To Love Ru

I got it pre-ordered . I think it’s the only thing I do have from the March slate .


I can’t with the first part of SAO Alicization coming in April


$250 for set 1


That’s about $10 per episode.


Honestly though, that’s average AOA prices…

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I want to wait to closer to release for SAOA . Just want to make sure I don’t go overboard during the Sentai Spring sale .

Glad most of the Funimation stuff I wanted got pushed back .

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To Love Ru - Valentine’s Day


I don’t even…


That it even has a bid, and that high, is pretty hard to fathom, it’s not like anyone can’t buy the S1 with the dub and Motto & both Darkness Seasons for less lol. I mean it might be justified if it had the ever elusive OVAs, but not as it is.


:rofl:Wait did I claim a To Love Ru Character? :rofl:

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No Ma’am, you have not.

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Is their anyone free for me to claim?

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Click on the Series List in this post.


Got a shipping email from Rightstuf for To Love Ru Season 1 Blu-ray .

@MaouSadao just because! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Sank yuuu! :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

Hopefully I’ll get the ship notice tomorrow…

It might even be here by Monday if that’s the case!

(Please Sentai Store? :pray:)




And the fun begins people…


I mean MSRP is $89.99 ,but not sure why someone would not order from one of the places you can get it for around $60 or less . Heck the one pre-order listing from the UK is cheaper with shipping .


Like Best Buy or Target

More pics of TLR S1 Dubbed edition

I might have a problem...

Bottom and Middle rows are Sentai “Complete” series DVD sets. Top left is Complete Series Subbed. Top Middle is “Censored Official Malaysian Release” with 8 of the OVA’S. Of course, Top Right is S1 Dubbed :blush::blush::blush:

I also must post this now:


Ok. So you guys already know I typically don’t marathon shows I truly love. I will, however, try to watch as many episodes as I can in as little time as possible. (Ya know, to try to get to episode 11 ASAP)

That being said, gonna give personal opinion on dub voices for this (as I did with Flip Flappers).

So potential spoilers for anyone who hasn’t started the dub yet…

Also, please take everything with a grain of salt. These are only my personal opinions…

Episodes 1, 2, and 3

Ry McKeand = Rito: He does a great job emphasizing Rito’s awkwardness, while making him sound slightly more masculine. Love his gasping noises. :joy:

Alexis Tipton = Lala: She IS Lala. Nothing else to say about that. :rofl:

Bryn April = Haruna: She’s emulating Sayuri Yahagi fairly well, although will like to hear when she gets more flustered later on in the series. :thinking:

Scott Gibbs = Zastin: I like the tonal shift. Scott makes Zastin sound more incompetent in his performance.

Brittany Karbowski = Mikan: She sounds a little tomboyish when compared to Kana Hanazawa, but aside from that, spot on :grin:

Holly Segarra = Peke: One I’m very surprised about. She nails the nasaly voice of Peke. :hushed:

Greg Cote = Saruyama: He sounds a little more laid back and his voice isn’t as raspy. :thinking:

Chris Hutchinson = Buwartz and Andrew Love = Muar: They got the “tough goon” voice down pat :rofl::rofl::rofl: (Buwartz and Muar are Zastin’s assistants for anyone curious to who they are)

Jay Hickman = Honekawa-Sensei: Sounds like an old teacher (“Back in my day” :rofl::rofl::rofl:)

Marissa Lenti = Marron: Her growls aren’t bad, but I’m curious if she’s going to be Marron’s “inner voice” as well (doubtful, but still curious)

Risa, Mio, and the Principal only had 1 line each. Will have to wait for further appearances

To Love Ru Dub thoughts episodes 4 and 5

Margaret McDonald = Risa: For lack of better words, she sounds kinda Garyu. It fits well.:thinking:

Juliet Simmons = Mio: Not nearly as nerdy as Chiemi makes her sound, but it does work.

Olivia Swasey = Aya and Chaney Moore = Rin: They sound like servants of a rich girl. For now can’t really say much more than that…
I think the most screentime to compare them is in that Saruyama episode (either 22 or 23 :thinking:)

Maggie Flecknoe =Saki: Ooooooohhhhh her laugh is niiiiccccceeeee. She’s not Shely, but it will definitely do :grin::+1:

The principal has a lot of screentime in episode 6 (and John Swasey does dual roles in the next episode), so will wait till then for him.

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