[size=16]Shadow Star Narutaru / Narutaru ~Mukuro naru Hoshi·Tama taru Ko~[/size]
[quote]Genres: adventure, drama, horror, supernatural
Objectionable Content: Significant
**Plot Summary:**During her summer holiday at her grandparents house Tamai Shiina, a young and cheerful schoolgirl, meets a strange looking creature. They befriend each other and Shiina names it “Hoshimaru - The Round Star”. When Shiina returns home after the summer to go back to school she starts meeting other kids that also have befriended a strange creature like Hoshimaru. But she soon finds out that not all these creatures and their masters are as friendly as Hoshimaru.
Number of Episodes: 13
Vintage: 2003-07-07 to 2003-09-29[/quote]
ANN Info Page
I saw an episode or two of this many, many years ago, when it was first on Anime Selects. I really liked it, although it seemed pretty childish at the time, so I didn’t keep up with it. But last year I decided to buy it, because I heard it was one of the darkest, most screwed up anime series ever made. And they were right! What starts out as a childish, almost Pokemon/Hamtaro kinda show, turns into the most disturbing, gruesome, and gross show I’ve ever seen. From it’s misleading opening, that later feels creepy, to it’s childish first and second episode, nothing seems like it would really appeal to a mature viewer here. But it’s a very mature show, something children should never see. Well worth a watch, but be warned you will never be the same again. It’s that messed up and stomach turning.
Be warned the anime was planned to have a sequel that never happened, so it’s left unfinished. Also the budget was really poor (bad animation and artwork, but amazing music), because really who would want to put their money on a show that is as dark and screwed up as this. Terrible things happen to children, and the worst is done by other children…
I am currently reading the manga by Mohiro Kitoh (recently bought all that Dark Horse released) and I am also reading Bokurano on Viz Media’s site legally (plan to buy them when they come out). I’m not the biggest fan of manga, usually I prefer to just watch anime, but I do read manga once in awhile, and these are some series I really like. Mohiro Kitoh is a real genius.
So anyone see this show? I own the box set, and the DVD’s have a great set of extras by CPM. Director’s commentary on the last few episodes is a much watch for fans IMO.