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[size=20]New Releases This Week: Welcome to Olympus[/size]
9/8/2015 5:39:51 PM

This week the Sentai Selects line kicks off with an oldie but definitely a goodie. Appleseed was a monumental film for its time and something every anime lover should watch at least once. Check out the synopsis below and make sure to pick up your copy this week!

Earth’s last city, Olympus, rose from the ashes of global war on the backs of Bioroids, artificial clones who make up half the city’s population. Under the guidance of a supercomputer, humanity’s last survivors enjoy peace, but only on the surface. Human terrorists within the military seek a return to power and clash with the government’s forces led by the legendary soldier, Deunan Knute, and her boyfriend who is 75% machine. This showdown is humanity’s last chance for survival in Appleseed!

Genres: Mecha, Sci-Fi, Drama, Action & Adventure
Rating: TV-14^tfw

It’s always great to have @jason2040 Douglas in the booth. He makes some of my favorite noises. @Sentaifilmworks #Can’tSayMore

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[size=20]Action Anime Shows for People Who Don’t like Anime[/size]
9/11/2015 3:43:07 PM

This may come as a shock to you, but there are plenty of people who don’t like anime, even action anime. These folks are not beyond hope, though. Let’s explore some reasons why people say they don’t like anime, as well as some titles to address them!

[size=16]BEYOND THE BOUNDARY[/size]
A lot of people who don’t like anime say that most main characters are the manifestation of, “how cool you wish we could be.” While most anime fans don’t see a problem with this character archetype, many “normal folk” get annoyed with perpetual coolness. You could even say… they find it “unpleasant.” Beyond the Boundary has no shortage of cool fight scenes and interesting powers, but the characters are still wonderfully imperfect and well developed.

Why it makes the list: Original action anime protagonists are hard to come by. While Beyond the Boundary has no shortage of standard action antics (high jumps off buildings, physics defying moves, and ridiculous humor), it is refreshingly original enough to keep a non-anime fan intrigued while easing them into anime’s less mainstream nuances.

The elevator pitch: Tell your friends it’s like Buffy the Vampire Slayer… with glasses.

[size=16]KNIGHTS OF SIDONIA[/size]
Some anime critics dislike Japanese animation style and have an obvious bias towards Western styles. Ease these folks into anime art with Knights of Sidonia. It’s an ideal action title for folks who are already into science fiction, and the style of the series avoids the super cute bright colors and enormous eyes associated with the art form.

Why it makes the list: If your friends already enjoy sci-fi, like Aliens or Firefly, they’re poised to enjoy their first action mecha anime. Since its set in a post-apocalyptic future, Knights of Sidonia bridges the culture gap between Eastern and Western styles because, in all seriousness, you can’t really tell East from West in Sidonia… it’s floating in space. Duh.

The elevator pitch: They’re fighting nearly invincible aliens in the outer reaches of space with really cool technology.

[size=16]LOG HORIZON[/size]
The beauty of Log Horizon is that the main character is able to say what the audience is thinking throughout the first episode, namely, “What is happening?!” Shiro wakes up in a real-life version of the video game he plays, and he has no idea why. People who don’t like anime can identify with his disorientation, and it makes it easier for them to get into the story.

Why it makes the list: The human mind is enthralled by stories, and the story in Log Horizon is as strong as they come. In addition to the mystery of trying to find out why the characters ended up in the video game world, the viewer also gets to watch a very human struggle to adapt.

The elevator pitch: Imagine suddenly waking up inside of your favorite MMORPG and all of the struggles you’ll face in that world.

[size=16]PARASYTE -the maxim-[/size]
Parasyte –the maxim– is a newer anime horror series with a strong story, great action sequences, and a compelling script that brings up all the existential questions you really need to be asking in life. This series is filled with relatable, normal human characters, dealing with some very not-normal conditions, namely a secret alien invasion.

Why it makes the list: When Shinichi’s right hand gets infected by a talking alien parasite, and he pretty much reacts the way any normal person would: with panic. The animation style doesn’t overwhelm anime newbies with blitzes of color, and the brutal alien scenes definitely debunk the general assumption, “Anime is for kids.”

The elevator pitch: It’s a dark, sophisticated version of the secret alien invasion story, perfect for people who liked movies like The Thing and Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

[size=16]AKAME GA KILL![/size]
Akame ga Kill! is one of your safest bets to lure non-anime fans. It’s deeply political and backed by a strong story, with even stronger characters. The plot is deceptively simple: a country boy goes to the city to make money, only to find himself threatened by the capital’s corruption. What you don’t expect is how gut-wrenching and twisted the story gets as it progresses.

Why it makes the list: While the art style and “too cool” anime tropes might threaten to turn off some viewers, the storytelling is spot on. It’s a fantasy-action anime series with assassins, cool weapons, and agonizing plot twists.

The elevator pitch: This anime is perfect for people who already like fantasy titles like Game of Thrones. It’s also good for folks who like dystopian society stories like Hunger Games.

[size=16]Choosing Anime for People Who Don’t Like Anime[/size]

Action anime is one of the easier ways to convince folks who aren’t already anime fans to give it a shot. When introducing your friends who don’t like anime to particular shows, abide by the following general rules:

  1. Avoid series with excessive fan service. They’re not ready for all the bouncy-bouncy.
  2. Avoid shows that are too pervy, too cute, or too weird. Again, people who don’t like anime are expecting these stereotypes.
  3. Pick an anime series with strong plot lines. A good story is the benchmark for creating (and keeping) new fans.
  4. Select a series with great animation. The spectacle alone might catch their attention long enough to draw them into the series.

What action anime series would YOU suggest to your non-anime fan friends? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr!

I’m not so sure about this list as the shows listed are very “anime”, especially the first 2.

Has the author of the list seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Aliens, Invasion of the Body Snatchers or Firefly?

nah, this list is fine. These are pretty non-anime/mainstream friendly shows, I think, than say…To Love Ru ,Queen’s Blade, or AKB0048. Personally, I’d start them out with movies and short OVAs before hitting them with 13/26 episode series.

[size=20]Fate/Kalied Liner Prisma Illya 2wei! Herz![/size]
Little Illya’s life has gotten completely out of hand since the Kaleidostick Ruby granted her the powers of a magical girl. Now a regular beach trip is going to turn into another crazy mystery adventure that she and her friend Miyu will have to unravel! They better watch out, as a certain magical twin lurks nearby!

Schedule: Mondays @ 2:30 PM Eastern
Language: Japanese w/ English Subtitles
[size=16]WATCH NOW![/size]

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[size=20]New Releases This Week: The Birth of Panties-Kun[/size]
9/16/2015 5:25:35 PM

This week’s new release is all about tickling that funny bone: The Comic Artist and his Assistants is a short-form comedy about an artist, his strange tendencies, his poor assistants, and a little guy we like to call Panties-kun. Check out more info below!

[size=16]The Comic Artist & His Assistants[/size]
The life of an artist can be hard: Long, arduous hours working with only your thoughts and assistants to keep you company. In the case of overworked mangaka Aito his attempts to merge the two are so far unsuccessful. His priorities are askew and subjecting his assistants to his fantasies has taken precedent over work. Despite his abuse of power, his assistants are willing to play along. Thankfully, editor Mihari is there to keep him in line, from threatening to fire him to physical punishment.

Genres: Romance, Comedy, Slice of Life
Rating: TV-14 [D,S]

[size=16]See All the Qs & As at[/size]
Q. What’s the one series not licensed by Sentai do you wish was you had?‎
A. Strawberry Marshmallow, or Ichigo Mashimaro, which is I guess what people know it more as. Super cute show, and if you follow us on social you know I love cute shows about cute girls doing nothing. This is like the ultimate show for that.
Q. Do you guys try to get recap episodes and stuff like that if a show has them? I like knowing that I’m getting the full experience when I buy a show, it gives me peace of mind.
A. Yes we will try to also get recap episodes. Sometimes those episodes are added in in the extras section.
Q. Any plans on more t-shirts? I would love a Himouto or Shirobako shirt.
A. I think so! and OMG a Himouto shirt would make my day…if you guys have any suggestions on what kind of shirts you want to see, let us know on social!
Q. Any chance of acquiring the higurashi series?
A. There’s a slight possibility. >.>
Q. When does the January release calendar come out?
A. Really, very soon! Can’t give an exact date, but keep your eyes open. :wink:
Q. Have you (Sentai Social media guy) ever voice acted in a series that Sentai has dubbed? If you have who? If not what character would you like to voice act for in Sentai’s lineup?‎
A. I think I was in an episode of Devil Survivor 2 as “Comment Center Guy” haha. It was a really fun, but nerve racking experience! It was only a few words, but even that was a little scary, but very exciting! Haven’t done it since then, but I would love to be somewhere in Nozaki-kun just to say I was. :wink:
Q. Any chance we’ll see more of your shows on Hulu?‎
A. Yes, of course! We strive to put everything we can on as many streaming platforms as possible, and hulu is one of the biggest ones. All of our simulcast acquisitions eventually make their way there, so there’s a steady influx of new content for you to enjoy.

[size=20]Ask Sentai #19: Aoi - Shirobako of the Year, All Years[/size]
9/18/2015 3:29:17 PM

Welcome to another edition of Ask Sentai!

UPDATE! In the last Ask Sentai article, we asked our fans to let their voices be heard about a Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun box set. The response was AMAZING. We got flooded with requests on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, and we definitely took the time to read through all of them. Thank you all for letting your thoughts be known to us. We truly appreciate your support!

That’s it for this edition! Next time we’ll look into how to keep your shovel clean during a zombie apocalypse. See ya!

And denied again.

This is the 3rd or 4th time my questions have been side-lined, with no other questions answered from others on the same subject.

My Question:

So, since we’re leading up to solicitations for the beginning of next year (Jan. 2016) coming soon, do you have any word on the release time frame for Season 3 of Phi Brain? I’ve been really worried about whether you guys still plan on releasing it, since the S3 JP box set was released in May 2014.


[size=20]Respect for the Aged Day: Our Favorite Anime Grandparents[/size]
9/18/2015 4:18:20 PM

Japanese citizens enjoy some of the longest life expectancies in the world, and a 2014 World Bank report found that 25% of the entire population is over the age of 65. To put this into perspective, only 14% of the population of the USA is over 65 years old.

[size=16]What is Respect for the Aged Day?[/size]
Respect for the Aged Day is celebrated on the third Monday of September. It’s an official public holiday in Japan to express respect for the country’s elderly community, publically thanking them for their contribution to society. Some communities celebrate with parties to honor their elderly or give them gifts to wish them additional longevity and good health.
[size=16]6 Awesome Anime Grandparents[/size]
As an extension of Japanese culture, anime has produced some interesting elderly characters. This Respect for the Aged Day, let’s honor these awesome anime grandparents!

Tera is an unofficial “grandma” to the main character in DRAMAtical Murder. Not only is she a wickedly intelligent researcher in a secret genetic lab, she has a strong sense of moral obligation and won’t put up with anyone’s crap, not even a corporation’s. Apparently, she also makes a delicious breakfast.

Sumiko is the owner of the hostel where this slice-of-life anime takes place. In Kawai Complex, Sumiko is often seen with her hands resting demurely on her cheeks with a knowing, “Oh my,” look. While she’s usually the nicest person in the room, Sumiko is often seen instigating situations and enjoying her time remarking on the lives of her young residents.

Japan has the largest centenarian population in the world, so exceptionally long-lived elderly anime characters shouldn’t be a surprise. Tomiko in From the New World has the power to regenerate her own telomeres, the parts of her genes that contribute to aging. By the time the story begins, she is over 250 years old. If looking great for her age isn’t a reason to honor her on Respect for the Aged Day, we can celebrate her wisdom and elegance.

Leila, Sonico’s grandmother, is an unsung heroine in SoniAni: Super Sonico the Animation. She is the proprietress of one of the neighborhood’s favorite restaurants and an anime grandma of many talents. Aside from providing Sonico with plenty of support and love, she can also shred mean solos on the electric guitar!

