Silver Spoon / Gin no Saji

S2 Episode 5 –

[details=spoiler]With the Ezonoo Festival approaching, Hachiken is put in charge of the class budget since he’s the only one that can really handle it. And it seems that isn’t the only thing he’s in charge of! LOL He also has to come up with an event for the Equestrian Club as well. They ask the seniors to help them, and Hachiken consults with a teacher to hold a Ban’ei race. The teacher gives permission and assigns them a field. Mikage’s uncle lends them the equipment and Mikage will be the rider.

Hachiken thinks Mikage should go for a career with horses, but Mikage says she will just carry on the family business because she doesn’t want to fight with them. That statement intrigues Hachiken. He thinks she’s hiding her true feelings again. Hachiken may also be spreading himself a bit thin with all the work he’s doing for the festival.

I loved the “otaku sled” that Nishikawa came up with, complete with a “NPK48” logo that really stands for fertilizer! LOL But it isn’t quite what Hachiken had in mind. I can see how exhausted Hachiken is getting too, when he needs multiple alarm clocks just to wake up in the morning. But even though he wakes up at 3:30am, Mikage is already up and training for the race. She warns Hachiken not to push himself, but he says he’s fine. Then he ends up sleeping during class. Poor guy.

In addition to all his other work, his friends are calling in favors as well. His schedule is just getting worse and worse. Hachiken may have to give up sleeping completely! And the lack of sleep seems to be taking a toll as Hachiken begins to go off the deep end. He even begins to feel sorry for the potatoes that no one wants. LOL Preparations for the festival continue and it’s finally the day before. Hachiken is really exhausted and I wonder if he will end up sleeping through the entire festival.

Hachiken and Mikage check the racetrack a final time and Mikage can see how tired Hachiken is. She suggests that he take a long rest after the festival is over and that is just what he intends. But he also finally gets up the courage to awkwardly ask Mikage out on a date. However, does Mikage realize it’s a date? LOL She just agrees to go out and have some fun with Hachiken and Hachiken is in seventh heaven. However, Her friends later enlighten the clueless Mikage, and she’s suddenly frazzled. And her friends only add to that as they already have her married off to Hachiken! Mikage spends a sleepless night not knowing how to act around Hachiken now.

The morning of the festival, Hachiken walks Vice President over the racetrack. He thinks of how everyone pulled together to make it a reality, as well as his own accomplishments. He wonders if he’s changed and if coming to this school was the right decision. But there’s not really any time for reflection at the moment. It’s festival day and Hachiken wants it to be a success! Then he passes out. I knew it. After all his hard work, overexertion is going to make him miss the festival.[/details]

S2 Episode 6 –

[details=spoiler]Tokiwa found the collapsed Hachiken and word quickly spreads through the school. His friends are worried about him and then that obnoxious Ayame shows up. But she ends up being nice when Mikage asks for her help, immediately sending for her horse and gear.

Hachiken finally wakes up and finds himself in the hospital. A nurse tells him that he “fainted form fatigue”. When he realizes what day it is, Hachiken tries to get up and leave, but the nurse won’t let him. He’s just devastated to know that he’s missing the festival he worked so hard for. Hachiken feels worse when he finds out that no one but a teacher came to visit him. Then his father comes.

The jumping event at the festival is enjoyed by one and all. The audience loves Ayame and De Royal as well, but of course she has to show off, and ends up running out of time. Mikage is great at explaining things to a little girl. Back at the hospital, Hachiken is facing his father. He criticizes Ooezo and tells Hachiken that he doesn’t belong there. But Hachiken sticks up for his school and tells his dad how much he disliked his previous school life. However, dad strikes a nerve, and also asks Hachiken if any of his so called friends have come to see him.

Thankfully, his homeroom teacher, Sakuragi, walks in before Hachiken can answer. Dad really lets Sakuragi have it too, blaming him for his son’s condition from “activities unrelated to his studies”. Dad doesn’t stay very long, using work as an excuse, and tells Hachiken that his mother will take care of things. It looks like mom lied to Hachiken about dad liking his bacon too. That really hurt Hachiken.

I had to laugh at the Human Banba! Especially at Ayame’s reaction! She wanted to be the rider and I liked how Tamako just gave her a look and snapped her whip. But I am surprised that Miss Rich Girl actually helped pull. I would have thought she’d have stalked off, but I’m glad she didn’t. I may have to change my opinion of her. The crowd cheers on the humans and Tamako bribes them with food tickets. The race then opens up to the audience and many wanted a chance to race against a horse. Great incentive too – winners get Nakajima’s cheese! LOL So you know he was cheering for Mikage to win!

