Should companies test the waters of Sub only Blu-ray's

Over the last couple of years there has been a lot of great shows that have had a HD master out there but because of the fears of the market most companies have only really been releasing Blu-ray when the feel a Dub can be done.

I think it’s time to test the waters and release at least one or two series on sub only Blu-ray’s. That way if they fail it’s no one ,but the fan’s fault “well unless the companies pick something really crappy to test it on”. If nothing else maybe some people will STFU.

I choose yes as I feel the Blu-ray Players and HDTV’s have gotten cheap enough for most Anime buyers that would be interested to buy. Plus as I said if it fails it only means the point has been made it’s not a good idea. After all can’t make a omelet without breaking some eggs or opening a container.

I’m going to say no… for now anyway.

It’s not that I don’t think sub only blu-rays is an awful idea, I just think that at this point nobody wants to take the risk that is definitely there.

To test the waters on this, a lot of consideration would have to go into several different things. What series would they use? If it’s only going to be one series, it has to be one that is popular with enough people. You’re also only going to be appealing to those who don’t mind sub only anime. People that prefer dubbed anime aren’t going to want to spend the extra money.

But then, if it’s popular enough to go ahead and spend the extra money to make blu-ray discs as well as DVDs, why not just dub it while you’re at it?

Right now, I don’t think some of these companies have the leeway to afford the possibility of a sub only blu-ray release being a complete failure… Maybe in the future though, if things start looking better all around, then maybe it could happen.

I don’t think that Blu-ray has reached the tipping point vs DVD in the US - just yet.

In our home we have two Blu-ray compatible players, a PS-3 and a Sony BD Player. I’m as tight fisted with my money as anyone and the price & value point of the BD Player had to be just right for me to buy.

This past Christmas it finally hit that point thanks to Target’s combination of sale price & rebates. The buy point for me was approximately $60 net.

I still don’t see everyday prices for similar Blu-ray players in the $60 range, but the sale prices do hit it regularly now since the first of the year. So, I’m thinking the tipping point won’t be long in coming.

Sometime after Blu-ray becomes the default buy for player type I expect to see NIS or one of the other smaller distributors try a BD or Combo sub-only release.

Mark Gosdin

Have we already forgotten?

Bandai releases Star Driver on BD, sub only…
And NISA is releasing Occult Academy sub AND BD only as well, along with there sub only combo packs.

But would those shows be considered “crappy”?

One fan’s crap, is another fan’s treasure

[quote=tonka]Have we already forgotten?

Bandai releases Star Driver on BD, sub only…
And NISA is releasing Occult Academy sub AND BD only as well, along with there sub only combo packs.

But would those shows be considered “crappy”?

One fan’s crap, is another fan’s treasure[/quote]

Duh oh! :pinch:

I’d forgotten about Bandai & Star Driver. And NIS is way ahead of me.

Thanks for the kick start.

Mark Gosdin

[quote=tonka]Have we already forgotten?

Bandai releases Star Driver on BD, sub only…
And NISA is releasing Occult Academy sub AND BD only as well, along with there sub only combo packs.

But would those shows be considered “crappy”?

One fan’s crap, is another fan’s treasure[/quote]

Not at all. Problem with Star Driver is Bandai was already on it’s last legs when they released it. Heck the second one was their last Blu-ray. So we probably will never know if it sold well enough for them to do more series like that since it was decided pretty much around the end of last Fall they would be closing.

With NISA they are aiming at the collectors market so they’d probably be some of the same people a sub only Blu-ray would be aimed at. Though I’m thinking they must have a deal with whomever does their PS3 disc. Else why can they do something that companies that sell more titles can’t? I’m curious to see how Occult Academy sells.

I’m going to say no. I’m not opposed to buying either sub-only products or BD, I have examples of both in my collection, but I’m not a fan of either, personally. Only one language option (whether it was sub-only or dub-only) for foreign shows just seems sub-standard. I heavily enjoy being able to watch the same show twice as it increases a shows rewatchability, so I’m disappointed when I don’t get the choice, and if I’m on the fence about a title being sub-only can tip the scale in favor of not buying it for me. As for BD, I see no real reason to actively support the format, for a number of reasons, but the main one is that I have low vision so I don’t see a difference between a DVD and BD quality-wise so so it’s more practical and economical to go with DVD as it’s cheaper.

[quote=“tonka”]Have we already forgotten?

Bandai releases Star Driver on BD, sub only…
And NISA is releasing Occult Academy sub AND BD only as well, along with there sub only combo packs.

But would those shows be considered “crappy”?

One fan’s crap, is another fan’s treasure[/quote]

I don’t want to see sub-only blu-rays. Shoot, Fate/Zero is also a sub-only blu-ray (though an import, as you mentioned) and that’s a large reason why I’m not buying it. I’d rather have a dvd with a dub than a blu-ray with only a sub for a show that was natively HD, but that’s just me. While I’ve liked some shows subbed (eg:Vandread, Planetes, Cowboy Bebop, WHRobin,Otome/Hime) moreso than dubbed, there are many more shows that I just couldn’t get into until they were dubbed. Fate/Zero has that problem for me. This is a bit of a tangent, but voice actor Chris Sabat has commented that there are only 3 Japanese male voices in anime, and I have to agree. Modern J-dubs are so compartmentalized and stereotypical that I really can’t take them seriously, which meant that I couldn’t really get into Fate/Zero and as such don’t have any desire to blow almost 400 bucks on half of it. Even if it had a “meh” dub, like what Madoka Magica got, I would seriously consider buying it.

