What a dick move. First they go behind backs , take titles , and now they sue because they are having cash problems and Sentai is doing better then them. I repeat DICK MOVE!
So now that Funi’s having problems with their releases coming out on time, releasing them on BD as they originaly promised, getting simulcasts, etc. they’re going the lawsuit route.
Wow, they must be really hurting for cash after the whole Navarre sale.
What a dick move. First they go behind backs , take titles , and now they sue because they are having cash problems and Sentai is doing better then them. I repeat DICK MOVE! [/quote]
I haven’t seen the contracts myself, so I’m not going to go too deeply into this, but really, that was my reaction as well.
No matter who is right in this, it’ll seriously fuck with an already fragile industry.
Really thinking about canceling whatever open Funimation orders I have at Rightstuf. I don’t have many and what I do I don’t really think I care about.
I found this and I was thinking, if ARMS was dissolved and Funi was dealing directly with the licensors for those series and this happened in 10-22-2008, at least, and they filed the lawsuit in 11-4-11. then the 2 year statue of limitations is correct.
My orders are canceled except one that another item in the order from another company would be delayed I can’t risk. I’ll use the money to get those last few Bandai titles I want.
Dragoon I believe knew a lot more about the whole ARMS thing then I did. I do remember the public stuff really made it look like what was going on between Funimation and ARMS was underhanded. My initial reaction is still my reaction to all of this. Doing this sort of crap not long after the news about Bandai and Media Blasters really does seem like a dick move. Right or wrong it’s just bad form and a dick move. I guess Dragon Ball Z must not be selling well anymore.
I am sure it was part of the agreement funi had to make to get the licenses to the 30 animes in 2008. I am not to happy with the situation but for me being mad a Funimation would’t help. I will just wait untill this is all over and see who is wrong.
Can anyone say Douche bags? I actually watched a couple series from Funimation since the whole underhanded, shady, crooked ARM transaction took place. I really didn’t want to, but they were series I was seriously interested in. That will never happen again. I really can’t stand that company. They are undoubtedly the epitome of the greedy corporation.
I don’t know what to think but I like the titles funi release to just stop buying from them. If I did they wouldn’t be much anime buy. Not sure what to do but will wait and see what happens.
1.The contract said Funi should get payed they should get payed, that is not debatable.
2.Section 23 has bragged about forming the new company so they could get away from their previous debts.
3.Funimation is a bunch of jerks for doing this.
Funimation is in the right it seems, but sometimes you have to let this stuff go like what the companies do about suing pirates, however 8 million is a lot of money, and Funimation seems to be hurting, I mean look at the Heaven’s Lost Property situation.
Funimation will not win the case by my understanding, but Section 23 still exploited a loophole and I am not exactly ready to root on them because of that.
1.The contract said Funi should get payed they should get payed, that is not debatable.
2.Section 23 has bragged about forming the new company so they could get away from their previous debts.
3.Funimation is a bunch of jerks for doing this.
Funimation is in the right it seems, but sometimes you have to let this stuff go like what the companies do about suing pirates, however 8 million is a lot of money, and Funimation seems to be hurting, I mean look at the Heaven’s Lost Property situation.
Funimation will not win the case by my understanding, but Section 23 still exploited a loophole and I am not exactly ready to root on them because of that.[/quote]
Do you think Funimation exploited a loophole when they grabbed those 30 titles from underneath ADV’s noses? I haven’t read any of the contracts, but I wish I had a better understanding of this whole situation.
ADV signed a horrible deal with Sojitz, Funimation bought the titles from Sojitz, likely under the table, but that does not change the fact that ADV due to that horrible contract owes Funimation 8 million dollars, put yourself in the shoes of Funimation, that is 8 million dollars, that is a lot.
[size=1]I’m sick of having to be the devil’s advocate here.[/size]
Though likely we are talking about the same lawyer that tried to sue 1337 people. So who knows if they have a leg to even stand on in this. We know the lawyers over at Sentai and such are quite good and knowledgeable at what they do.
So far I think the one thing almost everyone seems to agree on when it comes to the state of the industry over the last few years this comes out as a “DICK MOVE!”. I say almost everyone because their are those people that hate any company that does not dub everything.
Remember after the Sojitz/ARMS deal happen there was also ADV did not get the Geneon deal Funimation did. Did it happen because that? Who knows but it could very well have been though.
Course almost all of those titles and Sojitz stuff sold rather badly for Funimation or rather at the time Navarre. So hey I always took it as karma is a bitch. Karma will come back and bite whoever is in the wrong here in the butt. The problem now is however that this messes with the industry as a whole. So doing it as I said when all is said and done right or wrong as a big “DICK MOVE!”. Also it just still strikes me as odd they do it now when Sentai and the others are appearing to be doing well. It just makes me wonder are Funimation in trouble money wise or are they trying to down a competitor to get the largest market share.
Funimation has another one of their live blogs coming up but I doubt we will see anything other then skating around the subject if it’s even addressed.
This has done something good for me. Made me cancel stuff I did not really need in the first place.
So…Funi’s now a creditor for another company - ARMS - that doesn’t exist, and hasn’t existed for almost 3 years, it was dissolved right after the license transfer.
Who would this money go to? What, will in stay in Funi’s coffers?
According to the article, even Funi never really had the licenses as it says they were in a “distrubution agreement” for those properties, like what they’re were doing with Geneon.