Datsue-ba literally translates to “old woman who strips clothes.” Lovingly known as Stripping Hag, this flirtatious elderly cougar from Hozuki’s Coolheadedness is part of a group of demons responsible for doling out punishments in hell. If the above screenshot is any indication, Stripping Hag attempts to use any of her… available resources… to (try) to get what she wants. In other news, we don’t actually know how old she is, but, as a demon, she could easily be pushing a few centuries


Let’s pay some respect to our favorite anime grandmas and grandpas! Check out these anime titles and more on Sentai’s Hulu Channel.
[size=20]New Releases This Week: Speed Freaks and Gunplay Girls[/size]
9/22/2015 10:55:53 AM

This week’s new releases range from the funny to the fantastical. Sabagebu will have you literally on the floor laughing with its fresh take on the “survival game” genre as one girl unwittingly gets roped into a club she doesn’t want to be in. Hamatora will wow you with its crazy super-powered fights and engaging storyline revolving around humans called “Minimum Holders.” Take your pick this week, or even better: get them both. :wink:
[size=16]Hamatora The Animation (Season 2)[/size]
Nowhere may seem like just another Yokohama cafe, but as with many of its employees, this apparently innocent eatery leads a double life. Because Nowhere is also where you can find Hamatora, the mysterious detective agency run by P.I.s who are Minimum Holders, individuals gifted with extraordinary powers and abilities. When a series of serial murders all turn out to involve other Minimum Holders, their kind may be targeted for extinction in HAMATORA – THE ANIMATION!

Genres: Mystery, Drama, Supernatural, Comedy, Action & Adventure, Shounen
Rating: TV-14 [D,V]
[size=16]Sabagebu! ~Survival Game Club!~[/size]
While on her way to her first day of high school, Momoka Sonokawa has an unpleasant encounter with a wayward train pervert. But when a gun-wielding girl named Miou comes to her aid, Momoka soon discovers that not only does she go to the same school, but she happens to be the president of the Survival Game Club! Soon, Momoka finds herself sucked into joining this club full of weirdos and participating in their questionable events.

Genres: Shoujo, Comedy, Action & Adventure
Rating: TV-14 [D,V]
Guess where I am!? :kissing_heart: @Sentaifilmworks^tfw
.@ChristinaMarieK Can’t wait to see what you’re working on! In fact, I may take a little peek soon…:open_mouth:

Since both Illya and Miyu are cast already from S1, does that pic mean she’s playing Kuro?

9/25/2015 1:52:21 PM

Who wants to visit the awesome worlds in fantasy anime?! (Cue the slow hand raise) From MMORPG alternate realities to a world where life is determined by games, here’s our top 6 list of anime fantasy worlds that would totally be worth the trip!
[size=16]The World of Elder Tales in LOG HORIZON[/size]
Let’s think of the many perks in the World of Elder Tales: armor and clothing that never seems to get dirty, tangible magic powers, superhuman physical abilities, adorable calculating megane (glasses) characters, etc. The world itself is built in a near geographic parallel to the real world, so it’s like living in our world, but much cooler.
[size=16]The Special Region in GATE[/size]
The Special Region in GATE is (as far as we can tell) ruled by a totalitarian, Roman-esque Empire, but the real reason to visit would be to live out all of your semi-realistic otaku dreams. Do you like elves? Got it. Gothic lolitas? Sure. Girls with cat ears dressed as maids? Way ahead of you. The Special Region fulfills your otaku dreams without even trying to. They all just live there. Also, there are dragons, which is a must-have in most fantasy anime worlds.
[size=16]Sidonia in KNIGHTS OF SIDONIA[/size]
The massive spacefaring ship may not seem like an ideal place to visit at first, but Sidonia is not without its own unique beauty. When they aren’t under attack by Wellsian horrors from the depths of space, the denizens of Sidonia reside in the towering, hive-like columns of vertical buildings. This sprawling, labyrinthine architecture would certainly be a sight to behold in person, second only to the lovely view one gets in the observation bubbles that travel through the self-contained ocean. Honestly, who hasn’t dreamed of living on a giant space ship and fighting aliens?
[size=16]Babel Tower in DANMACHI[/size]
The protagonist in Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, aka Danmachi, makes a living going into a dungeon and harvesting monster cores for money. In other words, you’d be living in a real-life MMORPG. The world centers around Babel Tower, but the sprawling city around it is reminiscent of a thriving Dark Ages marketplace. On top of that, there are gods everywhere. You might be able to catch a drink with Hestia, Loki, Ganesh, or Hermes!
It’s always nice to be able to win riches and fame from combat. It’s like getting a salary for being awesome, right? Little Garden is an anime fantasy world where you use your “Gifts” to battle in high-stakes Gift Games. Winners earn money and other rewards! Also, there are griffons, spirits, gods, and other fun new species to meet and (maybe) get along with.
[size=16]Disboard from NO GAME, NO LIFE[/size]
Speaking of quick cash, imagine a world where everything is decided by games. Literally! Disboard from No Game, No Life is ruled by Tet, the God of Play. Under his rule, the many races of Disboard live together in “peace.” (Seriously, murder and theft are outlawed.) Everything from loyalties to the sovereignty of an entire nation is decided by your ability to win games, which can include anything from Rock-Paper-Scissors to card games.
[size=16]BONUS: Inside Rikka’s Mind from LOVE, CHUNIBYO, AND OTHER DELUSIONS![/size]
Not all fantasy anime worlds are tangible. Some of the best ones originate in the minds of our favorite main characters. Rikka, from Love, Chunibyo, and Other Delusions, is a special case. Even as a high school student, she still entertains her grandiose middle school mental fantasies, and what happens in her brain is all kinds of special. Hint: everything hits the fan when she starts yelling her transformation incantation. We’d love to visit with her inside her imagination to see where she’d take us.

