Spaceshot, i’m going to go ahead and copy/paste your own thread to you, along with my response. Perhaps you didn’t read it, or maybe you ignored it. I’m not sure. So here it is!
[quote=“Inphy” post=122182]
[quote=“spaceshotx7” post=122167]Hi,
When sentai filmworks aquires anime, whatever it gets dubbed or not seems to be random. Shouldn’t they dub in house instead of having to hire an outside studio so dubs can be cheaper? I think they have to be capable of dubbing all anime, because how can they be able to Mass license soo much anime?
Another annoying thing is that if there is any singing, the voice goes from english to the japanese voice actor from when he or she starts singing, till he or she stops singing, and then switches back. (In funimation dubs, the singing remains in english by the english voice actor). I find that weird for a dub. I really think that the singing should be in english by the actual voice actor (if she can’t sing, have another english actor with a simular voice do it).
I want to see all anime dubbed and any singing done by the characters be in english in the dubbed version.[/quote]
Hi there, Spaceshot.
I work with Seraphim Digital, which is where most of Sentai Filmwork’s anime gets its dubs. Iron K. Tager was correct-- It’s all about money.
When you stop and look at the numbers, Anime itself is a very niche title. In the grand scheme of things, (As quoted by David Williams) selling 10,000 copies used to be considered “doing alright”. Now, with everything going on and the economy as-is, even 3,000 copies sold is considered a big hit. Keeping that in mind, it has to be taken into consideration whether or not the series will sell well enough to not only cover the cost of dubbing, but to somehow make a PROFIT so that other series’ can receive a dub.
It’s unfortunate, but no one can tell the future. Many factors play into this-- Popularity overseas, online streaming numbers, Number of episodes, amount of characters, number of lines and etc. Based on all of those numbers, it is determined whether a series will sell enough to warrant a dub.
Take the pretty popular show Demon King Daimao. Initially, this series was NOT going to get a dub. Over the course of a few months, its popularity grew tremendously. Thus, it was decided by popular demand that it would receive one.
Smaller titles, like Hidamari Sketch, rarely sell well. That doesn’t mean it’s not a good series! In fact, it’s my FAVORITE series! However, as you can see, it simply comes down to cold hard cash. Money, in this case, would be LOST on this series.
Money, my dear Spaceshot, makes the world go ‘round! Support your favorite series’ with your wallet!
To sum everything up: It’s not truly “random.” A bunch of factors play into it, the biggest ones being “How well will this series sell?” and “How popular is this?”
I hope I answered at least one of your questions clearly.[/quote]