Sentai / Anime Network Newsletters, Blogs & More!

Why is this couple so happy? Possibly because they have a great relationship, also possibly the shirts. :open_mouth:

Loving all the cosplay popping up today, people really do save their best stuff for Saturdays. :slight_smile: #sentaisanjapan


#lewd #pantsusnatchers #SentaiSanJapan (click Twitter link to view video)

NO ONE IS SAFE! #fuyukaidesu #miraikuriyama #SentaiSanJapan #anime #sentaifilmworks

Warbeasts have the softest ears. #nogamenolife #nogenora #SentaiSanJapan

Sentai had an industry panel at SanJapan today, did they announce anything important? (I think it started an hour ago as of this post)

It started at 5pm CT (Sat) and, as far as I know, nothing big was announced.

(except for this, of course)

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Time for some last day @Sanjapan shenanigans!

Our Industry Panel husbando and waifu, perhaps the lewdest couple we ever had…and we loved it! #SentaiSanJapan

General Esdeath is dealing out some cold, cold punishment at booth ID3 today, make sure to come by! @sanjapan

Busy day for boot lickings @SanJapan.


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These gentlemen just called our twitter account complete anime garbage…and they love every second of it. Yay? Yay.

[size=20]New Releases This Week: Love in Bloom & the Perils of Space[/size]
8/4/2015 12:49:25 PM

This week sees the release of two shows form our catalogue: the continuation of the Space Brother’s saga in Space Brothers Collection 4, and one of the cutest shows of 2014 in Sakura Trick.

If you’ve been keeping up with our releases of Space Brothers, then col. 4 is a no brainer. If you haven’t Collection 1 is available, but make sure that you clear your schedule for a while because once you start up the engine son this show, you definitely won’t want to get off.

For those of you seeking something lighthearted and funny with a flowery, romantic twist, then Sakura trick is right up your alley. Two young girls take their friendship to the next level as the threat of being separated creeps closer and closer. Slice of lifers, this one’s for you.

[size=16]Sakura Trick[/size]
Childhood friends Haruka Takayama and Yu Sonoda are finally entering high school, and although these BFFs are in the same class it seems like they’re beginning to drift apart. With a new group of friends, Haruka and Yu’s friendship somehow feels a little less special. In an effort to rekindle their best friend status, Haruka and Yu are about to take their relationship from friends to something more by sharing a kiss!

Genres: Slice of Life, Romance, Comedy
Rating: TV-14

[size=16]Space Brothers[/size]
After getting fired and barred from his previous profession, Mutta is forced to move back in with his parents. Meanwhile, the career of his kid brother Hibito is taking off as he trains to become an astronaut just like Mutta wanted to. But when Mutta receives an offer to train as an astronaut at JAXA, it seems like he might finally be getting the chance to live his dreams.

Genres:Comedy, Drama, Slice of Life
Rating: TV-14


[size=16]A MONTH OF BIG RELEASES[/size]
August is definitely shaping up to be an interesting month, with a great schedule of releases coming your way, including one of the most iconic anime films of all time: Vampire Hunter D! A new collection in the Space Brothers saga also debuts, along with an extra big helping of Hayate the Combat Butler, to the tune of a 52 episode collection! If slightly off the wall slice of life comedies is what you’re craving. then The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior is something work checking out. Wondering what else is in store for you this month? Check out our August release schedule for more info!

[size=16]AKAME GA KILL! ON TOONAMI[/size]
The time is near. Make sure to catch the first episode of Akame ga Kill! this Saturday at 12:30 ET, only on Toonami! Use the #AGKToonami hashtag on your social media platform of choice to join in on the fun! Make sure to tune into our Twitter feed while we live tweet, too!

This past weekend at San Japan we officially confirmed that Chaika the Coffin Princess will be receiving an English dub! More details about our release will follow, but in the mean time: YES! CHAIKA! DUB!

Earlier this month we announced a few new titles to add to our growing library. They Include:

DRAMAtical Murder
La Corda D’Oro: Blue Sky
Angelic Layer

We are very excited about our new additions, and we hope you enjoy them when they release this November! Wondering what else is coming that same month? Head to our site and check out our full November release schedule!

