Genres: action, science fiction Themes: ecchi, fanservice Objectionable content: Intense Plot Summary: Set in a slightly futuristic world where Earth has been invaded and is at war with aliens from another dimension called the Nova, the story follows the adventures of a Japanese boy named Kazuya Aoi who enrolls for training at a special school for genetically modified girls called Pandoras who battle the aliens, and their male partners, called Limiters, who use a special power called “freezing” to limit their opponent’s mobility. The protagonist makes the acquaintance of an unusual older girl named Bridgette L. Satellizer who appears to be the most powerful Pandora in her class, but has not yet chosen a male partner to be her Limiter, and in spite of the warnings of all his friends, he decides to be her Limiter. Number of episodes: 12 Vintage: 2011-01-08 to 2011-04-07
Genres: action, science fiction Themes: ecchi, fanservice Objectionable content: Intense Plot Summary: Since so few women are naturally born with the ability to become Pandoras and fight the extra dimensional aliens known as Nova, a program is approved by the Chevalier organization to allow any female to artificially become such a warrior. In order to test this new generation of E-Pandora, small groups of the highest ranked cadets from various Pandora academies around the globe are sent to Alaska in order to gauge the project’s progress. Among those sent are Satellizer, Rana, and Kazuya since they display a skill level far above their position. It is not merely their combat prowess that is tested however, when the Evolution Pandora project does not go as expected. Number of episodes: 12 Vintage: 2013-10-04
I saw it subbed, c/o Funimation before the dub came out. It was better than I expected from such a hardline ecchi show, but IMO both the ecchi elements & plot could have been upped; this ain’t no High School of the Dead. I still haven’t gone back and rewatched it all dubbed. In a way, it reminds me of the Arcana Heart 3 fighting game.
Humorously I’ve encountered voice actresses for the show, actresses who use aliases in the credits, distributing & signing promo posters for the show.
I’m glad that they waited this long to make it known that they planned a second season as if they’d let it be known earlier we’d STILL be waiting for the Funimation dub.
I enjoyed the first one well enough and I thought it was hilarious that some Funimation voice actors I encountered brought posters for it (posters that obviously depict the characters in front of a giant, out-of-frame fan lol) and were willing to sign them with their aliases.
Season 2 covers the E-Pandora arc and the Nova clash in Alaska in the Manga. Elizabeth, Chiffon and Satellizer really get all the focus. So the image is appropriate.
That’s probably the classiest promo picture for this anime series in existence. Are they sure that they released the right picture? lol.
If only Funimation had been as tasteful with their promo material for their release of the series. Their promo stuff totally misrepresented the show, which I wouldn’t have thought possible. But if Funimation produces promo material for the 2nd series, when they get around to releasing it, then I might be able to get another promo poster signed by the VAs of the show where they insist upon signing the poster using their alias. That was, and continues to be, pretty darn funny.
I imagine that 2014 will also give us the dubbed dxd:next. Should be fun.
I wonder if they’ll get Cherami back for the new freezing dub. Saxton can’t cover for her (she already, awkwardly, played multiple roles in the first dub) and it won’t be the same unless they’ve another sound-alike.
I imagine that 2014 will also give us the dubbed dxd:next. Should be fun.
I wonder if they’ll get Cherami back for the new freezing dub. Saxton can’t cover for her (she already, awkwardly, played multiple roles in the first dub) and it won’t be the same unless they’ve another sound-alike.[/quote]
I don’t think it would be that difficult to recast the role.(Chiffon?) Though it really is a critical role during this arc. Will be interesting to see how Funimation handles it.
Although it should be noted that Ganessa Roland’s role in this arc is minimal. (like a part of one episode before Sattelizer and company leave the school for Alaska) so Luci could probably do it.
I’d almost forgotten about Luci Christian being out of the VA game for reasons. It was still weird hearing her in Freezing. Same for Caitlin Glass. I’m still surprised that neither of them used aliases.
If Cherami (or, more aptly, “Celee Rose”) doesn’t reprise her role in Freezing it just won’t be the same for me. Funimation has 100s of actors that they can call in but I’ve only heard one really used who sounds Cherami-ish and she’s already been used in the series. If they had another one, like what they do with Solusod filling in for Bosh, I guess it’d be tolerable, albeit in the same way that using Tia Ballard in lieu of Carrie Savage is.
Luci and Caitlin do an episode commentary on the Home Video release (Josh Greele and Jamie Marchi do the other commentary) it’s worth picking up the home video release just for that.
Luci and Caitlin do an episode commentary on the Home Video release (Josh Greele and Jamie Marchi do the other commentary) it’s worth picking up the home video release just for that.[/quote]
I didn’t pick this one up because it came at a time when I didn’t think that Funimation could do the dub (and it was too soon after Princess Jellyfish for me to watch anything with everyone’s favorite brony as the main char). Only watched the dub because my bros swore by the dub quality and I had an autographed Freezing poster forced upon me lol.
Funimation sadly isn’t streaming the commentary tracks for this one; for many shows they stream one of the 2 commentaries but for this one they’ve got 0 (last I looked). At least I can buy this one to get the commentaries: Funi isn’t streaming the Matranga commentary for Appleseed and I can’t buy that one. Probably should buy this one at some point. I have run out of other things for Cherami to autograph…
Freezing Vibration’s 2nd Promo Video Previews Opening Theme posted on 2013-09-24 13:00 EDT
6 BD/DVDs of new series to include Furuechau Freezing Vibration OVAs
It is over on the Funimation website for streaming, however. No commentaries but it does have the dubbed OVAs (I still lament that they went back to cheaping out on dubbing extras on DxD).