If you were allowed to visit your favorite fantasy anime world, where would you go? SO MANY CHOICES! Let us know on Facebook, Tumblr, or Twitter!^tfw

Okay. So I did one of these things. @Sentaifilmworks #AkameGaKill #Anime #Dub #Film #Farts

Kyle Colby Jones @

26 September 2015

10/03 Toonami Line-up change

12:00AM - DBZ Kai
12:30AM - Akame Ga Kill!
1:00AM - Parasyte –The Maxim
1:30AM - Michiko & Hatchin
2:00AM – Naruto: Shippūden
2:30AM – One Piece
3:00AM – Kill la Kill

Ermergerd. 12:30 through 1:00 am is “Sentai block” on Toonami! In other news Akame ga Kill episode 8 is showing tonight. [insert whisper here] Waaaatch it….

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IMO, it doesn’t matter if you have the world’s greatest pitcher when the catcher is the weakest link on the team.
[size=20]New Releases This Week: Welcome to the Midnight Channel[/size]
9/29/2015 5:17:02 PM

This week’s new releases include the much anticipated arrival of the Persona 4: The Animation Collector’s Edition Box Set. Take a closer look at what all you’ll get in the box set in our quick look video, too! Nobunaga the Fool Collection 2 also releases this week, so if you’ve been keeping up with the dizzying amount of historical figures involved in the tale, there’s plenty more for you to sink your teeth into!
[size=16]PERSONA 4: THE ANIMATION[/size]
When Yu Narukami moves to rural Inaba, he expects more peace and quiet than he’s used to in the big city. Instead, the peace is shattered as a rash of mysterious murders and kidnappings sweep the countryside. With the police stymied, Yu joins a group of eight other teenagers in a desperate bid to solve the mystery–a mystery that is somehow connected to both the local weather patterns and a strange “TV World” which Yu, his friends, and the enigmatic killer can all enter.

Genres: Sci-Fi, Mystery, Supernatural, Fantasy, Drama, Comedy
Rating: TV-14
[size=16]NOBUNAGA THE FOOL[/size]
Many years ago the world was divided into two stars, the Eastern and the Western, that were connected by a bond known as the Dragon Pulse. On the Western Star, Jeanne D’Arc is shunned as a heretic for her visions of a champion who will save the planets that have become embroiled in war. Now the fate of two worlds hangs in the balance as, at the order of King Arthur, Jeanne travels from the West to the East with Leonardo Da’Vinci at her side, in search of their long awaited savior- Nobunaga!

Genres: Mecha, Sci-Fi, Action & Adventure
Rating: TV-14

Dub a dub dub. Revisiting an old #anime #character. #actress #recordingbooth #behindthemic #sentaifilmworks

44 Likes, 1 Comments - Maggie Flecknoe (@mflecknoe) on Instagram: “Dub a dub dub. Revisiting an old #anime #character. #actress #recordingbooth #behindthemic…”