Brighter Than the Dawning Blue / Yoake Mae Yori Ruri Iro Na -Crescent Love-

Episode #2


I’m loving the way Takano keeps popping up at the most random moments. Either to say something deep or just be funny, like giving the picture of Feena undressing to Tatsuya. Characters like him always make an anime great, especially when they are one of the main characters. Tatsuya waiting for Feena to come home was rather heart warming, something will obviously happen between them, but I’m not fully able to tell if it will be a relationship or they just become like family, guess I’ll have to keep watching to find out.

Ep. 4


Poor Tatsuya getting caught watching footage of them bathing. Interesting that a dog named Luna gets saved by a princess from the moon. Loved the Alien and Indiana Jones parodies. :laugh:

Episode 4 –


Feena jumps into the river to save a drowning puppy, but can’t swim and Tatsuya has to save her. When he pulls her out of the water, he asks Natsuki to give her mouth to mouth, because they’re both girls, but the silly girl faints, so Tatsuya has to do it anyway. However, Feena comes to by herself before he can begin.

Takano is such a pervert! He films all the girls bathing, but it’s funny that Tatsuya gets blamed for it.

It’s hysterical that they made Tatsuya’s father Indiana Jones! I thought Mai was telling tall tales until I saw the family picture. He really is Indy – right down to the whip! It’s interesting that he also attended a lunar university.

Funny that they are all afraid of bugs and Feena thinks they should evacuate the house. But Mia fainted and got left behind in the father’s study, so Feena goes Rambo and returns to save her. And she almost shoots Takano in the process! In the end she “saves” Mia, but destroys the study. Not sure their father is going to be too happy about that!

I don’t know…


I think that Feena thinks that the bugs are aliens and that’s why she’s shooting them all. She thinks that they’re an invasion. After all the talk about aliens and all those weird statues/creatures in the study. I don’t think they have any bugs on the moon.

And all those rip-offs of Indy… sheesh!

Just finished up ep. 04

I’m loving this series so far!
It’s just so damn funny.

Feena goes on a rampage because of an Earth bug and winds up destroying Tatsuya’s fathers study.


This is with a motion tracker and ceiling ducts, straight out of Aliens (1986) - Plot - IMDb.

episode 5 -


We find out how Tatsuya and Feena originally met, as young children, it’s been hinted before that she knows him already, but he doesn’t seem to remember, and there’s a good reason why he doesn’t until she clues him in. But it’s a very sweet and romantic part to the episode. Keep a hanky handy.

Ep. 5


Was glad Tatsuya finally found out they meet as kids. The camera man is in deep trouble for lying about the island.

Episode 5 –


A day at the beach and Tatsuya finds out that Feena has been to Earth before, but this is her first time at the shore. He tells her that he’d like to visit the Moon someday. Funny that the shark was Takano and his assistant. I thought for sure that it was Jin. The blonde girl appears again, this time for watermelon, but disappears just as quickly. I wonder who she really is.

Takano shows up again, this time with a boat, and takes them for a ride, but they end up shipwrecked on an island. It’s nice that Feena is mature enough to keep a level head and calm the others down. She is a real diplomat even in a situation like this. They are only expected to be there for three days before they might be considered missing and hopefully rescued. However, Jin can’t wait that long and builds a raft, which was so funny because it was a parody of “Cast Away” and even included Wilson. And Sayaka is already making clothes from leaves. Feena wants Tatsuya to continue to teach her to swim.

I had a feeling that Takano was behind everything, but I was convinced when the liquor so conveniently washed ashore. They’re probably on a resort island and Takano arranged the whole scenario. Karen is suspicious too and Takano tries to get her drunk, but she can really hold her liquor. It looks like Sayaka has a thing for Karen and Takano is more than happy to film them together, but it also looks like Takano’s assistant has a thing for Takano.

