Happy Birthday toooo

Everyone is special, so on their special day post here and let whoever know you care!

Birthdays by Name

dragonrider_cody - April 7
fillet - May 2
Hentai - April 30
Hornet65 - July 3
KnightDemon - July 11
kruszer - December 14
Kyouta / Anime Poster - December 12
LadyOfWicca - January 30
MaouSadao - September 20
mgosdin - October 26
miquelfire - December 14
MyOnlyFarph - October 27
Mystic - December 22
Newshawk - December 24
OneWayDevil - January 2
Outlander - August 21
Prede - December 26
PretearHimeno - March 31
psychopuppet - April 20
Rai - April 24
Sarahviola - May 25
Series5Ranger - October 29
shakujou - April 10
ShawnMerrow - December 18
slickwolfie - December 20
Slowhand - July 16
Snowy_Stampede - April 19
SOber - November 10
spazzysam - August 30
Supermutant - January 25
TheCoffeeGod - September 22
Timber - June 17

Birthdays by Date

OneWayDevil - January 2
Supermutant - January 25
LadyOfWicca - January 30
PretearHimeno - March 31
dragonrider_cody - April 7
shakujou - April 10
Snowy_Stampede - April 19
psychopuppet - April 20
Rai - April 24
Hentai - April 30
fillet - May 2
Sarahviola - May 25
Timber - June 17
Hornet65 - July 3
KnightDemon - July 11
Slowhand - July 16
Outlander - August 21
spazzysam - August 30
MaouSadao - September 20
TheCoffeeGod - September 22
mgosdin - October 26
MyOnlyFarph - October 27
Series5Ranger - October 29
SOber - November 10
Kyouta / AnimePoster - December 12
Kruszer - December 14
miquelfire - December 14
ShawnMerrow - December 18
slickwolfie - December 20
Mystic - December 22
Newshawk - December 24
Prede - December 26

First of all…

Yesterday was PsychoPuppet’s birthday!! :woohoo:

Hope you had a restful and very, very Happy Birthday Pup!! :cheer:

Happy Belated Birthday PP!

Happy B-day Pup! Hope the cake was good :smiley:

[size=4]Happy 19th Birthday, Hentai!![/size]
(April 30)

Sorry I’m a little bit late, but since there’s no calendar yet, I have to rely on my memory and it’s a little bit hazy. :S

Hope you had a great time!! :laugh:

My birthday was on Saturday. Just now getting home…

Oh yea, HB Hentai!

Oh gosh! I’m so sorry!!

HAPPY 24th BIRTHDAY, FILLET!! :woohoo:

Hope you had a great day! Did you get presents??? If so, what did you get??

Did you have cake and ice cream? Or did you just party hard??

Sorry I’m so late!! :kiss: :kiss:

No cake, but I had some crawfish. I got 100 bucks, too. Which I managed to spend on a whole lot of nothing ;_;

I have bought PP and Fillet a new sports car, along with a pair of sunglasses. (You must wear sunglasses in sports cars to impress wimmenz at traffic lights)

Happy Birthday zidanetribal2000!


Finally, I get to wish someone Happy Birthday on their actual birthday!!

Hope you get everything you wish for!! :wink:

Have a great day!! :kiss: :kiss:

Happy Birthday!

BTW PP, I’m driving it first.


Hope that you’re out celebrating and doing all that stuff that guys your age do!

Please give us a detailed descriptions of everything that goes on, because you know that we like to know everything… (well, not everything :wink: )

Have a great day!! :kiss:

It was a good birthday, i got a job, I got a good dinner and I got the battle star galactica season 3 box set… it was good.


Glad you’re back!

First of all, tell us about your awesome birthday. :ohmy:

Second of all, get to posting!! :woohoo:

Happy Birthdays to both of yas!!!


(sorry, I had it written down and then forgot to look at my paper! :side: )

Hope you had a great day and got everything you wished for! (food, drinks, presents, and… whatever!!)

So… tell us about it!! :laugh:


I certainly hope that you’re having a wonderful day (even though it’s Sunday AND Father’s Day).

Tell us what’s happening and all the gory details (cause we just love all that good stuff)!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Congrats, boys! Wish you the best of times!

I woke up, did nothing, had a few birthday cards/wishes, did nothing again, saw my sister for a few minutes, she gave me the Lord of the Rings book set, which sadly I already have and I don’t really like Lord of the Rings, went to PC World, bought a new external hard drive, went into Mc Donalds, bought a strawberry milk shake and chips with a burger, went home set up my hard drive, moved my Empire Total War game onto it, went down stairs and spoke to my Sister over skype, spoke to my Gran who’s concerned about her Husband dying soon, started installing Medieval 2 Total War (Which is hugely better than Empire even though Empire is newer), went down stairs watched a new Top Gear, sadly they got the Stig to take off his helmet which has ruined him, watched Family Guy and american Dad, came back upstairs to continue installing Medieval 2, started writing this and its very hot tonight. After I’ve installed the Lord of the Rings mod for Medieval 2 (I don’t like LotR but the mod looks very good) and had a quick go I’ll be trying to sleep, which I won’t because its too hot.

ummm, maybe too many gory details IS too much… :side: