Zombie Survival!

That’s why I keep my roommate around with me, I know I could outrun him, and zombies would consider him a buffet.

ShawnMerrow wrote:

Reminded me of this -

Reminds me of a sneaker commercial from back in the '90s… three friends out hiking, run across a bear. one starts adjusting his sneakers, one rummages in pack, another looks at the shoe dude and says “You’ll never out run the bear” Shoe guy says “Don’t need to, just gotta out run you two!” and takes off. The guy with the pack goes “Found it!” and pulls out a bottle of honey. The other friend goes “Yeah, bears like honey!” Honey guy, “I’m counting on it” & squirts the honey all over his friend and takes off running.

That is one awesome commercial. Saw Zombieland for the 10th time. I can watch that one all day. :slight_smile:

one bad word :slight_smile:

Bill Murray at his finest!

I agree. He did great. Too bad…

he died

Elphie wrote:

[quote]I agree. He did great. Too bad…

he died

Well, he said he was never very good with practical jokes!

Damn…you went there. hahahaa.


I’m not at fast runner, so my strategy is stock up on Pocky!

That was the BEST COMMERCIAL EVER! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Now I need Pocky and zombie dance partners.

Great commercial Shadycat!

Or you can always use the tried and true method -

My weapon of choice.


And mine - because everyone runs out of bullets at some point!

I would actually see you as this against zombies.


:laugh: :laugh: You got me!! It’s perfect!!

(but something’s missing)

Well im glad you like it :laugh:

LoW would look awesome going around kicking ass like that.

Elphie wrote:

Whos to say that she doesnt already

she does but it would be the ultimate zombie killing outfit!