[size=16]WHO’S WHO?[/size]
Heads up! We’ve recently announced the official cast lists for Vampire Hunter D and Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! -Heart Throb-! Wondering who is playing the titular character “D”? Who will play the 3rd corner of the love triangle in Chunibyo -Heart Throb-? Find out on our site!
Official Vampire Hunter D English Dub Cast List
Official Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! -Heart Throb- English Dub Cast List

[size=16]See All the Qs & As at[/size]
Q. How often is sentai going to answer questions?
A. So sorry for the delay! We usually try to have an Ask Sentai blog up every other week, but this past week we made our way to San Antonio to attand San Japan (which was a blast by the way), so last week’s Ask Sentai turned into this week’s Ask Sentai. So, barring any unforeseen circumstances, you can expect an Ask Sentai blog every other week.
Q. Are there still old anime that is being picked up? Neighborhood Story? Skip Beat! Kimi to Boku? ect.
A. Yes, and I believe we have thoroughly shown that we are very much interested in older series with our pickup of the every elusive series Legend of the Galactic Heroes, which has NEVER made it to the United States. While I can’t say for certain that we have looked at the titles you suggested, I can say that we are constantly looking into older series for possible acquisitions.
Q. Why are some shows released with a dvd release first but the bluray release isnt for release until several months later?
A. I believe we’ve answered this question before, but I’ll fill you in on what goes on anyway. So, there is something called a “holdback period” that is sometimes added onto a title. What this means is that we are not able to release that title on Blu-ray until the holdback period is over. That period can be vary title to title, so in order to get a show out to you guys who are waiting for it, we sometimes release the DVD version first, as there are no holdbacks on those. We are continually working to keep these holdback periods from affecting our release strategies with our titles, so hopefully you will be seeing less and less of this occurrence in the future.

[size=20]Ask Sentai #16: Foppery and Whim? Ok.[/size]

8/7/2015 12:06:01 PM

Welcome to another edition of Ask Sentai! Due to us making our way to San Antonio for San Japan, we weren’t able to put up an Ask Sentai blog last week. Anyway, let’s get going!

As always, if you have a question, feel free to visit our page and let your voice be heard.

[size=20]New Releases This Week: Mind Your Manors[/size]
8/11/2015 4:16:30 PM

We’ve got three new releases for you guys this week. Kawai Complex, a charming little slice of life show with amazing visuals makes its debut on DVD, and both Haikyu!! and Captain Earth finish up with both series having their 2nd collections available today as well. What will you be getting this week?

[size=16]The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior[/size]
Kazunari Usa finally has a place of his own at the Kawai housing complex. Unfortunately, his roommate is a total weirdo and a massive pervert! But life at the Kawai Complex isn’t all that bad with his dream-girl Ritsu living right down the hall. As Usa tries to adjust to life in his new home and win Ritsu over, he’ll find that his life is about to get way more complex with the arrival of a few new tenants!

Genres: Slice of Life, Romance, Comedy
Rating: TV-14 [L, S, V]

[size=16]Haikyu!! Season 1, Volume 2[/size]
Hinata Shoyo may be small but he more than makes up for it with willpower! Hoping to become the next big name in volleyball, Hinata takes to the court in middle school only to be shot down in his first match by “King of the Court” Tobio Kageyama. Now Hinata is in high school, and he’s more determined than ever to join the school’s team and prove his worth! But when Tobio resurfaces as a teammate, they will have to learn to play together if they want to make it to the championship.

Genres: Shonen, Sports, Comedy
Rating: TV-14

[size=16]Captain Earth: Season 1, Volume 2[/size]
With memories of his father’s inexplicable death still haunting him, Daichi follows a mysterious rainbow to his childhood home Tanegashima Island to investigate. As Daichi delves deeper into the mystery of his father’s death, a strange encounter with an unusual girl plunges him into the middle of a battle! Now, if he wants to protect the world, Daichi must become the pilot of the Earth Engine - a giant robot that only a “Captain” can pilot.

Genres: Mecha, Sci-Fi, Action
Rating: TV-14

It’s Friday! Time to UMARUUUUUUN~, grab some disgustingly good snacks and play games and watch anime all day. :smiley:

Is it just me or is @Sentaifilmworks becoming one of like the go to places to get your Anime fix? Seriously they seem to be on fire!
.@amisbro You havent seen anything yet, we’ve still got a few tricks up our sleeves. :wink:

[size=20]New Releases This Week: To Serve is to Love[/size]
8/19/2015 3:37:16 PM

This week’s new release is a big one: the very first season of the classic series “Hayate the Combat Butler”. With our announcement of the Hayate movie yesterday, we now have the entire Hayate the Combat Butler universe under our belt. You can look forward to more releases in the series soon!

