Anime Network VOD Reports/Updates/Questions Thread (2015)

Cablevision in Wall Township, New Jersey 07719.

Note: I edited my previous to reflect what was on now released schedule says what should have been missing. Including Kids On Slope and number of Student Council’s Discretion episodes. Strangely we get one episode of Student Council’s Discretion and others get 2? Weird okay.

No Longer Missing:
Brynhildr in the Darkness 2
Muv Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse 12
Reideen 13
AKB48 Ne-Mouse TV 4
Croisée in a Foreign Labyrinth -The Animation- 7 and 8
Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon 17
Familiar of Zero: Knight of the Twin Moons (Season 2) 5
Problem Children are Coming from Another World, Aren’t They? 8
Wolf Girl & Black Prince 3
World God Only Knows, The: Goddesses (Season 3) 4
Golden Time 17
Hozuki’s Coolheadedness 10
I Couldn’t Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job 5
Kids on the Slope 1 and 2
Log Horizon 2 18
Space Brothers 5
Student Council’s Discretion 1
Tamako Market 9 and 10
Tribe Cool Crew 14

Missing from 5/28/15:

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[quote=“Supermutant, post:582, topic:7878”]
Strangely we get one episode of Student Council’s Discretion and others get 2? Weird okay.[/quote]
You only got one episode of Student Council’s Discretion? Oh… I thought you posted that you had two…
I’m thinking that we weren’t supposed to get two on FVOD since there is one week that it isn’t on the schedule… good golly

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[quote=“Slowhand, post:583, topic:7878, full:true”]

I actually said I missing them. I was only basing on what report was out as what i might be getting. Cause this update was missing till now. With schedule and update up I fixed to show what actually suppose to get. Schedule not being up didn’t help things which is why I didn’t put Kids On Sloop 1 and 2 on it.

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[quote=“Supermutant, post:584, topic:7878”]
I actually said I missing them. I was only basing on what report was out as what i might be getting. Cause this update was missing till now. With schedule and update up I fixed to show what actually suppose to get. Schedule not being up didn’t help things which is why I didn’t put Kids On Sloop 1 and 2 on it.[/quote]
Ok, got it.

What about Space Brothers, Ep 5?

[quote=“Slowhand, post:585, topic:7878, full:true”]

Fixed. That one was my fault.

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St. Hyacinthe, QC J2S 5L6

The good news is that this week’s update seems to be fully up. However, the missing episodes from the previous weeks never showed up, including the Akame ga Kill finale.

I don’t expect the missing shows to appear ( thanks Cogeco ! ) but it’s been years since there’s been a case of missing episodes – usually missing shows might come up “late” ( 1-3 weeks after their scheduled date ) but they eventually come up at one point.

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Charter Communication Bristol, TN. 37620

Got most of the updates for 6/4 only missing

Croisee in a Foreign Labyrinth- 8
Reideen- 13

and the ones from before

Reideen- 10,11
Wolf Girl and Black Prince- 1
World God Only Knows III- 2

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[quote=“dragonfire116, post:588, topic:7878, full:true”]
Charter Communication Bristol, TN. 37620

Got most of the updates for 6/4 only missing

Croisee in a Foreign Labyrinth- 8Reideen- 13

and the ones from before

Reideen- 10,11Wolf Girl and Black Prince- 1World God Only Knows III- 2[/quote]
So you received Cross Ange, Ep 14, from the May 14 update?

Eastlink TV

June 4 update:
All received
other issues: they still coming in slowly for some reason, they don’t start showing up till Friday, and can take awhile to fully update (usually more then a single day I think)
also, for some reason golden time 04 is on the june 4th schedule for us for some reason. I assume that’s just a schedule mistake since we’re up to 17.

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Brynhildr 03
Croisee 07
Problem Children 08
Reideen 13
Golden Time 17
Hozuki 10
Kids On Slope 01

Cross Ange 14

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The report for the last week & all follow-ups was compiled and sent to Anime Network today.


Cablevision in Wall Township, New Jersey 07719.

