Six months have already passed at the academy and Thoth announces a special event – midterms! Yui is thrown into a panic. It’s time for an intensive study session. Tsukuyomi has taken excellent notes, but understands none of them.
Something is wrong with Apollon. Ever since Yui had that strange dream about him, Apollon has been falling asleep at the drop of a hat. Yui asks him if he’s okay and he tells her that he’s fine. But he isn’t. He suddenly says that he must never be happy because he committed a crime. He snaps out of it and tells Yui to forget what he said. Yeah, like that’s going to happen!
Yui dreams again, or perhaps it’s a vision this time. She sees the woman that Apollon was with. She tries to see a happy future for herself and Apollon, but something happens to the power he gave her. Apollon suddenly realizes that Yui is no longer with him and goes running back for her. Yui sees the woman cry when she thinks about her future with Apollon. Yui reaches her hand out to the woman, but Apollon grabs it which stops Yui’s vision and pulls her back to the present.
Now it seems that Apollon has become the stalker as he begs Yui not to leave him. All the guys come running to protect Yui. But where were they when Balder was bothering her? LOL And Apollon doesn’t remember what he was doing to her either. I think too that Yui’s vision may have been real. Some of the petals that were floating around in the vision are on the floor in the hallway.
The study party is in full swing, complete with snacks! Yui is still worried about Apollon and it seems that Hades is as well. In fact, all of the gods seem to be concerned over the way Apollon is acting. Yui is thinking about it and has another vision. Apollon runs to a river, calling out for Cassandra. Then he sees her body float past. He goes into the water and takes Cassandra’s body into his arms, crying with grief. Yui wakes up in bed. Was this a dream? When did it start? What was the dream and what was real?
The doors to the balcony slam open and those petals flow into her room. Yui goes out on the balcony and sees Apollon walking below. She runs after Apollon, calling his name. Yui finds him at a pond in the woods and the apparition of Cassandra hovers over the water. The bewitched Apollon enters the water, apologizing to Cassandra. Yui follows Apollon into the water and grabs him from behind. Cassandra disappears as Hades and Dionysos arrive and call out to Yui.
Apollon is put to bed and the Dionysos tells Yui about Cassandra, a mortal woman that lost hope for the future and killed herself. And how Apollon blamed himself and cried for days afterwards. Hades tells Yui that Cassandra never arrived in the underworld, but clings to this one, too attached to leave it. Yui just saw a ghost! Hades thinks that Cassandra bears a grudge against Apollon and may cause him harm. But why did Yui dream of her? Hades warns her that Cassandra may want to harm her as well.
Apollon is suffering in his sleep and sits up to claim that he killed Cassandra. He screams and the ring that seals his powers turns black. A black cloud also appears in the globe. Hades and Dionysos have to hold the thrashing god down on the bed. Yui runs for help and Cassandra watches her. I wonder if this is going to be another case of Balder and Loki playing tug of war with Yui. Perhaps Cassandra thinks that her Apollon is in love with another mortal girl.
Yui bangs on the doors to the throne room and calls for Zeus. The doors open and Zeus tells Yui why Apollon’s ring turned black, and also the reason why he brought Apollon to the academy. Yui begs Zeus to help Apollon, but he can’t. It looks as if it will be up to Yui to save Apollon herself. Thoth stops her and wants to know what she will do, but she doesn’t know. Not yet anyway. She excuses herself and keeps running.
Apollon rises from his bed, and attempts to leave the room. Cassandra appears before Yui. Remembering what Hades said, Yui begs Cassandra to set Apollon free. But by the look on her face, I don’t think it’s Cassandra that holds him. It could be the other way around. Apollon’s guilt could be causing everything to happen and could also be holding Cassandra to this world. Cassandra tells Yui that Apollon doesn’t hear her, but she wants to save him as well. Cassandra asks for Yui’s help.
Hades and Dionysos chase after Apollon as he wanders outside again. Everyone stops when Yui approaches, but it isn’t Yui. Cassandra has borrowed her body. Cassandra tells Apollon why she killed herself. But Apollon still tries to blame himself. Cassandra has her memories of their time together and is happy with that. She tells Apollon not to blame himself anymore as she hugs him. Cassandra tells Apollon to find happiness and he begins to cry.
Cassandra comforts him, happy that she was finally able to talk to him. She thanks him and bids him goodbye as she leaves Yui’s body. Then she thanks Yui as well before she disappears in a swirl of petals. Hades states another reason for the dead not leaving this world and it’s one of love and protection. Apollon’s ring returns to it’s normal color and breaks. The cloud disappears from the globe as well and it even fills up a little more. But with all of this happening, everyone has forgotten about the midterms! I really enjoyed this episode. I always liked Cassandra’s story and I liked the way it was used here. Of course, this version was much nicer!