For lack of a better place to put this:
I would totally buy one.
See All the Qs & As at!
Q. How would you feel about giving an anime a theatrical screening in 3D?
A. It would be interesting, but half of the time, you need 3D materials.
Ask Sentai #43
8/3/2017 1:27:14 PM
Not to be a broken record but RahXephon on Blu-Ray!
or Episodes 14 & 15 of Locodol for home video?
8/4/2017 1:23:48 PM
According to anime, there are certain events that should happen to all good MCs during their summer episode. Thanks to our super-accurate birthday chart…
…you can get a picture of what might happen during your summer festival episode… but what ELSE should you expect during your anime summer?
Your Anime Summer Episode 101: What to Expect
A Summer Festival (Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun)
Air out the yukata, friends, because it’s time for a summer festival! You know the kind: filled with yummy food stalls, games, secret crushes, failed confessions… wait what?
A Pool Scene (Sakura Trick)
…or two anime pool scenes if you’re lucky. Summer is hot, so of course one of the best ways is to cool off poolside in a bikini with your friends. Floaty is optional.
Anime Beach Scene (Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya 2wei! Herz!)
An alternative to the pool scene is the beach episode! Summer in anime means trips to the beach to play in the ocean and possibly catch a glimpse of your crush in their swimming attire.
Boredom (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto)
It’s summer, and school is out! You should, ideally, have some moments to yourself in your anime summer episode. Feel free to lounge about out of your school uniform and explore something interesting. A hole to the other side of the world, maybe, if you’re feeling ambitious.
Test of Courage/Kimodemshi (My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU)
A common summer anime trope and a plot device to bring two characters together, a test of courage is the perfect way to literally take a character out of their comfort zone. If you’re lucky, you get to be the scarer instead of the scare-ee!
Summer Romance… Maybe… Not (Food Wars!)
Without school, you have more chances to “run into” your crush in public. Take advantage of the summer and see if an anime summer romance may bloom for you. Maybe they’ll even call YOU out of the blue!
Fireworks (One Week Friends)
Get some fireworks and set them off with good friends, or a crush. Fireworks can be the super romantic backdrop to all the summer drama happening down below.
Summer Lovin’, Happened so Faaaast
What else should happen to you in a typical summer anime episode? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr! Don’t forget to @sentaifilmworks so we can see it!
You can get any of these titles at our Sentai shop or stream them on!
8/8/2017 2:52:32 PM
Studying at the Yamabuki Arts High School has been a dream-come-true for Yuno, and she’s learned so much already! Not just from her instructors, but from the friends and neighbors who’ve become her second family and made the Hidamari Apartments such a safe and nurturing home. But as the day of her “big sisters” Sae and Hiro’s graduation draws slowly closer, it’s time for Yuno to start seriously taking on the same role for Nazuna, Nori and the other budding young artists who’ve entered Hidamari’s protective cocoon. And it’s also time to tackle some really challenging artistic assignments. That doesn’t mean there won’t still be time for fun with Miyako and all the others, but it’s definitely time to pencil in her plans for the future. And sometimes that means putting the art before the course! Prepare to be drawn in once again as the magic that surrounds Hidamari continues in HIDAMARI SKETCH X HONEYCOMB – The COMPLETE COLLECTION!
Rating: TV-PG
8/11/2017 3:08:56 PM
Don’t let these cute anime girls fool you. They all could kill you without hesitation. The only question is… would they? If they did, would they still look cute doing it? Important questions.
Rory Mercury (GATE)
A cute anime girl who loves to kill for the god, Emloy. She was even introduced in a blood shedding way. Hopefully, our introductions would be much nicer.
Squid Girl (Squid Girl)
She’s super cute, but your death won’t come on purpose. You’ll die because her tentacles are able to bring down walls, strangle, and possibly drown. Your death would be ruled as an accident by her… tentacles.
Tsukuyo Inaba (Armed Girl’s Machiavellism)
Blind, unassuming, and cute as a bunny, but don’t underestimate her speed and heightened sense of hearing as she is a master swordswoman. She could slice us up before we even realized what happened.
Ange (Princess Principal)
Spy? Princess? Well whichever she is, she is not afraid to get her hands dirty. From high stakes espionage, to pulling the trigger herself, she is a force to be reckoned with.
Mine (Akame Ga Kill)
This cute anime girl may be small in stature, but you don’t mess with her. Quick to anger and armed with her massive gun (ironically named “Pumpkin”), she can decimate anything in her path.
Dangerous Lolis Abound!
