Zombie Survival!

Oh yeah! haha.
I’m just a zombie.


:laugh: Good one Elphie!

Or I just may end up joining them myself!! :laugh:

ewww LoW…I never want to go to that Hooters.

:laugh: I bet it’s one of the most fun! You’re missing out!

They would probably have rotten chicken wings too… and sour ranch.

Rotten wings and sour ranch…SIN!

No, I think that particular Hooter’s would only serve body parts -

Ahaha! Lucky for me, I live near Paris, Texas. They have a very low population so I can clear out all the zombies and live comfortably within afew days! Take that New Yorkers and Californians! Also, I have Chuck Norris living near me, got his autograph too!

You know, you live on the outer edge of a mjo metropoitan area, that is probably jus a dangerous if not moe since you have less likelyhood of a noninfected from saving your ass…


I think I like the final warning. Zombies on fire!

Put all the zombies in the freezer, lock it, and call it a day.

Or set loose the massive horde of flesh eating worms. Slither vs zombies, that would be a gross fight.

EW. I will watch from afar, while me, LoW, DrG, and Cody make smores. Anyone else is welcome to join. You won’t miss us on the mall roof.

I think I would hide in the desert. Probably slow em down, I’d think.

well what will slow them down are freezing and subfreezing temperatures, if all the fluids in their bodies freeze they cannot move, so it becomes a matter of just cutting off the head…

Though a phaser set to disintegrate would come in handy as well.

Oh, instead of a water hose system, a special designed high pressure acid hose system. Melt them zombies!

don’t forget your zombie repellent…

The key to surviving a Zombie apocalypse. Have friends who run slower then you. :slight_smile: