Ai is changing Dee’s world, and the jealous Dee decides to do something about that. She will create her own world. She meets Ai and tells her that she will tell Alis everything. But when she does meet with Alis, she wants Ai there with her. However, I’m sure that she has no intention of telling Alis anything.
Dee walks into the classroom with a gun and shoots the teacher. The students are stunned, but they are even more shocked when the teacher wakes up and is fine. She promises to help them remember why. The students begin to remember what happened that day and the wish they made. Alis and Ai are waiting for Dee and notice that something is wrong.
Dee has manipulated her classmates into resetting the world! Alis knows immediately what is happening. He tells Ai and runs off to find Dee. In the classroom, the students begin to relive the events that led to Dee’s death. Alis and Ai do not reach the classroom in time and Dee falls from the window. Not only does she intend to reset the world, but herself as well. But something strange happens. When Dee looks down, she sees Alis lying dead on the pavement below.
Suddenly, Alis grabs her hand and prevents her from falling. As he tries to pull her back through the window, he slips and falls with her as well. But it is Ai and the rest of the class that grabs him from behind and prevents the tragedy. With that, the mist that resets the world recedes and Ai tells him that she’s figured everything out. Alis confirms it and tells the story. Dee didn’t remember, but it was Alis that died.
Alis tells Dee that she can return to the outside world, but she refuses to leave him. She wants to reset the world again, but Alis won’t let her, not wanting to lose the memories he has of traveling around with her. Alis sends everyone out into the world with fond wishes and asks them to remember him. Everyone begins to cry as Ai asks Alis if there isn’t some way for him to return as well. But Alis just shakes his head. Dee tells Ai that this is typical Alis. He would save others above saving himself.
Alis thanks Dee and tells her that he was happy that they were together for a time. As the world begins to disappear, Alis says his goodbyes and sends everyone out, one by one, until only Dee and Ai are left. Dee asks Alis for a final smile and he obliges her. With tears in her eyes, Dee runs from the room. Julie and Scar manage to escape with the baby, confident that Ai will be all right. Alis urges Ai to leave, but not until she has a final say. Ai calls Alis cruel. After all, he brought her here to help him disappear.
Alis apologizes to Ai and she asks him again if he doesn’t want to live with everyone else. He tells her that’s impossible – that he’s already been dead for fourteen years and was buried in the outside world by a gravekeeper. In tears, Ai tells Alis that she wants to save him. She runs into his arms and hugs him, saying again that she wants to save him. Alis kisses her, and bidding her farewell, pushes her through the door.
The episode ends with Ai standing at a grave with her shovel. The name “Alis Color” is on the headstone. Someone is standing next to Ai. Alis sighs and asks Ai why she had to save him. Ai just looks at him and smiles. This was another good anime. Although I cried through most of the last episode, my tears turned to happy ones to see Ai with Alis at the end. It was a really nice journey and I’m sorry to see it end. I’d love to see more of Ai’s story. She still has a lot to do to save the world!