Unbound, Ulla becomes Koroshiohake, a goddess of death. Her gaze, her voice, and her touch, all bring death. Ai witnesses the living become the dead, and Julie saves Ai from being seen by Ulla. The man in the lion mask makes another appearance. He was the one that told Julie about Ulla, but Ai wants to know why this stranger is so concerned for her, so he tells Ai his story. But Ai wonders if Ulla even knows that she has this power of bringing death to others.
Ai figures out that Ulla believes that she is among the living and Kiriko confirms it. Ortus is a city of lies, but Kiriko does care for Ulla, although in a twisted way. He would see the entire world dead, and then Ulla would be free – her killing power would become meaningless in a world already dead. Remembering that her father didn’t want to be the last human left alive, she brings up this point to Kiriko. When all around her are dead and unaging, Ulla will be the one to grow old all alone. Kiriko loves Ulla and is sworn to protect her. Put in that same position, even Ai is unsure what she would have done.
However, Ai is certain that Ulla now needs to know the truth, even if Ulla ends up hating her for it. Diva takes Ai to the castle. Ai meets with Ulla in her room, and Ai tells her that she is half human and half gravekeeper. Ai tells Ulla the story of how she was unknowingly raised by the deceased, and how Ulla’s situation is similar. AI gently tells Ulla that Ortus is a city of deceased, and that Ulla herself helped to increase the population, by looking upon the living, speaking to them, or touching them.
Ulla writes on her notepad and asks Ai if she is Koroshiohake. Ai confirms it, but tells Ulla that her powers are necessary to allow the living to live in this country. Ai also tells Ulla that Kiriko has been lying to her, but only to protect her. Ai apologizes for telling Ulla the truth. Kiriko then enters the room, and tells Ulla that he doesn’t expect to be forgiven. But Ulla loves these two, and doesn’t want them to be sad. She admits that she had already known some of the truth. She knew that her eyes did something to people and she knew how hard people worked to hide it from her. Ulla didn’t exactly know what she was doing, but she never wanted to know either. Only now does she understand that she kills people. And they had always looked as though they had been set free afterwards.
Ulla asks Ai if death is a bad thing, but Ai cannot answer her, for she does not know. Ulla tells her that is perhaps why she is traveling, and Ai says that she might be right. Ulla admits that they are similar, yet different. Ai is free to spread her wings, and Ulla is caged, but it’s a cage she loves. And Kiriko is with her, to protect her, and be her friend. Ulla regrets that she can’t see Ai, nor can she hug her, and AI feels the same way. It was so sweet, yet so sad, the way Ulla used Kiriko to hug Ai.
Ulla wants to show something to Ai, and they meet Julie and Scar along the way. It was cute to see Ai look a little jealous when she saw that Julie had his arm around Scar. They are shown Celica Hecmatika, Ulla’s older sister that has been asleep since birth. Kiriko tells the story of Ulla’s mother, and how, during her labor, she wished that everyone would die. Ulla accepted her final wish and innocently gained the power to give death, while Celica rejected it and remained the way she is now – a sleeping infant.
Scar steps forward, and the barrier around the infant disappears. This is the one that has been calling to her! The baby suddenly cries, and Scar cuddles the infant to her. Surprising everyone, Scar claims the baby as hers. Accepting it, Ulla tells Scar to look after her sister. Soon the van is on the road again, with its extra addition. Ulla and Kiriko watch their departure from the wall, and Kiriko has his arm around Ulla. She leans into him and touches his hand. I wonder what other lives Ai will touch.