Who are your favorite dangerously cute anime girls? Share the deadly cuteness with us on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram. (Make sure you @SentaiFilmworks so we can see it!)
See All the Qs & As at!
Q. Can you tell us what your all time best seller is? I’m curious about it.
A. Is a secret, unfortunately.
But I want to know now.
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8/18/2017 5:15:17 PM
Anime memes are a way of life. They’re also a perfect way to capture a big idea in as few words as possible. Don’t believe us? Let’s try to explain various anime genres with anime memes!
Action & Adventure
(narrating in a deep voice) In a world where, for some reason, EVERYONE has some kind of unique fighting style, this main character has a fighting style to out-style THEM ALL (until they meet -DUN DUN DUN!- the antagonist)! To top it off, they must all POSE in a cool way as a finishing move. We’ll just let Esdeath, from Akame ga Kill! , demonstrate.
As a default, anime comedy tends to defy physics. Be prepared to watch your favorite characters (like Tomoko from WATAMOTE ) go through cripplingly embarrassing situations for the sake of laughs that can only truly be appreciated beyond the 4th wall.
Wind blowing through their hair, epic misunderstandings, frantic cries into the darkness… this is ANIME DRAMA! Be prepared to cry CLANNAD After Story style.
Anime fantasy knows no bounds. Anything can happen in a fantasy setting, but there’s a couple things you can generally count on: cool magic and/or animal people. In the case of Grimoire of Zero , it’s both!
There are many types of anime romances, but our favorites include ones where the relationship develops in a healthy way. Sure, there’s a place for shoujo romance lead men like Kyoya from Wolf Girl & Black Prince and Hijikata from Hakuoki , but sometimes you need a grounded, loving true husbando like Yamato from Say “I Love You” .
Ecchi gets its own genre, although it might be considered a subset of action, romance, comedy, or other genres. However, this unique “genre” to the anime community is so engrained in anime culture, and it deserves its own section. Cue the steam and strategically placed beams of light, a la Monster Musume .
Science Fiction
Anime in space. Anime in horrible dystopian future. Mecha. A little bit of everything? Anime sci-fi pushes the boundaries of science as we know it, and we LOVE EVERY SECOND OF IT. The Big O is a prime example of what we love about anime science fiction shows. (Get it? Because it’s a Big… O… never mind)
What is YOUR Favorite Anime Genre?
We’ll cover more genres at a later time. Anime memes aside, we want to know what YOUR favorite anime genre is. Vote in the poll below, or share your thoughts with us on Facebook or Twitter.
8/21/2017 10:44:46 AM
Mondays are hard especially when summer vacation is over, and we must, inevitably, go back to school. At least we have memes to save the day! With a comedic twist, almost anything can become a meme so we gathered our favorites this month!
8/22/2017 12:26:13 PM
Beyond the Boundary Movies Double Feature
Can anyone outrun their past forever? Mirai Kuriyama’s ability to control and manipulate her blood, even to use it as a weapon, has left her an outcast and pariah. But a chance encounter with Akihito Kanbara, whose own lineage is only partially human and allows him to heal from almost any injury, may have finally given her a chance at finding peace. When the cost of that path becomes apparent, will the two of them be willing to pay the price for a true happy ending? Even if it’s achieved, how long can it last in a world where Mirai’s mere existence is seen as a lethal threat? In two spectacular feature films, the world created in the hit series is taken to its epic, stunning conclusion: BEYOND THE BOUNDARY –I’LL BE HERE-: Past and BEYOND THE BOUNDARY –I’LL BE HERE-: Future!
Rating: TV-14 (D,V)
Bakuon!! Complete Collection
Riding a bicycle may be better than walking, but when another girl zips past her on the way to class, Sakura Hane realizes that there’s an even better option: motorcycles! Fortunately, Sakura’s all-girl school just happens to have a motorcycle club! It only has one member though: the mysterious Raimu Kawasaki, who’s never been seen without her face-obscuring helmet. But that changes immediately once Sakura and the girl who passed her, Onsa Amano, sign up and start recruiting! It won’t all be easy riding… Sakura still has to earn her license, and there are problems like the club’s official status having slipped, and the need to recruit a faculty sponsor. But when the rubber hits the road, those are just little potholes as six student bikers take a ride on the wild side in BAKUON!!
Rating: TV-14 (D,S)
See All the Qs & As at!
Q. Did the Sentai family saw the Solar Eclipse? What are your thoughts?
A. Did the Sentai family saw the Solar Eclipse? What are your thoughts?