Anime Network VOD Reports/Updates/Questions Thread (2017)

Okay, as promised I’m reposting the kludge for how to separate merged episodes, at least if you’re on Cutting Edge. But first some terminological stuff, so that it’s comprehensible–especially since I’ve decided to re-redefine (or un-redefine) something I just redefined in my last set of posts:

I’m using boldface to indicate the episode itself, as opposed what the episode is called in the listings on Cutting Edge, or the On Demand Portal, or AN’s Watch Online listing. I use quotation marks for those names. I.e., boldface is what episode you actually see when the episode content plays. In the case of Girls und Panzer, we don’t have arbitrarily choose who’s “right” between Cutting Edge, On Demand Portal, Watch Online– or Wikipedia, or My Anime or whatever-- because the next episode’s number is actually given onscreen in the preview. So,

Girls und Panzer #7 is Up Next is Anzio!

Girls und Panzer #8 is We’re Fighting Pravda!

Girls und Panzer #9 is Last Ditch Effort!

With that out of the way, here’s the kludge for Cutting Edge:

Step One: Play “Girls und Panzer 08” from the listing under Girl Power; this will actually start Girls und Panzer #7;

Step Two: Stop the episode anywhere; this gives you the regular Resume/Restart/Exit menu; choose Exit (or escape via the Exit button on the remote);

Step Three: This should take you to your In Progress menu, with a “Girl und Panzer 07” in your list (after all, that was what was playing); select “Girl und Panzer 07”, but not by using the Select button (using Select just resumes the episode directly)-- instead use the Info button, as though you wanted to look at the description; this gives you a menu with the unusual “Other Viewing Options” choice; choose that;

Step Four: This in turn gives you a menu with a “Play SD” option; choosing that should start Girls und Panzer #8 , and when you exit the episode, you’ll have a “Girls und Panzer 08” in your In Progress list to go along with “Girls und Panzer 07”.

Note: Once you’ve done this, be prepared for menus with one or more odd options when you select the episode from your In Progress list, or by going back into Girl Power. But you can usually find something amongst them that will straight up play the episode you’re looking for, or at least starts up Girls und Panzer #7 so you can go through Steps One through Five again. And, of course, after 24 hours everything resets and you’re back to square one.

I’ve almost got the matching kludge for the On Demand Portal side; it looks like it’s simultaneously much simpler but subtler. Just give me one or two more resets…


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