[size=16]Hayate the Combat Butler! (Season 1)[/size]
16 year-old Hayate Ayasaki is a part-time delivery boy who’s been poor for as long as he can remember. But when Hayate’s parents leave him with a mountain of debt, the Yakuza are soon hot on his trail, forcing him to flee from home. In an act of desperation, Hayate attempts to kidnap a young heiress named Nagi, but ends up rescuing her instead. Now, as a reward for saving her, Nagi has agreed to pay off Hayate’s debts under one condition— he must now work as her personal butler!

Related: Hayate the Combat Butler!! (Season 2), Hayate the Combat Butler! Can’t Take My Eyes Off You, Hayate the Combat Butler! Cuties
Genres: Slice of Life, Romance, Comedy, Action
Rating: TV-14

[size=16]See All the Qs & As at[/size]
Q. Hey Sentai Filmworks, since you putting out show like Akame Ga Kill on toonami can we possibility see more shows coming in the near future like maybe old show or maybe action show. Example, DanMachi, GATE, or Ushio and Tora.
A. The next Sentai show to make its way to Toonami will be Parasyte -the maxim-, which we are all really excited about, we hope you guys are too! Beyond that, we’re not sure, but it wouldn’t hurt if you watched both Akame and Parasyte every week with us.
Q. I assume this is a very silly question but I am curious if there’s ever been a situation where someone catches you watching anime that hasn’t been licensed or acquired by Sentai Filmworks around the office. Is that a big deal, or are you guys just free to watch whatever anime whenever?
A. We all like anime here. While I’m typing this the girl behind me is watching Umaru-chan, I just had a nice chat with the guy who is subtitling one of our Summer shows, and I have the new episode of SCHOOL-LIVE paused and ready to go for when I finish up Ask Sentai.
I think that if someone ever wanted to watch a show that wasn’t ours here, it wouldn’t be a problem…but then again, we ARE at work, and for a lot of people it’s their job to watch our shows. While I don’t think it would be a big deal, it sure would be a waste of resources. :slight_smile:
Q. If a show you guys have licensed only has a sub release and a new season comes out, would you ever consider going back to dub the entire series, or ever just the new season? I’m really curious how you guys make these types of decisions. Much obliged Sentai-Sensei-Sama!!! =D
A. Would we ever consider going back to dub the entire series? Yes.
Would we ever just dub the new season? Never.
That would be a lost opportunity on our parts, and it wouldn’t make much sense to dub the second and not the first, as that would be a jarring experience for a fan of the series. I certainly wouldn’t like it. So, If we were to dub a show after the second season has rolled out, there’s an extremely high chance that both seasons would be dubbed.
Q. Is the Sentai social media guy the big dude that I’ve seen at Sentai’s panels over the years?
A. Ha! Yeah that’s me. I’m the big dude. Come say hi at our booth if you’re ever at a con we attend, we can talk shop. :slight_smile:
Q. If you were an Unaru, what would your blanket look like?
A. Like this:
Q. If you could only watch one anime for the rest of the year which would it be?
A. Legend of the Galactic Heroes. I think 110 episodes would keep me pretty busy, and the story is JUST. THAT. GOOD.
Q. I loved your booth at AX! The music was great too! Where can I get that soundtrack from your AX booth?
A. Actually, a LOT of people asked about the music at our booth and where they could get it. Our booth music was done by CRUSHWAX and you can buy his stuff here:
This is Us Talking - CRUSHWAX

[size=20]Ask Sentai #17: Umaro mode and Second Seasons[/size]

8/20/2015 4:59:51 PM

Hey guys! Time for another installment of Ask Sentai, yes! We hope these blogs have been informative in one way or another, and please remember that sometimes there are questions we aren’t allowed to answer or can’t quite answer yet. So if you’re asking about something that falls into those categories, I’m afraid we wont be able to answer, sorry!

As always, if you have a burning question, you can head to our profile and let us know. Thanks!