[quote]Genres: action, comedy, drama, science fiction Themes: ninja Plot Summary: Kenji Fujikido is a salaryman whose wife and child were killed in a ninja turf war. In a brush with his own death, Fujikido is possessed by an enigmatic ninja soul known as Naraku Ninja. Fujikido cheats death and becomes “Ninja Slayer” -a Grim Reaper destined to kill evil ninja, committed to a personal war of vengeance. Set in the dystopian underworld of Neo-Saitama, Ninja Slayer takes on Soukai Syndicate ninja in mortal combat. Running time: 15 minutes Vintage: 2015-04-16[/quote] ANN Info Page
Could be interesting. Sabat and Williams have been pretty cool in the past but IMO something has been off with them in DxD Season 3 and Nobunagun, respectively.
Hey, that’s what happens when you’re speed dubbing 10+ shows a season: you lose quality in order to make quantity.
They seem to think they’re a big mainstream studio/channel like CN, Nick, Disney, etc.
They’re not.
Yeah I watched the 1st episode of DxD dubbed and Jamie Marchi is a bit off as Rias, Josh Grelle, amid the controversy, has stepped in fairly well, but it still seems off.
Blood Blockade Battlefront’s 1st dub episode was decent though.
They need to cut it back to about 3 titles per quarter, trying to do everything is just going to put out a lot of mediocre performances for the most part. ( World Break’s dub, which I watched all 12 episodes of, was actually pretty good though.)
Yep, except for a few niggling issues World Break's dub was pretty solid, I’d definitely rank it as the 2nd best of the broadcast dubs.
It did get a bit weird when Clifford Chapin’s character would shout out “I remember EVERYTHING” and then remember something “new” in several episodes as after he remembered “everything” for the first time, he kinda can’t remember something new afterward lol.
Definitely. With Clifford Chapin’s tweet that the retail dubs are going to be pretty much the same as the broadcast dubs, Funi could cost itself its sterling reputation for dubs.