Hachiken is released from the hospital the following day, and Sakuragi tells him to go back to school and enjoy the rest of the festival. However, Hachiken uses his broken glasses as an excuse not to go back right away. Mom goes with him and has a little chat with him in the cab. Mom claims that she really didn’t lie about the bacon, but her explanation is a bit flaky and Hachiken is still annoyed with her. He ends up getting out of the cab, and mom hands him some money to get his glasses fixed. But he’s so angry that he almost throws the money away. However, after his glasses are fixed, he donates the change to charity. Then he has no money to get back to school! LOL

It takes Hachiken a very long time to walk back to school and by the time he arrives, it’s evening and the festival is over. He doesn’t receive a very good reception, but he is told to attend the after party. Actually, he’s kind of forced to, although he feels he did nothing to deserve going. What? Did he not collapse from working hard to make the festival a success? Stupid boy! He walks into the club room and Mikage is the only one there. She doesn’t seem too thrilled to see him either. LOL But I suspect that there is a surprise party in the works for him by the way she looked away.

Hachiken feels horrible, but Mikage is really relieved that he’s all right – she just can’t show it. Hachiken turns to leave, but Mikage protests. It was funny when Hachiken likens himself to a certain historical figure and Mikage has no idea who Hachiken is talking about. He also mentions that no one likes him and no one visited him. A little selfish, I think. His classmates were all working hard at the festival as well and most hospitals don’t let people visit at night. A shame that Mikage actually has to tell Hachiken this.

Mikage also shows Hachiken the notes he left and tells him how useful they were. It was all of them that did want to let Hachiken down. Mikage tells him that they did want to visit him, but they decided not to let all his hard work go to waste. Now Hachiken feels stupid. Serves him right! He thanks Mikage and asks her if she enjoyed the events. I think he liked her answer. LOL It did make him laugh and I think he feels better now.

Mikage then shows him how they turned his notebook into a guest book. Hachiken reads the comments and finds out that Ayame came to help. Hachiken ends up being really touched by the guest book and begins to cry. Mikage isn’t sure how to handle that, so she just lets him cry. He insists that he’s okay, just very happy, which makes Mikage smile. It was a bit of a sweet moment.

Of course, Ayame later presides over the after party. But the party is fun and everyone enjoys the potato rejects. The delicious smell draws more kids in and everyone is happy to see that Hachiken is back. Hachiken gets to thank Tokiwa for finding him and calling the ambulance. But where is Nakajima? He’s in his cheese cellar, crying over his empty shelves! And the principal is comforting him. I guess the humans beat the horse in every race! LOL[/details]

S2 Episode 7 –

[details=spoiler]Now that the festival is over, the school is somewhat back to normal. The principal arrives at the equestrian club to let the members know that he’ll be taking over for a while due to Nakajima having some health issues. I wonder if Nakajima got himself too worked up over losing all his cheeses. LOL

Looks like Hachiken is finally going to have some alone time with Mikage too, but it almost didn’t happen. Thank goodness for friends! LOL For their first date, Hachiken and Mikage go to a nearby shrine. It’s pretty and quiet, but they soon run into another bunch of their friends. So much for being alone!

Hachiken is still concerned about his future. Everyone seems to have a goal except him, and that hospital visit from his father didn’t help at all. Meanwhile, Komaba is working hard to achieve his own dream, as his baseball team strives to win another game. His friends cheer him on from school as they clean up from the festival. Everyone is happy when the team wins!

It seems that even the teachers are getting into the games as they let the students watch it on TV as “background noise” during classes. Another win and the team moves on to the semi-finals! Two more wins and they can go to the spring preliminaries. With the exciting win, class is all but forgotten as well. LOL

During the semi-final game, Hachiken is called away to help a cow give birth. When he returns, he sees that Ooezo is winning. Unfortunately, he’s taken away again, by another cow giving birth. After returning this time, Ooezo is still winning. In the end, Komaba makes a poor pitching decision and the team loses. Everyone is devastated! Now, they will all have to pin their hopes on next year. But why hasn’t Komaba returned to school?[/details]

S2 Episode 8 –

[details=spoiler]It’s been a week and Komaba still hasn’t returned to school. Hachiken is getting worried and not even Komaba’s roommate has heard anything. Nakajima is still out sick too. Tokiwa wonders if there’s a bad cold going around. But somehow I doubt Nakajima is sick. I bet he’s still fretting over his cheese! LOL

Nakajima finally makes an appearance at the club and announces that they are going to make cheese. I guess the poor man was grieving over his lost cheese for an entire week! He asks Hachiken, Mikage, and Kino what they had for breakfast. Based on their answers, he chooses Hachiken and Mikage, and tells Kino that he isn’t needed. When Kino questions that, Nakajima smacks Kino’s hand with his crop, saying that he will become a “demon for cheese”.

