Hey all, my cat Psycho is ill. I call him Fat Boy, because he is indeed fat. He is in the hospital now with possible heart failure. If anybody wants, they could send out good thoughts for him(hint slowhand).
Hey all, my cat Psycho is ill. I call him Fat Boy, because he is indeed fat. He is in the hospital now with possible heart failure. If anybody wants, they could send out good thoughts for him(hint slowhand).
That’s terrible. I hope he recovers. Luckily my cat has been pretty healthy so far, but my dog recently became ill and we ended up spending almost $2k at the vets. Good luck to you.
dragonrider_cody wrote:
Thank You. Ya, we’ve already spent a grand, and we don’t even know what’s going on. Here is a pic of my fatty.
That’s terrible news slick. Cats are a true blessing, so I can sympathize.
It must be a very stressful time right now. My thoughts and prayers are with FatBoy. I hope he pulls through.
Oh NO! Sick kitty!! :ohmy:
I hate when kitties are sick! I have all my positive thoughts going out to Psycho/FatBoy.
We had a very fat kitty once, who had bronchitis her entire life, I don’t know how much we spent on her, but it was worth every penny.
Good luck and keep us updated!!
My kitties, Teal’c & Charlie send their love…
Thanks for the thoughts everyone. And yes Slowhand, he is worth every penny.
I raise my glass to FatBoy Psycho. Here Here!
I’m sorry to hear that slick. I hope he turns out to be fine. =(
I’ve been through this twice myself now with cats. It was terribly sad. I just truly hope it won’t happen to your cat. I wish cats could live as long as humans. ;_;
Best of thoughts for the chubs. He’ll make it!
My corgi is a full member of our family. She is my best friend. I would spend every penny and Mortgage the house to save her.
Best of luck to Fat Boy
Thanks for all of the well wishes. Psycho is doing well at the animal hospital. I have to pick him up tomorrow, then talk to the cardiologist. It was his heart, I just don’t know the details of his problems. The doctor said he has had a very nice turn around, but again, I really don’t know what she means by that. I’ll keep you updated, and again thanks for thinking of him and wishing him well. He was actually born in the bed with me while I was sleeping. He really is the best cat. Hopefully, he’ll be kissing me on my nose with his stinky breath for years to come.
you know the nickname you gave your cat sounds a lot like a guitar brand…
Haissan wrote:
Fat Boy Guitars? Nice!
Well, My fatty(a.k.a. Fatty 2 Fatty or Fatty Boldy Kitty) is home. He had heart failure in the left side of his heart. He’s doing great for now. He’s on 4 meds, and will hopefully be off 2 of them in 10 days. I have to see his vet next week and possibly a cardiologist, but I hope he will be ok with diet and meds.
Did the Vet give Fat Boy a diet? he needs to lose weight to have a healthier life
outlander wrote:
The emergency vet didn’t give him one, his regular vet will do that next week. Ya, he is about 7-8 pounds overweight. I tried to feed him less, but he gets mean when he doesn’t eat. Hopefully, we can find him the right food and he won’t keep getting hungry and trying to eat my electrical cords.
slickwolfie wrote:
I tried to feed him less, but he gets mean when he doesn’t eat. Slick
Well… I get that way too…lol
Mean or eating electrical cords? >.<
Kodama wrote:
slickwolfie wrote:
[quote]Well, My fatty(a.k.a. Fatty 2 Fatty or Fatty Boldy Kitty) is home. He had heart failure in the left side of his heart. He’s doing great for now. He’s on 4 meds, and will hopefully be off 2 of them in 10 days. I have to see his vet next week and possibly a cardiologist, but I hope he will be ok with diet and meds.
I’m so glad to hear that he’s home now, where he can rest.
I hope that you have better luck giving him meds than I do! I’m terrible at it. I finally found some treat/food at the pet store that you can mold around the pill so that the cat could eat it (if the pill isn’t too big). Or, if the pill can be crushed, you can mix it with plain yogurt.
If your cat is a senior, they have Lite Senior food that you can buy (not too expensive). AANNDD, my vet has told me that if you give your cat one meal of wet cat food and the rest dry cat food, that will help them lose weight.
Just some stuff I’ve learned over the years, don’t know if it will help in your situation.
Good luck with your Fat Boy!!
Slowhand wrote:
I’m so glad to hear that he’s home now, where he can rest.
I hope that you have better luck giving him meds than I do! I’m terrible at it. I finally found some treat/food at the pet store that you can mold around the pill so that the cat could eat it (if the pill isn’t too big). Or, if the pill can be crushed, you can mix it with plain yogurt.
If your cat is a senior, they have Lite Senior food that you can buy (not too expensive). AANNDD, my vet has told me that if you give your cat one meal of wet cat food and the rest dry cat food, that will help them lose weight.
Just some stuff I’ve learned over the years, don’t know if it will help in your situation.
Good luck with your Fat Boy!! :)[/quote]
Thats good to know slow. I will ask my vet what to do about the wet/dry food. As for the pills, we give him a teaspoon of wet cat food with his pills. He eats it right up, and it has work so far. We have never given him wet food, if that might help him lose weight, that would be great.
As for your cats, the vet told me about an injector that “shoots pills” into your cats mouth, she said it works great.