E3 News & Notes

All in all i must agree with the above microsoft indeed did steal the show with mgs and project natal lol. But sony is lookin good perhaps i may get one… Now did they annouce a price drop?

Games i will get
Tekken 6
Cod mw2
the natal thingy!!!
Sc conviction
Both halos!
Apb (looks so intresting!)
The saboteur
Ff 13

Maybe missin a few debating on sellin my red kratos psp tho. But will be getting psp go. Man im gonna be so broke :frowning:

I’m getting annoyed at everyone saying Sony’s motion control is that much better than Nintendo’s, show me anything it does that Motion Plus and the nunchuk.

My two favorite Wii games are getting sequels, my favorite PS2 game is getting a sequel, my favorite GBA game is getting a sequel, my life is made.

2 Wii games are Mario Galaxy and No More Heroes, PS2 game is Kingdom Hearts, and GBA game is Golden Sun.

I am buying

Sin and Punishment 2
No More Heroes 2
Mario Galaxy 2
Metroid Other M
Golden Sun 3
Silent Hill Shattered Memories
The Conduit
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days


im so into golden sun 3! Im so happy its being made and its gonna be amazing!! I have played golden sun 2 like 826496 times and am at 99

Sony gave me no reason to want a PS3. Final Fantasy is just like any other JRPG out there. And a motion sensor controller? So many people already have the Wii, this won’t win anyone over.

Trooper reborn wrote:

My daughter is really excited about this one as well. I played the first installment, and thought it was one of the better RPG’s out there.


That’s all I’ve got to say.

It’d be neat if they implemented some sort of “flashback” type thing with inserting GS/GSTLA carts in the GBA slot(though, doubtful since DSi disregards that particular slot).

Worthplaying did a interview with Capcom’s Chris Kramer during E3 about Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars

Adding new characters ,stages , and features (one being Online play it seems) for the US release.

Konami presser going on right now. Kojima up at the moment.

Off the G4 liveblog:

3:33 On to title #3

3:33 Raiden shown. Here comes Rising!

3:33 Trailer time.

3:34 Same one that played at Microsoft’s press conference so far.

3:34 PS3 LOGO confirmed on the title screen.

3:34 This is multiplatform people.

3:34 PS3 / Xbox 360

3:35 This is the “next series of Metal Gear” for the next-gen consoles.

3:35 This is a stealth espionage action game, but the main character will be Raiden.

3:36 Kojima is testing a new method of game development. More of the American way: using the same game engine for multiple titles.

3:36 Rising will be created by the “up & coming youngblood” at Kojima Productions.

3:36 PC also confirmed!

3:36 PS3 / PC / Xbox 360

3:36 Title #4 - Mask Time!

3:37 Here comes the reveal…

3:37 Trailer time

3:37 Very castlevania-y

3:38 No title yet. Also, Patrick Stewart is narrating.

3:38 “Lords of Shadow” namedropped

3:38 In-game engine looks GREAT

3:38 God of War style action with a whip.

3:38 Very large Ice enemy.

3:39 I wish you guys were seeing this.

3:39 “The mask is a powerful device.” / “Can it really bring the dead back?”

3:39 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow!!!

They should have ended with Kojima.

The “One more big surprise” at the end was DDR for PS3 with 8 arrows and 150 songs…

Kojima and Castlevania should be interesting. I wonder if it will be 3D, the series in its 3D iterations have been huge disappointments, but if anyone can fix that it would be Kojima.

No Konami RPG news though? :frowning:

That’s not entirely true dragoon! Lament of Innocence on PS2 was actually a great game. It was certainly no Symphony of the Night, but it is better by leaps and bounds than any other 3D Castlevania to date.

Yeah, this is going to be a 3D Castlevania game. With Kojima Productions backing it, I have no doubt it will be amazing. It’s going to be open world as well, and I am a sucker for an open world to explore.

I’m super stoked for this! Some of those bosses(?) look like they’ll be epic fights. Plus, with support from Kojima and his development team, this game is almost sure to be a quality gaming experience!

I was also quite glad to hear that MGS: Rising will be a stealth action game. A MGS action-hack’n’slash just wouldn’t seem right. :stuck_out_tongue:

So many great games for all gamers, no matter the console!
Personally, I’ll be looking forward to the following:
Metal Gear Solid: Rising
Alan Wake (Probably my favorite showing – I’ve been waiting years for this.)
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Final Fantasy XIII
Forza Motorsport 3
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Assassins Creed 2
Bioshock 2 (There was a seriously unfortunate lack of this game at E3 ;~; )
Crackdown 2
Natal (Along with that Project Milo…)
Modern Warfare 2
Prototype (coming out next week!)
GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony
Mass Effect 2
Dante’s Inferno

Plus there’s probably some more I’m forgetting. Jeez, that’s a hell of a lot of games to look forward to for this year and next. =D

Ha! Were on the same boat 8D! Great gaming minds think alike :slight_smile: but i would have to add darksiders to the list along with psp go. I just have to have it

LoI was ok, my main problem with it was I didn’t particularly like the level design and I felt there wasn’t much to explore. It was probably the Castlevania game I least liked since Castlevania 2.

This new Castlevania trailer does look amazing! This is the 3D Castlevania I was hoping for… the question for me is, will it have some sort of exploration. Lots of interesting scenery in the trailer though, so I’m hoping yes. It’s a really great first impression so far.

Consider me impressed.

Bioshock didn’t need multiplayer in the first place. It doesn’t fit with the environment and the feeling of solitude that one would expect of it. Bioshock is a story driven game, not a shooting driven game.

dragoon: I noticed that the new protagonist of Castlevania: LoS is much more western by design. That is to say, he doesn’t have the more feminine features that we’ve come to expect of Castlevania characters. Is the new main guy even a Belmont? @___@

Eightdevil+ wrote:

Mistake this game falls under like ng2 just games you play alone. Eveb tho they say you have to be an online game to survive this one i have to disagree with just unessary.

Well folks, it’s that time again!

E3 2010 starts in just three days on June 14. Already there’s plenty of speculation and some info being released. I’m excited as always!

Feel free to discuss all E3 related news here and I’ll be sure to post updates once it starts.

For starters, I just saw http://pc.ign.com/dor/objects/14252327/x-com-project/videos/e32010_xcom_e3trailer_60910.html;jsessionid=3s3venh6b5pl8?show=hi for XCOM. This game is developed by 2k Marin, the developers of Bioshock and Bioshock 2. I like what I’m seeing so far.

First off, why the redesign of the 360 so late in the game? Did they make it smaller? Is that really such a good idea? The “big” 360 isn’t exactly accommodating to the hardware as it is… We’ll see I guess.

I don’t much like the name “Kinect”. I think they should have stuck with Natal, but oh well.

Microsoft’s press conference is on Spike TV this year at 1:30 PM eastern. Just a heads up.