When Tokiwa and Yoshino come to investigate the cheese room, Nakajima orders them to help as well, since they had the same breakfast as the other two. I wonder why that is so important. The cheese thy will be making is called “raclette”. It’s hysterical that Nakajima is making the cheese himself and keeps telling the kids to “please wash the tools in the meantime”. Tokiwa and Hachiken feel that they are just there to be dishwashers. But Nakajima rewards them with cheese curds, which cheers them up considerably.

The continuing process is interesting and Hachiken likens it to chemistry. They take a quick lunch break and the food is finally explained. Apparently, you can’t eat natto for an entire day before you make cheese. Nakajima says that the bacteria in natto is “very robust”. It must ruin cheese somehow. At the end of the day, Hachiken mentions how this day was spent doing only the prep work. A lot of time and effort goes in to making cheese.

Because of the natto, Tokiwa was banned from the cheese making, and later asks Hachiken if the cheese is finished. Well, it will be – in about three months. I suppose Tokiwa didn’t know that cheese needs to age. But he wanted to give Komaba something to cheer him up after losing the baseball game. Everyone hopes that Komaba will come back soon.

Hachiken is still taking care of the piglets and gets upset when people call them by the wrong name. Then again, Hachiken is the only one that can tell them apart. He really loves his little darlings. In the last episode, Hachiken helped with the cows giving birth and is now asked if he’d like to name one of the calves. Now, Hachiken considers himself a godfather! It was funny that Hachiken thought of how the Holstein Club might treat his cow, and now realizes how Mikage’s father feels about guys coming after his daughter. What a comparison! It even brings Hachiken to tears. LOL His poor “daughter”.

Hachiken is finally getting why agriculture is so enjoyable; he realizes that it plays to one’s strengths. Ayame is back and she tells the gang that he might be transferring to the school, now that a spot has opened up in Dairy Science. What? What spot? Could it be that Komaba has left? Anyway, no one is pleased with Ayame’s announcement of transferring schools. Mikage asks how Ayame found out about the opening. She tells them that the local co-op received notice about the Komaba Ranch and everyone gasps. Hachiken has no idea what that means and demands to know. Ayame tells him that the Komaba Ranch is deeply in debt and will close. The family is bankrupt and Komaba will not be returning to school.

Hachiken is devastated and wonders why Komaba never told them anything. Then he realizes that Mikage already knew about Komaba’s situation. That’s why she’d been crying that time! Hachiken really wants to do something about it too, but it’s too late. All of Komaba’s dreams have turned to dust. He will need to get a job immediately and pay off his family’s debts. Mikage later explains Komaba’s situation to Hachiken. He’s still upset and wants to do something to help, but there’s really nothing to be done. Even after Mikage leaves, Hachiken wonders how he can help.

The class discusses their own family debt and Hachiken notes that they are more worried about themselves than Komaba. Tokiwa assures Hachiken that they are worried about Komaba, but this is reality. Others ask if Komaba is really dropping out; his things are still in his room, so they wonder if he will come back. All of this is just making Hachiken sick, so he takes the rest of the day off. He goes to Komaba’s room, knowing that he will find Komaba there. And sure enough there he is, packing up his things.

As they talk, Hachiken reminds Komaba that his mother wanted him to finish school. Komaba feels that he can’t because he’s already a burden to Mikage’s family. Hachiken questions that and finds out that Mikage’s family co-signed the loan Komaba’s father needed to expand. Then he passed away. So Komaba’s bankruptcy affects Mikage’s family business as well. There are many reasons Komaba needs to work immediately. Not only does he want to pay the loan back quickly, but he’d also like to send his little sisters to college. Hachiken yells at him for giving up his dreams, and Komaba says that he’s already lost them.

