…Time Warner or DirecTV buys Hulu to convert into a platform solely for them? Where will TAN online programming then end up, or will it be gone?
[quote]DirecTV, which reportedly wants to convert Hulu into an online companion to its satellite dish service for the benefit of its satellite subscribers
Hulu’s new owners could continue to offer the service much the same way it is provided today, with a free and pay version. But most expect the new owners will throw up a programming “pay wall,” requiring users to authenticate themselves as a pay television customer before they can watch Hulu programming.[/quote]
I imagine whether the programming stays or goes depends entirely on whether or not DirecTV will want it.
So I guess DirecTV wants to turn Hulu into something similar to Blockbuster’s streaming service for Dish Network?
[quote=“Slowhand” post=145461]Per Admin:
a) the shows hosted on Hulu for TAN will remain and only those with TV-subscriber-verified will be able to watch ANO shows hosted by Hulu?
b) does this in any way affect ANO subscribers that are NOT TV-subscription-verified in the case of that becoming a requirement?
c) TAN packs up and leaves Hulu for somewhere else to host TAN programming online that doesn’t have such a ridiculous policy as requiring one to be a TV-subscription-verified viewer, so that internet viewers can still watch TAN programming online with only an internet connection, IE. wireless devices without being TV-subscribers?
thanks! this is all interesting industry stuff. 
[quote=“shadzar” post=145473]
b) does this in any way affect ANO subscribers that are NOT TV-subscription-verified in the case of that becoming a requirement? [/quote]
This one, is a non-issue.
Since, if you’re an ANO subscriber, you don’t deal with Hulu at all, because the subscribers use the completely seperate ANO JW Player.
[quote=“The Coffee God” post=145474]
[quote=“shadzar” post=145473]
b) does this in any way affect ANO subscribers that are NOT TV-subscription-verified in the case of that becoming a requirement? [/quote]
This one, is a non-issue.
Since, if you’re an ANO subscriber, you don’t deal with Hulu at all, because the subscribers use the completely seperate ANO JW Player.[/quote]
Coffee, you may have hit on the answer. Long, long ago, when the earth was still cooling and anime was hand-drawn, TAN hosted all levels of subscribers (guest/registered/premium) on their own servers using the ANO JW Player. For some unknown, arcane reason, they made a deal with Hulu to become the host for the first two levels. Therefore, if Hulu should be swallowed up by the sky gods ANO can just revert to its former set-up.
[quote=“Newshawk” post=145481]
Coffee, you may have hit on the answer. Long, long ago, when the earth was still cooling and anime was hand-drawn, TAN hosted all levels of subscribers (guest/registered/premium) on their own servers using the ANO JW Player. For some unknown, arcane reason, they made a deal with Hulu to become the host for the first two levels. Therefore, if Hulu should be swallowed up by the sky gods ANO can just revert to its former set-up.[/quote]
I don’t know what type of ad-supported setup the Amazon Cloud servers have, but yeah, that’s probably what essentially would happen.
My guess as to why they dealt with Hulu in the first place, is because, at the time , it was easily accessable (it’s less so now that they changed their site so drastically, much like YT and their changes), embeddable and region locked.
Plus, they have have ads and wanted the ad revenue to help sustain streaming, making streaming slightly more viable for streaming their full catalog without requiring everyone to subscribe to watch any given full series.
[quote=“Newshawk” post=145481]
[quote=“The Coffee God” post=145474]
This one, is a non-issue.
Since, if you’re an ANO subscriber, you don’t deal with Hulu at all, because the subscribers use the completely seperate ANO JW Player.
Coffee, you may have hit on the answer. Long, long ago, when the earth was still cooling and anime was hand-drawn, TAN hosted all levels of subscribers (guest/registered/premium) on their own servers using the ANO JW Player. For some unknown, arcane reason, they made a deal with Hulu to become the host for the first two levels. Therefore, if Hulu should be swallowed up by the sky gods ANO can just revert to its former set-up.[/quote]
I’m not so sure about that as TAN’s current setup with Amazon isn’t as spry as it once was lol. I wonder if it could handle the additional load, though perhaps the additional load might give the, ah, impetus needed to remedy whatever problem is going on that causes the HD streams to lag and the “server not found” errors to crop up currently.
I’m glad that I never experienced watching TAN stuff via Hulu. Just the thought makes me shudder as I remember watching a few Funi titles via that in the pre-Elite days.
[size=4]Hulu No Longer for Sale as Owners Say They’ll Provide New Funding[/size]
Los Angeles Times | July 12, 2013 | 10:25 AM
Hulu, the popular online video site, is no longer on the auction block. 21st Century Fox, NBCUniversal and Walt Disney Co. said today they will retain their ownership positions in the online video site and provide a cash infusion of $750 million in order to propel future growth.
Potential buyers had included Time Warner Cable, DirecTV and The Chernin Group.
More soon at http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/
[quote=“Slowhand” post=145595][size=4]Hulu No Longer for Sale as Owners Say They’ll Provide New Funding[/size]
More soon at http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/[/quote]
The additional info has appeared and is at http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la-et-ct-hulu-sale-called-off-20130712,0,4742456.story