. #SentaiNotakon
You dubbing Chaika the coffin princess? @Sentaifilmworks #SentaiNotakon
.@InuyashaSan87 Haven’t heard anything yet, but if I have anything to say about it…#SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks What are some of your favorite current simulcasts? #SentaiNotakon
.@thetruebrett Current favorites are GATE, SCHOOL-LIVE! and Himouto! Umaru-chan #SentaiNotakon
Any chance of a Log Horizon collector’s edition? @Sentaifilmworks #SentaiNotakon
.@ninjachad1 If there enough demand for a Log Horizon CE, sure! #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks Have you dubbed Love Lab? Or have plans too I know it’s old but it’s still amazing xD
.@BrandonFTwittor I’ve dubbed Love Lab a million times over in my heart. :slight_smile: #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks Will Amagi Brilliant Park be getting a dub and is there a release date yet? #SentaiNotakon
.@LoganRogerss We have an idea of when we can add it to the release schedule, no news on a dub…yet! #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks Will Nozaki-kun have the beach mini-episodes? #SentaiNotakon
.@invalidname Too early to say about those. #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks #SentaiNotakon Do you have any plans for Hanayamata? One of my favourite animes
.@BrandonFTwittor I actually watched this one, it was pretty great! :slight_smile: #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks So for Higurashi Season 1, is there plans on releasing the original LA dub, a re-dub or have it sub-only? #SentaiNotakon
.@shawnredkid We haven’t gotten that far into planning for our release of Higurashi, but when we do we’ll let you know! #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks Follow me, PLEEEEASE your so cool, also, Toonami now has 2 Sentai shows, any talks of a 3rd already? #SentaiNotakon
.@SAOFollower Hahahaha, let’s get through the first 2 first. :wink: #SentaiNotakon
@sentaifilmworks Has there been any video game adaptations from Senkai? I’d like to see them on the Nintendo eShop. #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks y’all plans for Ore Monogatari after its done airing???
.@zattk94 We usually don’t start planning for things until they have at least finished airing, so right now no. :slight_smile: #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks are we going to get a blu-ray release of Love Chunibyo & Other Delusions - Heart Throb?
.@offspring96 Eventually, I believe we will. Cross your fingers! #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks I’d pay over 100 bucks for a L.H. collector’s edition. That series is amazing.
.@windam83 WOULD YOU PAY OVER A MILLION DOLLARS? Of course you wouldnt. #sentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks Is IS: Infinite Stratos a likely CE candidate?
.@BigOnAnime YOU’RE a likely CE candidate. Also, we’ll see. :slight_smile:
@Sentaifilmworks Who’s the crew’s favorite hot piece of beefcake? #SentaiNotakon
.@SoundOfAzure Luke Patterson, Sentai Production Manager’s vote goes to “The Naked Dude in Food Wars.” #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks Do you have any plans to release Little Busters EX? #SentaiNotakon
We are definitely looking into further releases in the Little Busters franchise. :wink: #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks Any updates for back-catalog CE releases? Still holding out for From the New World and Clannad After Story! #SentaiNotakon
The only update I can give you is that backlog titles are also in the CE mix. #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks SENTAI NOTICE ME #SentaiNotakon
Sentai Noticed You…but only for a second! #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks is Shirobako scheduled for 2015 or 2016? #SentaiNotakon
I’m thinking 2016, but hey there’s a whole month left after our November slate. #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks has the Parasyte sweepstakes announcement been made yet, or did I completely miss it xD
Look for it on Monday!
Hidamari Honeycomb BD When? #SentaiNotakon @Sentaifilmworks
Soon, hopefully! #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks Has there been any whispers around the water cooler of either a Yahari/SNAFU or Grisaia dub? #SentaiNotakon
Nothing that I’ve heard so far, but I would love a Grisaia dub. :slight_smile: #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks Hi! What’s your favorite romance anime?
Say “I Love You” hands down. :slight_smile: #SentaiNotakon
@SentaiFilmworks Any plans for more open auditions for dubs in the future like you did for Parasyte? #SentaiNotakon
Right now there are no plans that I know of, sorry! #SentaiNotakon
@Sentaifilmworks #SentaiNotakon Any plans for Mangaka-San to Assistant San?
It will be releasing Sept. 15!
@Sentaifilmworks What are the chances of a K-On! CE being in the works I’ll love you guys more than I do now if it happens :3
If there is enough of an uproar for a K-ON! CE, then we might give it a second look. :slight_smile: #SentaiNotakon

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