Hachiken walks Komaba out to the car, and the teacher finds out that Hachiken was only pretending to be sick, but Sakuragi already knew he was. Komaba’s mom tells Hachiken to stay in school. Komaba says his goodbyes and Hachiken still looks very forlorn. Komaba tells him to stops worrying about other people’s problems. Komaba says that he’s already come to terms with his life and that Hachiken should too. After the car pulls away, Hachiken still has some things to say, and berates everyone for their accepting attitude of “nothing to be done”. Komaba hears him, but there’s no reaction.

Hachiken joins Mikage and tells her that Komaba has cleaned out his room and is gone. He tells her that he knows her family co-signed the loan. Mikage is happy that Hachiken knows it all now, but tells him not to dwell on it. She just wants to forget about it, but you know Hachiken isn’t that kind of guy. He wants to say something, but then remembers how both Komaba and Mikage had told him that it had nothing to do with him when he found Mikage crying that time. Hachiken realizes that he’s just an outsider in this situation. Even though these two friends have accepted their circumstances, Hachiken knows that they aren’t happy about it. Then again, this isn’t going to stop Hachiken! He grabs Mikage’s wrist and tells her to drag him into it. He wants her to share her pain and let her feelings out. But she just stands there, staring at him as Hachiken yells at her. I wonder if Hachiken really will try to help Komaba after all.[/details]

S2 Episode 9 –

[details=spoiler]Mikage still doesn’t want Hachiken to get involved, and there isn’t anything he can do anyway, but Hachiken wants to share in her worries, and to be there for her. Hachiken wants Mikage to lean on him, but that is exactly why Mikage didn’t share any of this with him. She doesn’t want him to suffer. But Hachiken convinces her and she cries as she promises to talk to him more. I did enjoy the look on Maron’s face while all this was going on. And Mikage almost admitted that she liked Hachiken!

Hachiken hears the entire story now as Mikage shares. Her own place is in debt and may be in danger of closing as well. Hachiken didn’t like to hear that, but knows everything comes down to money. He needs to figure out a way to make money, and fast. But neither he nor his friends can come up with anything. When Hachiken talks to Mikage again, she receives a call, and afterwards tells Hachiken that the Komaba Ranch is selling all of their cows. She tells him that there’s no going back now.

Mikage knows the cows and plans on saying good bye to them. Hachiken wants to go too. Mikage goes home and invites Hachiken to go with her. I like how the teacher heard they were skipping school. Mikage’s family is happy to see him again, but dad gives him some grief about wanting to go to the Komaba Ranch. The next day, it’s hard on everyone to see the cows being loaded onto the trucks to be taken away. Komaba’s little sisters cry and turn to Mikage for comfort, but Mikage isn’t doing much better. Hachiken just feels helpless, but he needed to see and understand all of this, even as an outsider.

After the trucks leave, Komaba’s mom heads for the market, and Hachiken and Mikage help Komaba clean up the cow shed. It was really sad to see everything all cleaned out and empty. Komaba has Mikage and Hachiken share in the last of the milk that was taken that morning. It seemed almost like a ritual as they all drank the hot milk. Hachiken says it’s delicious and Komaba takes the compliment with a big smile.

On the way home, Mikage tells Hachiken that Komaba already has a part-time job. She was happy to see that Komaba wasn’t too depressed, but Hachiken doesn’t think that was the case. He thinks that Komaba is just feeling empty at the moment. Mikage agrees and says some strange things. Hachiken encourages her to follow her dreams. But she’s still trying to live up to her parent’s expectations. Hachiken promises to give her courage and they end up holding hands.

Back at Mikage’s house, there will be a family meeting to discuss the future. Mikage says that Hachiken will join them, and it was funny that they were looking at Hachiken as potential husband material. Mom and grandma are definitely hopeful and I liked Hachiken’s reaction when their eyes turned to him. He may not have heard them, but he definitely got the feeling of the deer being caught in the headlights! LOL

During the discussion, Hachiken jumps at the amount of fifteen million yen for what is owed. Mikage tells him that the figure really isn’t that bad. Some farms are a lot worse off with debts in the 100s of millions. So what is the family going to do to pay off this debt? A suggestion is made, but it will end up costing them more money. They will wait for Mikage to finish school and take over. Hachiken watched Mikage tighten her fists at that comment. She obviously doesn’t want to take over the farm. I wonder if her father saw her reaction as well.

