
Can’t wait for the viewing! After the hardcore viewing event of Kaleido Star… 3 eps a night seems lightweight. :smiley:

Someday, you’ll have to view something that I own. :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess we can do an Utawarerumono some time in the future, since I haven’t seen it yet, and I know dragoon has it.

I’m so looking forward to this! It hasn’t been as long for me as it has you, but I’ve covered so much ground since the last time that it feels really long.
Yeah, I was almost disappointed when I realized it was only 3 episodes and not five like the KS viewing. -lol-

I will definitely be joining in this one, but I have some holiday obligations this evening, so I will catch up with you tomorrow. I’m really looking forward to watching with everyone! :slight_smile:

Looks like I won’t have to cram the first two in after all.
Unlike the previous ADV viewings, this release is 2.0 audio, so I was able to watch the first DVD after waking up tonight without waking up the apartment complex at 3am.

S1 DVD 1 (episodes 1-4)

It’s only been about a year and a half since I’ve re-watched Vandread, but in that time, I’ve covered so many series that I actually forgot how awesome this series is.

The dub, as a whole, is just so well done and fitting, that it truely impresses me everytime I see it.
Part of that is a bias though, since Hibiki is cast by Rafael Antonio Oliver (Tony Oliver), who I happen to love as a VA and have strong emotional ties to.
But even looking beyond my bias, this dub definitely shines.

It’s rather interesting watching this now, after watching several other series, and having the ablility to have many series under my belt to compare it to, and see how it has stood up over the years.
And I have to say, thus far, it still retains its place as #2 of my all-time favorites list.

[details=spoiler]Another interesting thing I noticed, though this might be more due to watching them in succession than anything else. Since I hadn’t seen KS up until a year ago, I couldn’t compare them before, but I just noticed tonight, the similarities in personality and persona between Layla from KS and Meia from Vandread.

And just because I have it handy (I’ll be another one later when it gets to that part) we can’t forget the humorus parts in this series.

Season 1 DVD 1

So it hasn’t been all that long since I saw this last (just a couple months) but I have to say, it is still very fun. I really like the dub, especially Julie Maddalena’s Dita and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn’s Jura. It is just so…perfect. I suppose I am biased as well since McGlynn is one of my favorite voice actresses, but they really did do a great job.
Oh, and I really like the OP. :slight_smile:

Since you guys said yesterday about skipping it til tonight, I did the same. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s no biggy.
I actually thought I’d sleep a lot longer than I did.
Turns out, I was back up before 11pm though, so I figured since it was 2.0 audio, I’d get to watch it anyways.

Watched both DVDs today…Thoughts…

  1. When I first watched Vandread it was on anime-midnight(I miss it so much) and I was kind of tired but Trust just sort of starts, and I was awake.
  2. “Women are monsters”-Greatest opening line ever
  3. I love how they begin it having Hibiki just moving while the old guy gives the speech.
  4. I love Hibiki and Dita’s first meeting
  5. Stephen Blum has the best voice ever
  6. Nice cliffhanger
  7. BC kicks ass(for more reasons than I would ever have guessed(if you know what I mean))
  8. The combining is a metaphor for sex if you didn’t get that.
  9. This show does those freak-out moments very well, the in and out camera
  10. I hate Pie-way(but I don’t truly hate her till later
  11. Bart getting naked has to be a parody of Outlaw Star
  12. Goscogne is great, she is a lot of fun
  13. “A parasitic life-form” is the best description of a baby I have ever heard
  14. Not much to say about 4, it is just a good set up for episodes 5 and 6
  15. Meia is an idiot, about as much as Hibiki, and for some reason she hates Hibiki
  16. Episode 6 is brillant
  17. Meia’s life sucked but the way they tell it, through her on the operating table and flashbacks are great
  18. Hibiki’s plan is crazy good
  19. The song that plays at the end is really sad, but needed after the action of the episode.
  20. Dita and Hibiki is a great couple and well at the end of the episode(keep in mind this is my third viewing of Vandread) my heart was pounding

So episode 6 followed by episode 7, for someone like me who wears emotions on their sleeves while watching anime and the like that is a great 1-2 punch.

God I love Vandread, and you all should too.

Ok, I am all caught up! Nice picture of a very funny scene Coffee God! :lol:

I absolutely love this show! So many moments just make me laugh out loud. The OP/ED and music are the best. It’s been just too long since I’ve seen this series! :laughing:

Episodes 1-4


I like how the show opens with a “training film” that shows the history of men and women. Nice line – “women are monsters and men were once their play things”.

Hibiki saves the little robot – perhaps because he says that they were both born in a factory and he feels an affinity.

Funny scene of Hibiki waking up with a breast in his hand and not knowing what it is. Hibiki is scared of the women’s space suits, thinking that is what women actually look like. Then Dita uses hand signs to “communicate” with the alien, even though they had already spoken to each other. She starts calling him “Mr. Alien”.

Poor Gascogne - no one gets her name right! So funny!

When the ships fuse and the Captain is shown Hibiki, I love her line – “It’s been a while since I last saw a man – were their faces really this funny looking?”

One of the themes of the show is shown as Hibiki dreams that he is needs to look for proof of his existence.

Another funny scene of Paiway disinfecting the women that came into contact with the men, getting rid of all the “male germs”.

And another funny scene as Hibiki is walking behind the women and stares at their breasts and butts. Out of curiosity, he pokes the butt of the girl in front of him, wondering what’s in it. He gets slapped and called a pervert, but he doesn’t understand what he did and that it was wrong.

The Captain explains that part of their fused ship was once a “colony” ship. She teases the men about eating them. So funny, because they actually believe her.

When the ship is attacked, Bart (such a coward!) becomes the helmsman. Along with the ship’s changes, the Dreads have changed, as well as the Van Guard. Dita and Hibiki combine for the first time and become stronger – shows another theme – that men and women accomplish more when they work together.

Another funny scene of the men getting hosed down. And I love the Star Trek moment between Duero and Parfet – “I’m a medical doctor, not an engineer.”

I almost feel sorry for Hibiki the next time he combines with Dita and she bounces up and down on his lap. Poor guy doesn’t know what to think!

When it is revealed that the new enemy wants to destroy both men and women, the men are officially made part of the crew. The Captain knows they all need to work together.

I love when Ezra knows she is pregnant and the Dr. thinks it’s a parasite. Another funny moment!

And another great scene of Dita overhearing a couple of women talking about a “weird tube” or “antenna” between a man’s legs. She gets curious and goes to check out Hibiki in the men’s room. He gets all flustered and tosses her out. Her disappointment is very funny.

Then the Dr. learns about the uterus and how a woman can become a “fama”. He wants to know if he can become one too. He is so serious about it that you just have to laugh.

BC is seen stealing data. She tries to send it to the men’s planet, but it gets destroyed.

Hibiki acts on his own and considers himself the savior of the women. He is assigned to another area to teach him a lesson and that everyone must work together to succeed. But he has to dress as a girl! And he learns a little something of the women’s planet and why the Captain became a pirate.

In the next fight, Dita wants to “combine” with him, but he accidentally combines with Meia instead. After the fight, he is exhausted, dragging himself back to his quarters and putting handcuffs on himself, although he no longer has to wear them.

Dita tastes a food pellet and decides to makes Hibiki some real food. He doesn’t know what it is, but the robot – now named Pyoro – shows him how to eat. He loves the taste of real food! And Dita, starting to show a bit of jealousy, tries to get him to promise to only “combine” with her.

And the ship is now named “Nirvana”. A great name!

Episodes 5-7


It starts out with Hibiki falling down and he ends up looking up Dita’s skirt. When the Dr. examines him, his hand moves too close to Hibiki’s crotch and he gets all flustered and asks what the Dr. thinks he’s doing. Hibiki feels he must protect the women and as he talks, his pulse rate rises.

Love the spa scene – no matter the time, place, or year, girls will be girls!

The men begin training in the Van Guards, but the mechas are all painted girly! And Dita tries to paint Hibiki’s pink! Then Hibiki walks right into Jura’s chest and she tells him that she wants to “combine” with him.

Love how he gets away with calling the Captain “Old Lady” and she thinks things are a lot livelier with the three men aboard.

Dita likes to watch Hibiki eat, but he eats like a pig! And Paiway is always spying. Jura thinks she might be able to combine with Hibiki if she bribes him with food. She gets Barnette to cook a meal, but when Barnette finds out the reason, she puts hot sauce on everything. Bart steals a taste – funny reaction! And Hibiki is saved from the meal by a mission.

Dita and Jura argue over combining with Hibiki. Dita says that the only one he should “do it” with is her. And another funny moment when Hibiki tells Jura that a Van Guard can’t combine with another Van Guard.

Hibiki saves Meia and she can’t get over the fact that she was saved by a man. They find out that the enemy wants to harvest the humans for blood and organs, but not why.

We get some background on Meia. She is injured and has visions of her past. As they try to save her, she dies, but her mother sends her back. In the meantime, Jura finds she is incapable of command- they rely on Meia too much.

Hibiki combines with Dita, calling her “crazy UFO woman”. Funny when he says to “tighten your jock straps” and Dita innocently asks what a jock strap is.

After the fight, Meia looks over the exhausted fighters and the Captain tells her that she is very much like Hibiki. She also says that Meia must forgive herself.

Love how Dita’s room is full of UFO stuff. When she goes looking for Hibiki to give him an alien motif pillow she made, he hides from her. She goes to his room. It’s a mess and she ends up cleaning it and decorating it to look like hers. Hibiki comes in to find Dita asleep in his bed. He gets upset and throws her and the decorations out.

Dita doesn’t understand what she is feeling and sinks into a depression. She shocks Hibiki and everyone else by saying she won’t combine with him anymore. Funny how quickly everyone on the ship considered them a couple and doesn’t know how to react to their separation. A sad moment when Dita overhears Hibiki say that he is happier without her around all the time.

The scenes with Jura and Bart were funny too. Jura wants Bart to pay attention to Dita, so she can get Hibiki to herself and convince him to combine with her. But I’m not sure how coward Bart thinks he can take over the ship!

Hibiki seems a little lost without Dita too. He hangs out with Gascogne, plays cards and always loses. He ends up getting some advice. Maybe he has some feelings for Dita after all. And he is seen using the pillow she made for him.

Parfet tries to cheer up Dita. She creates an astrology compatibility program and encourages Dita to try it. When she does, the machine blows up and Dita passes out. When the Dr. examines her, it seems that she may have some strong feelings for Hibiki as well.

An interesting moment occurs between the Dr. and Parfet over equipment that isn’t working correctly. Dita sees something there and slips out to leave them alone.

But a happy ending when Hibiki tells Dita that it’s ok to keep doing what she has been doing!

I really wanted to keep watching, but I will be good and wait for tomorrow! :slight_smile:

After so much posts I haven’t much more to add, lucky me considering what a hectic day it’s been. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just finished watching DVD 1 and 2 and the series is just as fun and entertaining as I remember.

Great BangZoom dub with a cast of Los Angeles all-stars. It’s a shame to see the studio falter a little in recent years. ;(

  • I loved the last episode of DVD 7 with the romantic hubbub between Dita and Hibiki.

  • Enjoyed how Dita flicked the food pill. :wink:

  • The parts where Jura and Bart were machinating and then got drunk was hilarious.

  • Sweet happy ending to resolve the lover’s tension. :slight_smile:

S1 DVD 2 (episodes 5-7)

Wow, looks like I also don’t have much to add after everyone else (note to self: be the first to post).

Well, I definitely still enjoy this series thoroughly, even with everything else I’ve watched since seeing this the last time.


The Meia story always touches me.

I love that part when Hibiki is playing cards with Gascogne, and he keeps losing and getting soooo frustrated.

S1 DVD 3 (episodes 8-10)

And here is where we take a rather fitting break.


One of the things I love most about this series, is underlying philosophies spread throughout the series.

Take episode 8 for example, with its general meaning of thinking for yourself and not being a sheep (which is also touched upon throughout the series).
I loved Hibiki’s analogy of this, using a theatrical stage as the representation.

Poor Jura.
She finally gets to combine, and she doesn’t like how it looks.
Yet, she quickly changes her tune when all is said and done due to the capabilities of it.

And of course, we end with the Christmas special.
Pyoro is so funny when he realizes Ezra is carrying a baby.
Pyoro 2!

Episodes 8–10


While exploring an abandoned space colony, the group meets Rabat and Butan.d Butan takes Pyoro.

Dita and Jura still argue over who gets to combine with Hibiki. Dita wins again this time!

Rabat gets himself invited onto the Nirvana and tries to get in good with the ladies. Hibiki seems to resent him. Maybe he is a little jealous?

When he tries to get inside Hibiki’s Van Guard, Dita tries to stop him and Hibiki comes to the rescue. But Rabat beats up Hibiki, telling him to use his own words. At one point he kicks Dita. Did he really have to do that? Meia finally breaks up the fight and Rabat leaves.

I like that it ended with Meia making peace with Hibiki.

Then they find a planet, Apathos, with people, and the enemy is here too. Again, both Jura and Dita want to combine with Hibiki, but he doesn’t want either one of them. However, when they get chased into the atmosphere, Jura combines with him just before they crash into the water.

I love that Jura is so unhappy with the result. Instead of something beautiful, she thinks the new creation is ugly, especially when it gets called a “crab”. I think the fighter looks great, even if Jura doesn’t. I like how the reflectors work as a weapon. Really cool!

Meanwhile, when the Captain contacts the planet, they are mistaken for the “Muunya”. Curious, the Captain takes BC to the planet for a visit, leaving Bart in charge and telling him not to run away – funny! In speaking to the leader, BC determines that these people are going to give up their spinal cords – the Muunya are harvesters!

Funny scene back on the Nirvana of Dita pacing back and forth, worrying about Hibiki being alone with Jura.

But when the harvest ship comes, the Captain wants them to fight. The people don’t want to go against their god and their destiny. The captain ignores them and sends Hibiki to fight. He goes to combine with Jura and she is still depressed over the “crab” ship. Like how he plays to her vanity in saying that she can save a whole planet. Then he is surprised when she agrees. Love his line – “It sure does seem like women can change their minds awfully fast.”

Of course they defeat the harvest ship, but the people are still angry that the Captain interfered and killed their “god”. She says that they are better off, and returns to the Nirvana. Another funny scene of Jura bragging about saving the planet and Hibiki makes the exact same comment about women changing their minds.

And Bart complains to the Captain about leaving him in charge without consulting him and points out all the little things that she should not be doing as Captain. Telling her how to run her ship – hysterical!

Next was the Christmas episode – one of my favorite episodes in this series. Love how the Captain is dressed up like Santa and BC is annoyed over all the decorating and other disruptions on the ship.

They are near an ice comet and it adds to the holiday atmosphere. The men know nothing of Christmas and find out the details from the women. At one point Paiway tells Hibiki about presents and Bart overhears.

Dita gets them to help with the preparations and in looking for some lights, they find an old room with some original colony things inside. Dita finds a tape of a “family” Christmas and plays it for the ship. Everyone is shocked to see men and women living together. Now, why wasn’t anyone surprised to see men and women living together on the planet in the last episode? Funny that Bart is so upset by the video that Duero has to give him a tranquilizer!

Pyoro is fascinated by the baby in the video – someone his size – that he questions Ezra about her baby and wants to name him Pyoro II.

Everyone reacts a little differently to the video. As Parfet tries to get the snow machines to work, Duero talks to her about the video and Parfet wants to know about her present. Love Duero’s reaction! Also love Parfet’s later line of “men are never of any use when you really need them”.

Meia skips the feast to go on patrol. Hibiki gets an idea about getting some ice form the comet. When Meia gets attacked and Hibiki shows up, they are surprised to see each other.

Love the grand entrance of the Captain as Santa. So funny! Dita looks all over for Hibiki because she has a present for him. And the Dr. and Bart talk about presents.

Hibiki and Meia combine and defeat the enemy. In the process, they make it snow. But back on the ship, the snow machines start to work and it snows there as well. Duero gives Parfet a picture of blood flow that looks like snow. Gee, he painted that fast!

Barnette gives Jura a ring and Jura only gives Barnette a kiss on the cheek. Loved her reaction – “that’s it?” Bart gives BC a present of food pellets. Her abrupt acceptance disappoints him. I know he wanted a kiss!

Hibiki comes back exhausted after the fight, but managed to get a piece of ice for Dita, although it was mostly melted by the time he gives it to her. The rest melts in her had to reveal a flower – so sweet! And he falls asleep and misses the feast. When he finally opens Dita’s present, it is a Santa Alien!! And he smiles.

Time for thoughts on disc three

  1. I hate Rabat, seriously, the guy grates on me, I want to jump into the anime and kick his ass, alas like Hibiki, that really isn’t going to happen
  2. Did I tell you all I love the Hibiki/Dita relationship, they really don’t rush itm but you know it is there, the scene where he goes to his vanguard and Duero and Bart wondering who he is going to protect is great
  3. I seriously hate Rabat
  4. Episode 9 starts touching on something I really like in Vandread, the constant evolution of the enemies, they are always getting smarter and finding better ways to fight, it makes even minion enemies good fights
  5. It a crab :slight_smile:
  6. I like the fact that the captain left Bart in charge, she seems to really like Bart and it was an amazing show of faith, it did lead to humor of seeing Bart have to deal with tons of request and one of the best lines in the series “I will not move an inch” “Move it your in my way”.
  7. The first time I saw 9, I really couldn’t see why the captain was against them, they had chosen to live their life like this, for some reason her last speech was just ignored by me
  8. Of all anime to have a Christmas episode, I mean Vandread, the “Neo Space Opera”(don’t you wish Geneon had subbed the extras?", all these anime on Earth ignore Christmas and Vandread has one?
    9.Men and Women living together!!! Shocking
  9. You can see the pairings the guys are going for in this episode Bart and BC, Hibiki and Dita, and Duero and the engineer, a nice couple that just sort of happened, Duero’s present is great by the way.
  10. Mea and Hibiki save the Nirvana without anyone but BC knowing and Hibiki and Dita trade gifts(after Hibiki missed the feast :frowning: ), Hibiki give Dita a ice crystal that comes out a flower and Dita gives Hibiki some weird toy that turns into a model of him as Santa.
  11. I hate Pie-way watch, next DVD

Vandread DVD 3

Appropriate DVD indeed. You planned this episode around the schedule, or was it accidental?

  • Rabat is an intentional counterpoint that works well. I can’t stand his sidekick on the other hand. :wink:

  • As touched on by Coffee one of the themes and anchor points of the series becomes clearer in the planet episode where there’s a bit of criticism against religion and nationalism. Reminds me strongly of strong nationalists that think their country is superior to others, especially the ones who know very little about other countries and haven’t traveled much. This is actually a problem to an extent in Japan - xenophobia and close minded nature with foreigners.

  • Loved the Christmas episode - one of my favorite xmas themed episodes in all of anime, if not my favorite. The growth of the male-female dynamic for everyone evolves greatly once they see the family video, and the troubles Hibiki went through to get Dita a gift furthered the romantic bonds between them - but they don’t seem to entirely realize the feelings completely. It’s a work in progress.

Mita… gotcha. :stuck_out_tongue:

Now we have two days off for the holiday - Can’t wait for the final DVD in season 1 on Saturday.

It was planned when you asked if we could do a mini Gonzo viewing.
I made the schedules of both KS and Vandread for the Christmas episode to land 2 days before Christmas, that way we could watch that episode then have Christmas eve and Christmas to think fond thoughts about it.

:slight_smile: After a nice break - Episodes 11–13


Bart is concerned that he doesn’t fit in and Duero tells him a story with the intention of letting him know that it will take time. But Bart misunderstands and has another idea. He dresses up like a woman! Hysterical! And of course it backfires.

In cutting up some onions, Dita cries and Hibiki gets upset to see her crying. Paiway spies as usual and misinterprets the scene. She gets the other women all riled up and it creates an anti-men movement. It gets out of hand and the men are taken back into custody. Pyoro gives that line – “can’t we all just get along?”

Hibiki escapes and takes the Van Guard but gets captured by another group of men and women. He learns a little of things between men and women and makes a friend. He finds out that this group is wanted for their skin and when they get attacked, he sees his new friend die. It is the first time he sees someone die and becomes enraged. Now the fight is personal. He goes to fight the enemy, everyone dies and his Van Guard is damaged.

He gets picked up by Rabat and is taken back to the Nirvana. Rabat is thrown in with the men, but Hibiki runs to tell the “old lady” what happened and she asks him if it is the first time he watched someone die.

The women are determined to win the upcoming battle without the men’s help. Meia wants no part of them and goes off to be alone. She ends up talking to Pyoro, who says he’d like a heart. But Meia says that he already has emotions, but Pyoro says it’s only because he’s broken. Very touching scene.

Meia goes out on patrol and Dita tries to fix Hibiki’s Van Guard. Paiway tries to understand the relationship between Dita and Hibiki. But the enemy arrives and the girls try to fight on their own. The enemy links to Pyoro and they find out that Earth is behind the harvesting and they only exist as parts for Earth. Dita finally realizes that “Mr. Alien” is human.

Rabat breaks out and leaves. He is a spy for Earth and tells the men that the people of Taraak and Megere are wanted for reproductive organs. Creep!! The men decide to help.

The sneaky enemy has copied the Vandreads, but they get destroyed when the Nirvana gets caught in a planet’s gravity and they chase it, getting crushed. In the meantime, the communication disks have reached Taraak and Megere and there is a scene of a hand hitting the “delete” key. Stupid move.

Hibiki is connected to the Paksis somehow and the connection seems to be getting stronger. Meia gets injured, Jura has a break down and the women are dejected. Barnette won’t let the Dr. treat her. Hibiki tries to come up with a plan to save everyone. Dita is upset over everyone’s depression and tries to lift their spirits by telling them not to give up and to find hope. It seems to do the trick.

They put Hibiki’s plan into action and just before they do, Dita wants Hibiki’s promise to visit her room when it is all over. The plan works to an extent, but they still have to work together to get the final win. I’m glad they finally realize that they all need each other.

Exhausted, Hibiki gets back to the ship and is welcomed as a hero. Jura starts giving him kisses on his cheek and Dita gets mad and pulls him away. -lol- Then they find out that Earth has diverted five other ships to come and destroy Taraak and Megere in retaliation. They barely destroyed one ship – how can they possibly hold out against five?

Hibiki gives a bit of a pep talk – it seems that he is finally finding his own words. As they go off into space, I love the Captain’s line – “as long as there is life to be lived, there’s no end to the grand journey of existence”.

The first half was amazing, as always and I’m ready for the Second Stage!

S1 DVD 4 (episodes 11-13) Ending season 1


Bart asking Duero if he’s listening and the response being “No.”
That part cracks me up every time!

Episode 11 always gets to me, being the emotional human that I am.
Hibiki witnesses his first death of someone remotely close to him, and he snaps like a twig, charging off without abandon, only to get buffed by the power that is the Earth force.

And here ends the first season with an epic battle of survival, from a plan cooked up by Hibiki himself!
And even the “bear” helps save the day!


But the prize goes to Hibiki/Dita for turely saving the day!

We did it!
We did it!
We did it!
We did it!
We did it!

:laughing: Is it any wonder that Hibiki always comes back so exhausted? Love it!