Genres: action, drama, fantasy, mystery, psychological, science fiction Themes: bounty hunters, special abilities Objectionable content: Significant Number of episodes: 12 Vintage: 2013-10-08
Plot Summary: In the year 2199, humanity eagerly waits for the dawn of the new century, following the end of a series of devastating magic wars. When the world’s most wanted man, Ragna the Bloodedge (also known as the Grim Reaper) make a move to destroy society, a group of ragtag fighters come together to stop him.
Would Tia Ballard and Sabat, respectively, be too much to hope for?
I’m not sure that Funi really needed to call up the original cast for most of this. Maybe the anime dub will be better than the game’s, but I’m expecting that some really vocal fans have ruined the dub for everyone; “expect the worst, and you can’t be disappointed”
Hopefully that’s good news.
I don’t know much about them, so I won’t be preordering them, but the odd-looking Nobunagun and Wanna be the Strongest will probably make it to my streaming queue.