Grandpa suggests selling all of the horses and Mikage gasps. The horses were only his hobby and he’s getting too old for such a hobby anymore. He thinks it’s time to give it up. Grandpa is also going to step down as president and let Mikage’s dad take over the company. Dad agrees that they should sell the horses. Hachiken knows that this is going to kill Mikage. Hachiken tells her that this is her chance to say something. Even as dad glares at Hachiken, he tells Mikage that he will support her. Mikage works up her courage and says that she doesn’t want to take over the Mikage Ranch. She tells her family that she has a dream! Good for her![/details]

S2 Episode 10 –

[details=spoiler]Mikage checks in with Komaba and tells him that she will be getting a job instead of taking over the family ranch. But then she asks him if he would like to take it over. However, he declines, saying that he still wants his own ranch someday. She apologizes and tells him to forget she ever asked.

Mikage tells her friends that she’s decided to go to college! But it’s going to take a lot of studying, so Hachiken is going to tutor her. However, that might be a little harder than he first thought when he looks at her recent exams. Using a trick, he begins with history lessons, and it seems to work. Now, why are their friends surprised that they still aren’t dating? LOL

Hachiken ends up asking his brother for study tips, and Shingo tells him that he had kept all his notebooks, but Hachiken will have to go home to look for them. And that doesn’t sit too well with Hachiken. Neither brother wants to face their father. But for Mikage’s sake, Hachiken is trying to fire himself up to go. I laughed when Nakajima kicked Hachiken out of the cheese room because “negative thinking will infect the cheese”! And when Mikage offers to “do anything”, I can see exactly what Hachiken is thinking! LOL But instead, he gives her more study materials, while he deals with the pain her comment caused.

Hachiken finally gets up the nerve to go home and is given some presents to take to his family. Tokiwa brings him some homemade yogurt, but considering it was made in the men’s bath, Hachiken didn’t want it. Nishikawa happens to mention that if it had been made in the woman’s bath, they could have made a fortune! Ah, dreams! LOL While waiting for the first early morning train home, Hachiken goes over what had happened during the family meeting at Mikage’s house.

Mikage’s family was shocked at her announcement of not wanting to take over the ranch. Her mom blamed Hachiken for “doing something” to her daughter. LOL They are still stunned when Mikage explains that she wants to get a job working with horses. As promised, Hachiken supports Mikage, but her father didn’t appreciate it much, reminding Hachiken that he’s an outsider. He also didn’t appreciate his daughter having Hachiken speak for her, and called it cheating. He encourages Mikage to speak for herself and she does, finally opening up to her family with her thoughts and dreams.

Mikage asks her uncle if she can work for him at the Ban’ei stables after she graduates, but he won’t let her, saying that it’s too dangerous, and that the industry is struggling. However, Mikage insists that she still wants to work with horses. At a word from her father, Mikage’s uncle says that he will consider her for a job; however, she has to graduate college first, and he explains why. Mikage says that college costs money, and the family discusses her horrible grades.

Great grandma offers her sage opinion, and that turns the conversation to what university Mikage can go to. She will need one with low tuition that offers the study of large animals. There is an Ooezo University, but is Mikage smart enough to get in? The family continues to discuss things like Mikage isn’t even there. The poor girl just cowers at their words. That’s when Hachiken interrupts again and says that he will take responsibility for Mikage, since he was the one that encouraged her dream.

Mom and Grandma suddenly take this as an offer of marriage and dad absolutely forbids it! LOL Before dad kills him, Hachiken hastily explains that he will tutor Mikage, and promises that she will make it into college, but they will have to let her follow her dream. Dad speaks to her daughter and it looks like he’s going to let her have her way. The rest of the family gives in as well, and Mikage cries, thanking them.

Resolved now, Hachiken takes a deep breath and steps into the train heading home to Sapporo. At the Mikage Ranch, dad confesses to mom that he actually already knew about Mikage’s dream. Since it was already decided to sell the horses, grandpa now hopes that some of the money can go towards Mikage’s tuition. It’ still sad that they have to sell the horses though. But I’m glad Mikage finally stood up to her family. I just hope Hachiken will be able to help her pass the entrance exams.[/details]

S2 Episode 11 –

[details=spoiler]Hachiken finally makes it to Sapporo, but it’s still very early. Hachiken goes to a bookstore and meets some old classmates. It seems Hachiken impressed them too. I supposed Hachiken timed things well, because he goes home to an empty house. He finally finds his brother’s notebooks and tries to make a quick getaway, but unfortunately his father and mother are now home.

