Slowhand wrote:
[quote]I also want to echo Pup’s statement about being glad you have TAN at all, Funimation made a big move into the VOD service and, although I have no facts or figures, I’d imagine that put a huge dent into TAN’s pocket.
Also, please keep in mind that of the 28 Cable Providers that carry TAN, only five have the FREE VOD service, the rest have subscription VOD. So, all of you complaining about losing your FREE VOD are probably fighting a losing battle.[/quote]
TWC has ONLY FREE vod, with no option for SVOD.
so what you are saying is, that TAN will be split up on two different channels for TWC.
both will be free as OUT and CEOD are, but probably because some parents cant figure out how TV works after it has been in homes for over 60 years, then the viewers have to track down this other channel for adult-er programs, though they are all free.
also in order to report errors in programming it becoems a greater mess to figure out and track down what is and isnt showing on TAN because now you have 2 lists you have to keep track of I TWC updates, and we all know the kind of problems TWC has updating VOD, with TAN on just ONE channel, let alone 2.
what the hell ever happened to the v-chip that takes program ratings into account and being able to block certain ratings from being viewed. my TWC box will block channels and ratings, INCLUDING on-demand, so why in the hell would you need to move the programs since you can just block them?
@Crap…yes many shows on TAN and anime in general are crap (see Clannad, Crayong Shin Chan, Milk Chan, etc…), but what i meant was something made for TV viewing and converted to digital and losing the frames or speeding past them, and bandwidth issues or something causing delays in watching anything and having to replay, or even wrong encoding that makes the program on the computer less that watchable.
i just dont see a reason to split the free on demand and JUST for TWC.
i dont know what Navarre of FUNi are doing, but there has been nothing said about it coming on TWC, so i doubt that has anything to do with what is happening with TAN, except TWC is trying to ruin itself from the ABC/Disney angel trying to prevent those stations from being on, the law be damned as they are concerned, to anything else.
just dont split the free on demand on TWC, and leave it ALL on one channel, and give cable subscribers a reason to complain to TWC.
MOST people wont even know about this thing in october as most TAN viewers probably dont come here, so there had better be some short few minutes video on TAN in CEOD, that explains to people to look for other shows on Outrageous…check local listing for channel number, blahblahblah standard diclaimers…so that others CAN find it.
i will be watching on anime news network website for developments on this to see if anything is reported, at the very least to let anime wwatching and TAN TV viewers to get the heads up about this change…
[size=5]EDIT:[/size] Outrageous on demand is pay per view… 8 hours blocks of viewing for around (or under) $10 PER SHOW. NOT per series, but PER EPISODE… $10 per episode? and you only get if for 8 hours…the 8 hours FOLLOWING the time you order it…
who would pay half the cost to by a DVD with 4 episodes, that you own and can watch until the end of time, for just a single episode to watch for a contiguous 8 hours and then have to pay again if you want to watch it later?