Genres: comedy, magic, romance, slice of life Themes: school Objectionable content: Mild Plot Summary: Kobato is a girl who came to earth to fulfill her wish, which is to go to a certain place. To fulfill that wish, she has to find a bottle and fill it with scarred hearts. Together with her “teacher”, which is a stuffed animal, she search for the scarred hearts. However she may not fall in love with any person whom she cures the heart of. Number of episodes: 24 Vintage: 2009-10-06
Jason S. Yadao
Not sure if this has been reported, but what the hey: David Williams announced Sentai Filmworks has licensed Kobato at @KawaiiKon.
11:18 PM - 30 Apr 2011
I don’t care for the pink border, though I know they did it to match the manga, but I love the main art work. Its beautiful. I have collection 1 and will need to order this.
Here’s a question for those people who are good at finding names in credits (unless I’m looking for the VA of a particular character I can never seem to find what I’m looking for): Are any of the people who created Clannad involved with creating Kobato? The reason I’m asking is because she’s reminding me more and more of Fuuka from Clannad (I’m finally to the third ep, but I’m working on getting caught up one update at a time). She’s not the same, but the characters are just to similar to ignore it.
Considering that J-List carries the Clannad dating sim I’m not going to try to argue what the correct origin age for it is. My question was just whether or not one was based on the other because the personalities of the two chars are so similar.
Did anyone else notice that they kept changing which side the book was bound on in the start of ep 5? I found it rather strange, since normally most Japanese studios do a better job with image consistency.
Being the way he is, I got the impression that Ioryogi calls her dobato for “dumb Kobato”. He seems to call her that every time he thinks she messes something up. I don’t really think it’s supposed to mean anything other than an insult.