The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya/Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu
Genres: comedy, science fiction, slice of life, supernatural Themes: school Objectionable content: Significant Plot Summary: On the first day of high school a beautiful girl named Haruhi Suzumiya introduces herself as having “no interest in ordinary humans”. She asks for any aliens, time travelers, sliders or espers to join her. Watching her weird behavior is Kyon who sits in front of Haruhi and is the only person who talks to her. When Kyon comments about Haruhi’s joining every club in school and then quitting he unwittingly gives Haruhi an idea to start her own after school club. Thereafter Kyon and several others find themselves dragged, literally, into the Save our world by Overloading it with fun Suzumiya Haruhi’s Brigade (the S.O.S. Brigade for short). Number of episodes: 14 Vintage: 2006-04-02 to 2006-07-02
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV 2009 renewal)
Genres: comedy, psychological, science fiction, slice of life, supernatural Themes: school, time travel Objectionable content: Significant Plot Summary: On the first day of high school a beautiful girl named Haruhi Suzumiya introduces herself as having “no interest in ordinary humans”. She asks for any aliens, time travelers, sliders or espers to join her. Watching her weird behavior is Kyon who sits in front of Haruhi and is the only person who talks to her. When Kyon comments about Haruhi’s joining every club in school and then quitting he unwittingly gives Haruhi an idea to start her own after school club. Thereafter Kyon and several others find themselves dragged, literally, into the Save our world by Overloading it with fun Suzumiya Haruhi’s Brigade (the S.O.S. Brigade for short). Number of episodes: 14 Vintage: 2009-04-03
Genres: drama, magic, mystery, psychological, science fiction Themes: alternate reality, high school, time travel Objectionable content: Significant Plot Summary: It is mid-December, and SOS Brigade chief Haruhi Suzumiya announces that the Brigade is going to hold a Christmas party in their clubroom, with Japanese hotpot for dinner. The brigade members Kyon, Yuki Nagato, Mikuru Asahina and Itsuki Koizumi start preparing everything for the party, such as costumes and decorations. But a couple of days later, Kyon arrives at school only to find that Haruhi is missing. Not only that, but Mikuru claims she has never known Kyon before, Koizumi is also missing, and Yuki has become the sole member of the literature club. The SOS Brigade seems to have never existed, nor has Haruhi Suzumiya. No one in the school has ever heard about her… except for Kyon. Running time: 163 minutes Vintage: 2010-02-06
The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan / Nagato Yuki-chan no Shōshitsu
Genres: comedy, romance, slice of life Plot Summary: Taking place in the alternate reality of the world Nagato created, everyone finds themselves in different situations. Yuki Nagato, who is not an alien but a cute, shy bookworm is desperate to keep the Literature Club alive. With the help of her best friend Ryoko Asukura, who is no longer a psychotic killer and Kyon, a very sarcastic guy who is still very sarcastic whether he’s in the old world or the new one, do all they can to help Yuki. Later on in the story, Yuki meets Mikuru Asahina, a cute moe blob and Tsurya-san who is Mikuru’s best friend, along with Haruhi Suzumiya who is an eccentric girl with an interest in aliens, time travelers, and espers, and Itsuki Koizumi, a “mysterious” transfer student who attends the same school as Haruhi. The seven not only hang out together, but do all they can to help Yuki have hope and also help her blossom in personality. Number of episodes: 16 Vintage: 2015-04-03
All that info there is kinda confusing for me whether it was a totally new season or a remake or rerunning the old with some new episodes, but well i checked out the first ep and well its a new episode. So i don’t know if it is going to be all new or a mix of new and old since the companies seem to be very tight lipped about it. Only time will tell but the first ep did have the feel of the original so thats a positive at least.
I am thinking this may or may not be released here.
It’s almost enough to make me break my rule but I am thinking it will be more they learned their lesson and no LE’s other then the first volume this time if it does. In the end Haruhi did do pretty decent here so I will wait and see.
that’s funny Eight I was about to say something to the same effect
anonymous delivers!
Apr 02 ep01 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 1
Apr 09 ep02 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 2
Apr 16 ep03 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 3
Apr 23 ep04 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 4
Apr 30 ep05 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 5
May 07 ep06 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 6
May 14 ep07 The Boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya
May 21 ep08 Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody (new)
May 28 ep09 Mysterique Sign
Jun 04 ep10 Remote Island Syndrome Part1
Jun 11 ep11 Remote Island Syndrome Part2
Jun 18 ep12 Endless Eight (new)
Jun 25 ep13 The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya 1 (New)
Jul 02 ep14 The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya 2 (New)
Jul 09 ep15 The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya 3 (New)
Jul 16 ep16 The Adventures of Asahina Mikuru Episode 00
Jul 23 ep17 Live A Live
Jul 30 ep18 The Day of Sagittarius
Aug 07 ep19 Someday in the rain
Aug 14 ep20 The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya 1 (New)
Aug 21 ep21 The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya 2 (New)
Aug 28 ep22 The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya 3 (New)
Sep 03 ep23 The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya 4 (New)
Sep 10 ep24 Charmed at First Sight Lover (new)
Sep 17 ep25 Snow Mountain Syndrome Part1 (new)
Sep 24 ep26 Snow Mountain Syndrome Part2 (new)
Oct 01 ep27 Where Did the Cat Go? (new)
Oct 08 ep28 Disappearance Epilogue (new)
I watched it(don’t burn me, I’m not a witch just a Haruhi fan), and the episode rocked, I will grab it on DVD, so why the heck should I wait, I’ll even watch it on Kadokawa’s Youtube page Raw so they get another view for their advertisers.
It is really a good episode, higher quality season 1 stuff(not that season 1 had bad episodes)
Well this ‘Endless Eight’ thing is just getting stupid now.
At first it was pretty clever and amusing, but at this point it’s just getting ridiculous. So far, about half of the second season has been essentially the same episode over and over with minor differences. Personally I no longer find it amusing and I’m thinking it’s just laziness at this point.
I mean, yeah, we get it. The two weeks are repeating themselves over and over. We don’t need 5+ identical episodes to reinforce that fact. There are 14 episodes in the second season. It has been ‘Endless Eight’ since the second new episode. This week was the fifth new episode and was still ‘Endless Eight’. Next week will be the sixth new episode and will STILL be ‘Endless Eight’. I’d bet money that the seventh and possibly even more will be ‘Endless Eight’. I just find this to be stupidly repetitive at this point and I am done watching the second season until we move on to something actually new. <___<
Edit: Well, according to that schedule on the first page of this thread, there is no ‘Endless Eight’ next week cause it’s going to be an old episode. Then again though, the actual episodes being aired have already shattered any previous list of this seasons episodes…
Also, if they go on to old episodes next week and such, that creates a MAJOR paradox and huge plot hole. Does time just go back to normal by itself? Is there no resolve?
Endless Eight was organized and produced as 6 episodes.
Kadokawa’s back sponsor got furious and after it was too late (production had finished), the producer was fired.
There was a ton of confusion over whether they were going to skip the produced 4th and 5th episodes and air the 6th.
By the way, the 6 ep organization was Kadokawa’s instructions.
The fired producer was a scape goat to appease the angry back sponsors.
Kadokawa’s ultimate goal was to blow smoke over the fans by having 12 episodes that would consist of E8, Sigh, and a new/re-organized Mikuru’s adventure.
And the Disappearance source material they had pulled from remains exactly that: source material.
Currently Kadokawa does not feel like animating Disappearance [yet/still]
This gives the feeling that the purpose of this new production is simply to pull money from the fans as they move the series from DVD to BD.
I was just reading that a moment ago. Bear in mind that was posted on 2ch and is still a rumor. However, it sounds legit enough to me. Which is kind of a huge let down for fans.
Did anyone find the clue why summer keeps repeating, I did. Before I say what it is, did anyone else find the clue what Haruhi said in all 5 episodes so far?
I do admit the repeating is now lame but it also makes me want to see the next episode more to seehow the repeating will stop.