[size=20]See You at Anime Expo 2015![/size]
6/26/2015 5:31:27 PM
July is coming up and that can only mean one thing around here: Anime Expo is on the way! We are very excited to be attending this year, and have planned out some neat things for those of you who will roaming the halls of LACC from July 2-5.
[size=16]Anime Expo Events[/size]
[details=Sentai Filmworks Industry Panel]
Christian and Kayle will be your hosts for the Sentai Industry Panel, so make sure to attend to keep up with all the latest news, announcements and more.
We’ll be going over what you can expect from us in 2015 and beyond, talking about some exciting new developmentsl AND we’ll be announcing some of the biggest news of the year! We’ve brought quite a few heavy hitters, so you won’t want to miss it!
WHEN: Thursday, 1:45PM
WHERE: LP2/Petree Hall[/details]
[details=Parasyte -the maxim- Outside Event]
We will be out in the LACC South Hall Entrance this year, and we’re once again bringing our friends from Fluff Ice along for the ride!
Our Parasyte themed event will include a “Migi Happy Hour” that will give you a chance to get a FREE Migi Original Fluff Ice when you use the hashtag #InfectAX on any social media site (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) and show it to one of the Fluff Ice Staffers.
While you’re out there make sure to snap a pic at our special Parasyte Photo Op Screening Tent. It’s totally free for everyone AND you’ll be able to upload your pic onto your social media accounts onsite! But watch out…you never know what may pop up while you’re getting screened.
There will be FREE PArasyte Mini Posters and buttons available as well so make sure to check it out!
WHEN: Thursday - Sunday
WHERE: LACC South Hall (Near Figueroa)
MIGI HAPPY HOUR TIME/DATE: 1PM - 4PM | Thursday - Saturday[/details]
[details=Special Screenings]
We will be holding two special screenings at the convention this year:
Punch Line Special Screening
If you haven’t been keeping up with this Spring show, then now is the perfect time to get started! We will be showing the first 3 episodes of Punch Line, and attendees will receive a convention exclusive mini poster and button!
WHEN: Friday, July 3rd @ 12:30 PM
LOCATION: **Video 3
No Game No Life Screening
Sora and Shiro, better known as the infamous gaming duo BLANK, will make their English language debut at Anime Expo! We will be screening the first 3 episodes of the No Game No Life English dub this year, so make sure to put it on your schedules, you won’t want to miss this.
WHEN: Thursday, July 2 @ 4:45 PM
LOCATION: Video 1 [/details]
[details=Sentai Filmworks Booth (#1301)]
Merch Booth]
This year we have a brand spanking new booth that’s sure to wow everyone who passes by, AND we will be selling Tshirts too!
We’ve got designs for
• Log Horizon
• Bodacious Space Pirates
• No Game No Life
• Akame ga Kill!
• Sentai Originals
• …and more!
We will also have button sets available for both BSP and NGNL, so make sure to head to our booth (#1301) to pick up a shirt and button set, supplies are VERY limited!
Jessica Nigri Cosplay
Our good friend Jessica Nigri will be debuting two new cosplay at our booth this year (Booth #1301), and you’re invited to snap a free pic with her! Check out her schedule and make sure to mark it down on your own:
WHEN: Friday and Saturday
WHERE: Sentai Filmworks Booth #1301
Cosplay Schedule
Space Police Super Sonico - Friday 1PM - 4PM
No Game No Life’s Jibril - Saturday 1PM - 4PM[/details]