DirecTV, 55316 (Champlin, Minn)
Missing updates to TheAnimeNetwork for 2015-9-10 and now all of 2015-9-24
Rcvr is a HR22/100 access is via a Ethernet line off of a 1Gbit switch and a Centrylink 40Mbit line.
software: 0x994, Wed 6/17, 3:05a
Current list as of 9/24 9:37pm
-Action Zone-------------------------------
BTOOOM! 09,10,11,12
Problem Children 01,02,XX,04,05,06,XX,XX
The Labyrinth Of Grisaia 01
-Girl Power----------------------------------
Fate / Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya 2wei! 08,09,10
Girls und Panzer 09,10,11,XX
Sabagebu! - Survival Game Club! 07,08,09,10,11,12
She, The Ultimate Weapon 12,13
Windy Tales 03,XX,05,XX
-Super Happy Funtime-----------------------
Atelier Escha & Logy 05,06,07,XX
Blue Spring Ride 01,02,03,04,05,06,XX,XX
Hayate the Combat Butler! 09,10,11,12
Hayate the Combat Butler! Cuties Season 4 01,02,XX,XX
Student Council’s Discretion: Level 2 03,04,XX
Missing episodes marked as XX (duh)
Nice to hear about Ushio & Tora, it would be good to see this the same as"Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?" if possible, though it might be too old a style for the younger VOD watchers.
ot, Has anyone noticed that the music on one of the Lincoln Mercury MXC commercials recently shown, the same as one of the prologues used for an older toonami show “Outlaw Star”, a number of songs from games are used by TWC. Also , latest prices for dvds on “Outlaw Star” somewhere between 150 to 800$.
Just to let you know, if you like a series and you may decide to watch it later in your lifetime, buy it asap. It is a standard for Japan, unlike the US and some other countries, to sell limited quantities of any given items and then go to the next. The current methods being presented by, watching all videos by mobile, all multimedia being stored on “the cloud”, and movement away from any method of recording for personal use, means that,
- you may have to pay for a show/book each and everytime you watch it.
- the cloud is free until it isn’t and what if your info is accidentally lost, (it may not be able to be replaced, believe me there are many things no longer around that used to be, or not in their original form. GITS may be just a show but many items are already becoming true.)
- too many points. and this is off topic, issue is, buy the videos, books, games if you ever plan seeing them more than once.
-It is not really a conspiracy theory, if it is true.
btw changing/modifying an existing road sign can cost you 25 to 1500 or more $, and that doesn’t include damages from equipment or life, look at New Jersey bridge authority and its ‘problems’.
sorry for excessive verbiage.