Over a meal, Hachiken asks some serious questions about debt and money for college, and his father tells him not to worry, but he still isn’t very nice about it, and I can tell Hachiken just wants to explode. He hesitantly begins to talk about his friends, Komaba and Mikage. He talks about Mikage’s dream, and how he’s trying to help her study. But his father only insults him again. Once again, Hachiken tries to calm himself down, but he has to say something this time. After he’s had his say, Hachiken asks his father if he’s no better than livestock. His father ignores him and Hachiken tells his mother that he’s leaving. He rinses his plates, and thanking his mother for the meal, he slams the door on his way out.

Back at school, Mikage hasn’t made much progress with the study materials Hachiken left with her. Hachiken blames himself for having bad teaching methods, but Mikage protests. Leaving her to study, Hachiken tackles his brother’s notebooks. But in trying to make sense of the awful handwriting, Hachiken is no longer sure he can help Mikage get into the college of her choice. Then again, he thinks of that look on his father’s face and becomes just that more determined!

He talks to his friends about his father and being less to him than livestock. But Tamako kind of takes his father’s side and tells Hachiken that since he failed the entrance exam, he’s making Mikage take on the second attempt. Tamako warns Hachiken not to involve his pride or Mikage will be the one to get hurt. Hachiken suddenly realizes that Tamako is right. He even has her hit him. LOL Later, he runs to Mikage and tells her to hit him too, but Maron takes care of it for her. LOL Besides, Mikage would never hit him; she’s too nice.

Mikage runs to Hachiken and he tells her that he needs to apologize to her, but when he turns around, his mom is there! She tells him that since she didn’t know anything about his school life, she’s come to see what it’s like. She praises the presents he left, including the yogurt (can more be purchased here? LOL), and she’s happy to see that he has so many friends. Hachiken just apologizes to her, thinking of the men’s bath yogurt. Mom later observes Hachiken taking care of Maron – for some strange reason, he’s actually behaving! – and Nakajima tells her that Hachiken is very responsible.

Hachiken introduces his mother to his friends and the principal comes to introduce himself. Why does it look like he shrunk again? LOL He hardly reaches mom’s knees! Mom gets treated to an impromptu meal with the teachers and Hachiken’s friends. Mom is in heaven with all the delicious fresh food. Hachiken gets a chance to explain to Mikage why he needed to apologize to her. But Mikage understands and doesn’t see a need for him to apologize. Mikage even thought that Hachiken hated her because she’s so dumb. What a protest she got from Hachiken for saying that! LOL It also sounds like he’s going to tell Mikage that he likes her, but his friends interrupt. Nuts!

Watching him, Hachiken’s mother is happy she came. She never knew how Hachiken was at school and berates herself for perhaps not trying hard enough to understand. The principal is happy he got to meet her as well, and talk with her. I think mom is starting to see her son in a different light. She later tells Hachiken that she was very surprised when he spoke back to his father. He tells her that he’s changed because of his friends. He got mad at his father because he felt those friends were also being insulted by him. They all work very hard and aren’t failures. Mom apologizes for lying about the bacon, but Hachiken is already over that. He even understands why she lied. She was just trying to make him happy.

As mom gets into the cab, Hachiken asks her not to lie anymore. He tells her that he can take anything now because he’s changed. He isn’t the same person he was. Mom seems happy with that and smiles. The cab pulls away and Hachiken walks back. And Mikage is waiting for him along the way. How sweet! Then again, so is everyone else. LOL As they all walk back together, they talk about living in the dorm the following year. A few of them will be living off campus. Mikage isn’t sure yet if she will stay or find a place as well. Hachiken didn’t seem to like that, but it sounds like he will be staying in the dorm. Hachiken is still thinking of his own future as he listens to others talk about theirs. And it begins to snow.

The ending scenes wrapped things up nicely, and it was funny to see the principal looking at the falling snow the way an excited little kid does. It ends with Hachiken on Maron, making jumps. He’s really getting the hang of it. This anime was a surprise for me. I never expected to enjoy it so much. And now I am hoping for another season! I want to see Mikage get into college and follow her dream and I’d like to see Hachiken decide on his own future. I also hope that future involves Mikage![/details]

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posted on 2019-11-25 15:18 EST by Alex Mateo
Anime series premieres on streaming service on Tuesday