Genres: action, romance Themes: ecchi, girls with guns Objectionable content: Significant Plot Summary: Takayama enters the training program of JNR with the ambition of becoming one of the venerable train company’s engineers. As a trainee he is teamed up with fight-ready Sakurai and stolid Iwaizumi and fellow Haruka Kōmi who has encyclopedic knowledge of trains. Together they learn how security officers for the train line work and get involved in more than one tricky situation. Number of episodes: 12 Vintage: 2014-07-03
I’d lay money on being able to predict the personalities of the characters, and their voices, based on their promo pics alone. Overexposure to stereotypical tropes FTW!
When Boob Wars ends, I will be happy to watch a show about trains. Here I thought Eiken Club had gotten oversized mammories taken care of for everyone…
Eiken Club
I watched the scene twice, but still require clarification. Did she knock the guy out with the red box, or just drop the red box after knocking him out with her boobs?
Also as much jumping around that red head was doing, how did she not knock herself out with her own?
The breast physics in this just bring back back memories of the Baywatch into.
The show isn’t about trains per se though, it is about being 100% over-the-top. A serious train show this is not so “Sheldon Coopers” need not apply
There is no way that the fanservice in this is serious, not with its cheese-tastic presentation. If this show is trying to in any way be serious then they’ve failed so spectacularly that they’ve created an almost ideal over-the-top show, in that “so bad that it is good” sort of way…or it is just bad and my subconscious has put this spin on it for its own good
EDIT: At least Baywatch had a theme song. I miss the days when US TV shows had theme songs. B)
There is a huge continuity breach ~30 seconds into Episode 2.
00:32 : When the gun-nut draws her weapon, she has a white glove on.
00:34 A split-second later, when she holds the gun and kisses it, her hand is bare.
00:35 Right after that her hand is shown gloved.
All of this in the span of a few in-show (and real world) seconds and without any display of the glove being removed or donned.
Also, note that the character has her finger on the trigger of the gun when she makes out with it. Gun safety clearly was not taught in this show.
There are other animation fails in this episode, including our resident gun-nut speaking with her mouth closed @ ~16:05. What is going on with this one?
EDIT: a public utility making 300 million yen in profit per day?!!!