I’d apply the same reasoning to all sub-only blu-rays. I remember trying to watch The World Only God Knows as it was broadcast and I just gave up as I just didn’t get into it, but when the dub came out I marathoned through it as it was hilarious. I wouldn’t have bought a sub-only blu ray of the series.

Oh, I quoted that above section because I have to answer “yes” as Occult Academy was crap. I suspect the reason that I didn’t like it in any way is because the idea of being beat on by a rather plain-looking tsundere doesn’t appeal to me at all. :silly:

We’re getting a bit into the sub versus dub area, and I don’t think that’s what Pup was looking for. If you’re not going to buy a sub-only release, regardless of the format, than it doesn’t really matter. I believe he’s talking specifically about titles that will never receive a dub regardless. Whether they are on DVD or Bluray, they just don’t have the market potential for the high costs of a dub.

I think I would like to see some more companies experiment with the possibility. I have quite a few shows on subonly DVD that I’ve really enjoyed and I think I would appreciate them even more with improved video and audio quality. However, I can understand why the market may not be there yet. DVDs still outsell bluray by a significant margin and Blurays still cost much more to replicate, despite the fact that prices have fallen. That doesn’t even factor in licensing costs for the Bluray format or for audio formats like DTS Master HD or Dolby TrueHD.

Yes never my point at a sub versus dub debate. It was indeed aimed at people that watch both. Since those are the people that would buy a sub only Blu-ray. A funny little bit of info while they’ve not done it for Anime Funimation has done one or two Live Action Japanese titles on sub only Blu-ray.

So the question is: would you buy a subbed only bluray for the price of a dubbed bluray? Would anyone say “yes” to that, paying more for less? NIS &Nozomi have thrown in interview books, which are cool enough, but aren’t worth as much as a dub, as those 2 companies seem to think.

If a subbed only blu-ray cost less than a dubbed one, and it were for a show that I liked, I’d pick it up. If it were for a show that I really enjoyed, I’d pick it up regardless of cost, but TBH I’d be doing that in the hopes of persuading the releasing company to go back and dub it.

Personally I’d like to see higher quality streaming used for such titles before physical releases, but I’ve become a huge fan of streaming. Blu-ray, for native HD anime, still looks better than any streaming service I’m familiar with, but it doesn’t have to. Watching Broken Blade on the ps3 the combined AV bitrate was under 30Mbps. Whose internet connection can’t handle that in 2012? Does DSL still exist?

It’s still a bit of a tangent (or secant) to the question, but current blu-ray quality streaming of subbed only titles, where I would purchase the titles which I adored (regardless or pricing) would be my ideal version of this scenario.

I think if Sentai, or anyone else, were to release sub-only blurays, they would likely be a bit cheaper than their dubbed counterparts. It’s hard to say with certainty though, as only one company has released both subbed and dubbed blurays and their only subbed release was right before they effectively shut down. NISA puts out subonly blurays, but doesn’t produce dubs, at least not yet. Aniplex Of America has also done a bit of both, but they were generally pricier, often at or near import pricing.

I voted yes, as long as it doesn’t mean less dubbed animes. I would love “To love Ru” and all three seasons of “Koihime Muso” on blu-ray. I am very picky about the sub only animes I buy but animes I do buy I really want and I want it in as high def as I can buy it without paying $300+ for a 12 episode anime.

I think, ultimatly it depends on what the various R1’s are aiming for: who are they trying to reach.
Are they just happy with the “hardcore”, already anime fans buying, or are they trying to slowly but surely reach out the more “mainstream” casual viewer as well.

I mean Funimation dubs all their anime shows, and a good majorityall? of their live-action movies as well. They’re fighting to keep their 24/7 channel on air - good luck with that - and have gone with a new packaging design for their DVD/BD combos as well. In my opinion, they’re clearly trying to grab that mainstream audience, along with the “hardcore” fans as well, no doubt about it; whether it’s on tv or b-n-m stores. So a sub only BD from them is out of the question, I believe.

Sentai seems to be walking the middle ground. All their sub-onlies have been on DVD and most have been very otakuess, niche shows at that: Taisho Baseball Girls, Maria-Holic, and future Fast Break. Their BD’s on the other hand, so far have been reserved for the more actiony, manly, and visually stunning shows: Broken Blade, Highschool of the Dead, Night Raid, etc.

Of course theirs always the odd ones that get the BD treatment as well, ef being the main one; never thought that’d be gettin it but that could mean they’re hopping for Clannad-like numbers or there’s an already signed deal with other Rnumbers out there or with the Japanese licensor to begin with.

Then there’s NISA who’s going for the collectors with the fancy packaging and xtras.

In the end, I believe BD, whether sub-only or hyb, should be reserved for those shows that are visually stunning to beging with. I mean, I enjoyed Princess Resurrection, but let’s face it, it’s not a stunning show; or Shin-chan, or Panty n Stocking, u get my drift: unless both formats are priced the same, I’d go for the cheaper format and save myself a couple of bucks and get something to eat while I’m watching the show.

In the end, I believe BD, whether sub-only or hyb, should be reserved for those shows that are visually stunning to begin with. I mean, I enjoyed Princess Resurrection, but let’s face it, it’s not a stunning show; or Shin-chan, or Panty n Stocking, u get my drift.[/quote]

I agree 100%, which is also why I didn’t buy those three animes.

I would buy Princess Resurrection on Bluray in a heart beat!

Manly? What does this mean exactly? That they have more men in them - or that they’re geared toward men?

I’m cornfuzzled. :blink:

I’d be down if the show was niche and high quality.

I’d get Maria-holic and Hidamari Sketch in a jiffy.