Weird thing two shows drop off from having been up over the weekend. I know at least for sure Kids on the Slope 2 cause I looked in comparison to Student Council’s Discretion. I had looked on the vod before I saw schedule up.

Now Missing:
I Couldn’t Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job 5
Kids on the Slope 2

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Yes sorry thought I put it on there

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TWC, NY 13215:

As of 2:45 am missing a ton of shows.

These shows are all missing:

Croisee 9
Fate/Kalied 6
Gingitsune 1
Golden Time 18
Couldn’t Become A Hero 6
Log Horizon 2 19
Muv Luv 13
Mental Choices 6
Tribe Cool Crew 15

Schedule also shows Golden Time 5 but I presume this is an error for the several weeks it shows two episodes of this posted. Student Council’s Discretion apparently goes to one episode per week so 4 is not missing.

Remainder recieved as scheduled including Croisee 10.

Nothing has been missing in several weeks previous to this and all shows were appearing at midnight Thursday morning.

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[quote=“rebecca12, post:595, topic:7878”]
Schedule also shows Golden Time 5 but I presume this is an error for the several weeks it shows two episodes of this posted.[/quote]
The earlier episodes of Golden Time are supposed to be AKB48 Ne-Mouse TV.

TWC Round Rock, TX 78681

Schedule for June 11, 2015:

AKB48 Ne-Mouse TV - 5 "River” Promotional Video Shoot in New York"
Croisée in a Foreign Labyrinth 9 - "Secrets!"
Croisée in a Foreign Labyrinth 10 - "Phantasmagoria!"
Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel & Demon 18 - "Conclusive Ocean!"
Fate/Kaleid liner Prisma Illya 6 - "A Blank, and the End of Night…"
Gingitsune: Messenger Fox of the Gods 1 - “The 15th Successor and Gintaro!” (FIRST EPISODE)
Golden Time 18- "Hometown!"
I Couldn’t Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job 6 - "She Couldn’t Be a Hero, so She Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job, Too!"
Log Horizon 2 19 - "Red Night!"
Muv Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse 13 - "The Value of Choice!"
My Mental Choices are Completely Interfering with My School Romantic Comedy 6 - "Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!"
SHIROBAKO 17 - "Can You Please Tell Me Where I Am?"
Student Council’s Discretion 3 - "The Interviewed Student Council!"
Tribe Cool Crew 15 - "The Birth of Tribal Soul!"
Wolf Girl & Black Prince 4 - "Daily Anguish!"
The World God Only Knows: Goddesses 5 - “Flag. 5.0 Punch and Date!”
(all received)

Cablevision in Wall Township, New Jersey 07719.

I will update if anything is up after I get back from animenext sunday/monday/

Got this week:
Brynhildr in the Darkness 4
Muv Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse 13
Reideen 14
AKB48 Ne-Mouse TV 5
Croisée in a Foreign Labyrinth -The Animation- 9
Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon 18
Familiar of Zero: Knight of the Twin Moons (Season 2) 6
Problem Children are Coming from Another World, Aren’t They? 9
Gingitsune - Messenger Fox of the Gods 1
Hozuki’s Coolheadedness 11
I Couldn’t Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job 6
Kids on the Slope 3
Log Horizon 2 19
Space Brothers 6
Student Council’s Discretion 2
Tamako Market 11 and 12
Tribe Cool Crew 15

Missing from 5/28/15:

Missing from 6/4/15:
Brynhildr in the Darkness 3
I Couldn’t Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job 5
Kids on the Slope 2

Missing from 6/11/15:
Croisée in a Foreign Labyrinth -The Animation- 10
Wolf Girl & Black Prince 4
World God Only Knows, The: Goddesses (Season 3) 5
Golden Time 18
Kids on the Slope 4

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Verizon Fios in Lewisville/Dallas TX 75056

did not receive any of the 6/11/15 update.

also might be worth noting that last week’s updates had no show-specific image thumbnails - just the anime network logo for all, which i usually only see after there has been a missing update ‘forced’ through.

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DirecTV zip 55433 MN

Looks like no issues with this week’s pitches other than the Ne-mouse/Golden Time Schedule mix-up.

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AKB48/Nemouse is also missing, then.

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