Kekko Kamen

Kekko Kamen

Genres: comedy
Themes: ecchi, fanservice, parody
Number of episodes: 4
Vintage: 1991-08-01 to 1992-03-01
Objectionable content: Intense

Plot Summary: The story takes place at the Toenail of Satan’s Spartan Institute of Higher Education. This school is extremely strict, punishing the lowest scoring students with harsh whipping and public shaming. Kekko Kamen won’t stand for that though, and rescues female students from being exposed in public while wearing nothing but her mask.

Kekko Kamen info on ANN

I just finished up this series on the Anime Network online player.
And I have to say, this series is just so wrong on so many levels, though it did turn out to be rather humorous.

Go Nagai awesomeness! :smiley: It’s a shame it’s a bit short. :frowning: The over the top hammy dub made it even more hilarious. Rob Mungle stole the show.

Coffee no, no… so right on many levels. Especially her special move. :stuck_out_tongue:

The anime is soooooo much better than the live action version. Soooooo much better.

I dread to think what the Live Action version was like… did she do her special move in it? :stuck_out_tongue:

I almost didn’t watch it past the first 10 minutes or so, I was so horrified, but it actually turned out to be rather fun, though short, which in this case, isn’t really a bad thing.
They did an awesome job on the dub in the sense that it was rather funny being so over the top like it is.

But even still, I stand by my comment of being so wrong on so many levels.

i bought this when they announced it for the online player… this is right up my alley. makes me smile just a lil bit. dont know why though… and yes it is a bit short and the dvd only contains trailers and some concept art galleries. definitely funny but probably wont watch it again for a few months maybe years… who knows…


Didn’t really wanted to watch after 10 or so mins. the whole corrupted schools and the abusing girls ( not my thing ) But glad I did watch.

The Demon principle guy made me laugh so much, only reason I finished it.

 not a serious anime.. must say.

This got horrible reviews from… Still the trailer was very funny ;)… “Actual DVD does not contain black bars…buy the DVD and you can see actually boobies and stuff!” lol.

It’s one of those hammy and over the top shows that critics usually hate on. Only ANN and AoD “got it.” This is one of Go Nagai’s more over the top stuff. :wink: This is pretty much a show only for Go Nagai fans or yuri fans - others would find it too over the top or would not get it.

Seriously, after seeing the dvd cover and the trailer, no one would expect this to be a “serious” anime. Seriously, it’s Go Nagai, that should say something.


hmm… yes well not a fan of Go Nagai.
something else I watched of his. hmm… it’s escapes me.

This series will expire from the Online Player on Wednesday, November 10.

Just a heads-up! :wink: