Episode 5 –
A day at the beach and Tatsuya finds out that Feena has been to Earth before, but this is her first time at the shore. He tells her that he’d like to visit the Moon someday. Funny that the shark was Takano and his assistant. I thought for sure that it was Jin. The blonde girl appears again, this time for watermelon, but disappears just as quickly. I wonder who she really is.
Takano shows up again, this time with a boat, and takes them for a ride, but they end up shipwrecked on an island. It’s nice that Feena is mature enough to keep a level head and calm the others down. She is a real diplomat even in a situation like this. They are only expected to be there for three days before they might be considered missing and hopefully rescued. However, Jin can’t wait that long and builds a raft, which was so funny because it was a parody of “Cast Away” and even included Wilson. And Sayaka is already making clothes from leaves. Feena wants Tatsuya to continue to teach her to swim.
I had a feeling that Takano was behind everything, but I was convinced when the liquor so conveniently washed ashore. They’re probably on a resort island and Takano arranged the whole scenario. Karen is suspicious too and Takano tries to get her drunk, but she can really hold her liquor. It looks like Sayaka has a thing for Karen and Takano is more than happy to film them together, but it also looks like Takano’s assistant has a thing for Takano.
It was nice that Feena finally learned how to swim, with Tatsuya’s help of course. He really admires her and her fortitude inspires him. Tatsuya is now even more determined to get to the Moon someday. But when Feena asks him why, he tells her of a promise he once made to a little girl that had just lost her mother. He meets the crying girl in the park and tweaks her nose, telling her that it’s a charm to make her feel better that his own mother had taught him and he’s just lost her as well. They cry together and afterwards, they feel better, but men come to take the girl away. I like how little Tatsuya stood up to them and tried to protect her, but the little girl tells him that she must return to the moon. He’d like to see her again and so makes a promise to go to the Moon someday.
Tatsuya never knew her name but it suddenly dawns on him that he’s sitting next to her right now. Feena tells him that he helped her get through her mother’s death but if he hadn’t remembered her, she never would have mentioned meeting him before. However, I think she’s really pleased that he had been working towards fulfilling his pledge all this time and hadn’t forgotten a promise made to a little girl so long ago. Both are very happy to be together again and it’s a very sweet scene.
The next day, Takano is on a public phone at a beach house telling Samon that they’ll be back soon and the blonde girl is there too. Interesting. I wonder if she’s some kind of secret bodyguard for Feena. Anyway, once Takano hangs up the phone, he turns to find the entire angry group behind him. I was wrong in that it’s not a resort island, but it wasn’t exactly deserted either and Takano rightfully runs for his life with most of the group chasing after him. Tatsuya asks Feena how she enjoyed her summer vacation and she says that it was “incredible”. I think this may have been Feena’s first vacation ever that was completely away from her duties as a princess and I’m glad she had such a good time. I also hope Takano survives the wrath of the others!