Genres: action, comedy, drama, romance Themes: espers, love triangle, superpowers Plot Summary: Kyosuke Kasuga, fifteen, moves to a new city and falls for Madoka Ayukawa. She’s friendly when they’re alone, but acts like a delinquent when in front of others. Kyosuke meanwhile struggles not to break the heart of Hikaru Hiyama, who fell in love after seeing him make an impossible basketball shot. To add the cherry to this particular sundae, Kyosuke and his family (sisters, grandfather, and cousins) all have various powers. And while Kyosuke’s desperate to keep those powers a secret, his younger sisters (among others) aren’t quite as concerned about it.
posted on 2002-06-12 14:25 EDT by Christopher Macdonald
A lot of people are wondering what happenned to the Opening credits on the Kimagure Orange Road DVDs… AnimEigo explains
posted on 2002-06-14 00:38 EDT by Christopher Macdonald
AE will remaster a complete new set of Kimagure Orange Road DVDs with opening credits in the usual place.
Now all that I believe is left on my list is Urusei Yatsura and Maison Ikkoku . Have both on DVD ,but the disc count is quite overwhelming so less disc and upgraded video would be great . Plus it gets the shows out to those that might have missed out .
Just think by this time next year (looking like Spring) we will have all of this in a smaller package with better videos and subtitles . Well except movie two .
Edit: Guess I need to make a thread when I get a chance as I believe the old one was lost when we transitioned from the Vb forums to Kurena or what ever that was .
Bumping thread .
Since this should be in most hands by the end of the week or early next . Time to hook the PS3 back up and watch a few episodes a day or possibly marathon when it arrives .
Well there anyone that has not seen it goes . Go watch Kimagure Orange Road . Might not be for everyone ,but I think everyone needs to see it at least once .
Now that Megacon is over, I finally got some free time to relax.
As promised @Psychopuppet, started KOR with just episode 1 today. (Sorry. I have about 5 days of new show backlog, + toonami I need to catch up with…)
I thoroughly enjoyed it. The animation was so fluid. Really makes you miss the cell animation of years gone past. Probably my favorite part was that POV shot from the guy in glasses at 18:00.
This will be a keeper, and probably will look into getting a copy of the Blu-ray sometime in the future.
Unfortunately, I’m not the one to marathon series I like, so might still be watching this next year…