It was nice that Feena finally learned how to swim, with Tatsuya’s help of course. He really admires her and her fortitude inspires him. Tatsuya is now even more determined to get to the Moon someday. But when Feena asks him why, he tells her of a promise he once made to a little girl that had just lost her mother. He meets the crying girl in the park and tweaks her nose, telling her that it’s a charm to make her feel better that his own mother had taught him and he’s just lost her as well. They cry together and afterwards, they feel better, but men come to take the girl away. I like how little Tatsuya stood up to them and tried to protect her, but the little girl tells him that she must return to the moon. He’d like to see her again and so makes a promise to go to the Moon someday.

Tatsuya never knew her name but it suddenly dawns on him that he’s sitting next to her right now. Feena tells him that he helped her get through her mother’s death but if he hadn’t remembered her, she never would have mentioned meeting him before. However, I think she’s really pleased that he had been working towards fulfilling his pledge all this time and hadn’t forgotten a promise made to a little girl so long ago. Both are very happy to be together again and it’s a very sweet scene.

The next day, Takano is on a public phone at a beach house telling Samon that they’ll be back soon and the blonde girl is there too. Interesting. I wonder if she’s some kind of secret bodyguard for Feena. Anyway, once Takano hangs up the phone, he turns to find the entire angry group behind him. I was wrong in that it’s not a resort island, but it wasn’t exactly deserted either and Takano rightfully runs for his life with most of the group chasing after him. Tatsuya asks Feena how she enjoyed her summer vacation and she says that it was “incredible”. I think this may have been Feena’s first vacation ever that was completely away from her duties as a princess and I’m glad she had such a good time. I also hope Takano survives the wrath of the others!

Ep. 6


That girl seems to be an operative for a third party. Is she connected with those pictures of UFO? Why would the Earth and Moon be destroyed if Feena and Tatsuya get to close? Also what was with the repeated comment?

They do seem to be falling for each other even though neither realize it yet.

Episode 6 –


Talks between the Moon and the Earth go on as Feena continues working at the restaurant. I think she really enjoys forgetting who she is sometimes and leading an average life. It was sweet of Tatsuya to buy her the mug she had been admiring. It looks like that little blonde girl’s identity and perhaps purpose will finally be revealed. Her name is Wreathlit and someone named Miss Fiacca speaks with her.

Tatsuya dreams of Feena kissing him in thanks for the mug and blushes later when he sees her using it. It looks like there may be some deeper feelings developing between these two and other are beginning to notice it as well. It’s revealed that Wreathlit is there to prevent them from becoming close, but I think it may be too late. When a car is about to hit Wreathlit, she put out her hand and her eyes glow red, but Tatsuya saves her at the last minute. However, I wonder what she was going to do to the car and what she is exactly.

More and more, the others are putting two and two together where Feena and Tatsuya are concerned, but why does Sayaka look so unhappy about it? The voice of Miss Fiacca tells Wreathlit that if Feena and Tatsuya get any closer, both the Earth and the Moon will be destroyed and “that tragedy must not be repeated”. I wonder if this might have something to do with Feena’s mother and Tatsuya’s father. But even Wreathlit seems to like Tatsuya and is reluctant to break the couple up.

Just as Tatsuya himself comes to realize he may have feelings for Feena, Sayaka asks to speak with him. She reminds him that Feena is the Lunar Princess and asks him point blank if he has feelings for her. Sayaka pretty much tells Tatsuya that they can’t be together and Tatsuya assures her that he doesn’t feel that way about Feena. But is he lying to her or to himself? Meanwhile, Karen reminds Feena that Tatsuya is an Earthling and that Feena is of the Moon. When Feena comes home, she looks very sad and just walks past Tatsuya without saying a word. Although I still get the feeling that history may be repeating itself, this is getting to be more like a Romeo and Juliet story!

The first two episodes are really good. :slight_smile:

Ep. 7


The fiance is a major jerk. I think Tatsuya has earned Karen’s respect. Also nice to see him admit his feelings for Feena. Still wonder what floating girl is up to.


Speaking of her, isn’t she rather reminiscent of Golden Darkness from To Love-Ru?


I can see some similarities between them.


Except, in this case, she’s not an assassin for hire…


Nobody is perfect. :silly:

Ep. 8


Nice to see them admit their love for each other and get everyone’s backing. I have a feeling it will hit the fan soon.

no pun intended?

As much as I like puns that was an accident. :laugh: