Video Game News & Discussion 2009-2017

You’re either playing shenanigans on me, or you play on the 360 fag.

You’re either playing shenanigans on me, or you play on the 360 fag.[/quote]

360 boiiiii.

I still don’t have that game, but I remember them having a ladies night out or something tournament for it.

So what’s the deal with the review embargo until tomorrow on Prototype?
Are they that paranoid about the scores possibly affecting sales? O__o

Who knows? Could be that yeah, its happened before to lots of games. May be a while before i pick it up anyhow, still chiseling through my backlog of games.

Lots to talk about!

First up, Prototype came through and got some pretty good scores. A pretty solid 8.0 - 8.5 title! Looks like my plans to buy it are still a go!

Next, looks like Too bad the LE is so expensive. =( Does this mean that there will be more than two extreme opposites as we see in most ‘moral choices’ games? More diverse than Ultimate Evil or Benevolent Goodness? More diverse than say… ‘Burn down the orphanage or save a box of hungry kittens’?

well as usual my reviews…

Prototype: wow this game is exteremly fun to play. Your jumping runnning and weapons are out of this world. You can do almost anything from run through the street parkouring througn cars to highjacking a helicoptor out of the air. Althoigh the game is short it is still fast paced and amazing. What i also love about this game is that even as godly as your are there are two creatures in the game as strong as you! It keeps the game balanced and not making you feel to outragous…

Pros: fun as all hell amazing moves sence of speed, eneimes like you, hijacking and actually using guns, gliding, running up the wall then jumping off and vertically slicing a solider in half, and feeling like the ultimate bad ass!

Cons: i believe there are 2 many moves i find myself doing the wrong move. Also i get slighly annoyed when im in front of a weapon and i press B to grab a guy to consume him but pick up a car or a gun :(. And wheres co op free roam!?! Game can get a little hard at times ( a pro and con) game kinda short :frowning:

Good review trooper, I’m definitely gonna pick Prototype up when I get a chance. I’ve read on most reviews that it can be difficult sometimes, but never annoying or frustrating. Always good to hear. xD

yes good game kinda hard
But fun as hell. If u get stuck let me no if u need help :slight_smile:

Also review on sacred 2: fallen angel later on tonite

I decided to go and look for good deals on ps2 games. I bought Resident Evil 4 for $10. Damn that game is fun. But they don’t give enough ammo.

I dislike FPS games as a rule, but this is just freakin’ awesome as hell!!

I hope he patents that gun quick. That was awesome.

this guy is going to make millions!! omg so amazing

That’s nuts! Future gaming, right there. I don’t see working in menus too hard either. This guy is definately onto something. Awesome find Coffee!

So it seems, he now started up a raffle to win the wireless version.
Each raffle ticket is $0.99

Tykes te Timber! :evil:

I’m not that much into shooters, but that gun was so amazing! I’d take up that offer and give shooters another shot, tykes!

So I finally got the Liberty City Minute achievement on GTA IV. With that, I now have every single player achievement for GTA IV. I did a speed run and beat the game in around 18.5 hours. =]

Yow! That’s booking it.

I have to admit, Halo ODST does actually look pretty darn good. If it’s set in an open world, I will definitely be interested. Also, it’s great to see some game devs looking at Natal tech as a legitimate option for game controls.

Halo is an interesting game. Didn’t play the last one though.