Video Game News & Discussion 2009-2017

Nice review for you all.

the newest installment from aksys games makers of the guilty gear seris. This game features a 3d backround with stunning 2d graphics. This is more of an anime fighting game with amazing moves and style. I personally find this to be one of the best fighting games in a while. A balanced fighter with 12 characters all with different moves and style. This game is a lot more complex then like street fighter which Is a basic fighter. You haveto know what you doing cause button mashing wount save you. Once again a very stylish anime style
fighter I canā€™t get over it like semi mugen just sexier!

Pros: amazing 2d graphics such style and flare just looks so amazing and the moves are just crazy!
Balanced fighting game and takes skill to win. You canā€™t turtle and be cheap at all! You can even pick the level you want and the bgm!

Cons: well itā€™s hard to say only 12 people. Umm not many downfalls to the game.

To wrap it up I have seen amazing scores for this game with it being a 2d fighters! Lots of 9s! Iā€™m serioius guys check this game out! Ps3 and 360

Blazblue seems like it will be great for fighting game fans, which I am not. =(

Still, seems like it might be fun to play with some friends some time. :silly:

Thereā€™s a game that I really want to play. Iā€™ll be getting it soon, even though itā€™s pretty old. Itā€™s called Pathologic. It was developed by Russian studio Ice-Pick Lodge and released for PC back in 2005 or 2006. I donā€™t even know how to appropriately describe this game. It introduces a quite deep moral choice system that can change many things. Most games that have a moral choice system (Fable, Bioshock, inFAMOUS, etc.) either place you at one extreme or another. You either become a shining savior and saint, or else a wicked mustache-twirling villainous combination of Hitler and Satan. Pathologic goes far beyond that.

You see, thereā€™s a town that has succumb to a spreading illness. You pick one of the three (vastly different) characters and play through the game from their viewpoint. You are sick as well, and you have to try to find a way to stop this illness before everyone is gone. You have 12 in-game days to do so. You have to keep your character alive, by getting medicines and eating food as a real person would have to. And there is where the moral choices come in.
Do you kill that child in the dark alley and steal the medicine or items on him to survive a bit longer yourself?
Do you give some of your very limited pain medications to a suffering man begging at your feet, or ignore him and horde it all for yourself?
You just got a gun and six bullets, youā€™re starving though. Will you trade the gun for some food?
Moreover, how will your decisions affect things?

If anyone is curious or the least bit interested, I highly suggest reading about the game. Part 3 does contain ending spoilers though, so be warned.

Blizzard fails hard:

How could they?! This is truly terrible, WCIII was nearly one of the only things I play at LANs, especially when I had my old computer and couldnā€™t handle much as far as games. Now SCII comes, and I canā€™t play a good olā€™ round of mauls while drinkinā€™ with the buds? Seriously, I love WCIII, itā€™s one of my fav computer games, and itā€™s one of the ones I install first on my computer, but I only play it at LANs where itā€™s still fun. Even when I get my ass kicked in

Iā€™m considering not buying it now, because Iā€™m just going to play through the story once and half ass the entire thing anyway.

The Alien vs. Predator movies stink. The only things to get that combination to work well are the first few comics (and their novelizations) and the two PC AvP games. AvP2 has a very good story to it as well.

So I am very much happy to see

Nothing beats using a spear gun to decapitate a few marines, or sneaking up behind a human and using your inner jaw to take a bite, or mowing down a few dozen aliens with a smart gun.

Lately Iā€™m playing Pokemon Platinum lately. I never played the 4th generation games until this year, but Iā€™m better late than never. The 4th gen games areā€¦ surprisingly good. Besides the honey trees and the usual lack of fire-types I really donā€™t have any major complaints. Just a while ago, I gotā€¦ a Relic badge! =D <insert pose with Murkrow, Oven Rotom <3333 and Grotle in the background here> Fatina killed my Grotle (due to Confuse Ray; and I wouldā€™ve 2-hit KOā€™d her since Quick Claw activated back-to-back) but besides that, the battle was pretty easy. I gotta prep for the rival next.

I found the battle with Fantina to be straight-up murder, lol. She took down my pokemon so many times, itā€™s suprising that they like me now. They shouldā€™ve kept her as the 4th gym leader to confront, due to strength reasons, tykesā€¦

Mystic, if you have a fc, Iā€™d enjoy a match with you, tykes!


This saddens me greatlyā€¦ ;___;

Could be a good thing, though. Maybe some new programs to run with, make it smoother.

I found the battle with Fantina to be straight-up murder, lol. She took down my pokemon so many times, itā€™s suprising that they like me now. They shouldā€™ve kept her as the 4th gym leader to confront, due to strength reasons, tykesā€¦

Mystic, if you have a fc, Iā€™d enjoy a match with you, tykes![/quote]

Most of my team either had a Dark- or Electric-type attack when I battled her, so I had a nifty advantage.

I donā€™t battle competitively buuuuut, sure, why not? Itā€™ll have to be with my level 60-ish Diamond team (actually bought Diamond a bit before Platinumā€™s release) since Iā€™m only at Maylene in Plat. But not yet, as thereā€™s still a few post-Elite Four monsters I wanna raise.

So, even more delays to report. This time itā€™s

I was really looking forward to SC:C. =(
I hope they donā€™t delay Assassins Creed 2, or else Iā€™ll have practically nothing to play later this year. D:, especially for an XBLA title. o_o


Also, for those that care, Starcraft 3 delayed till 2010. =(

Boy is it ugly though. Iā€™d better try to get a normal PS3 before all thatā€™s left is the slim. :side:

I would neverā€¦Sony, just give up!

I like the new design. The PS3 I own is too large and bulky. Iā€™d buy it for that price. The HDD is quite large, plus Blu-ray.

Well, I canā€™t find the supporting articleā€¦ but I did read this on the AP. Apparently Sony announced a 100 price drop in the PS3. Sounds pretty sweet, Iā€™d actually start considering this if I didnā€™t already have plans for a Wii (need Brawl).

Just because it goes along with my opinion, Iā€™ll post this.

[size=4]Youā€™ve Stolen My Soul![/size]
[size=5]Baldurā€™s Gate II: Shadows of Amn[/size]

Platform: PC
Genre: Role-Playing Game
Publisher: Interplay
Developer: BioWare
Released: 2000

While BioWare and most other developers of computer role-playing games have long since moved over into glorious 3D, itā€™s still worth remembering that the glory days of CRPGs were back in the days of now-archaic 2D graphics, when games like Fallout, Planescape: Torment, and Baldurā€™s Gate wove together interesting settings, wonderful combat systems, colorful characters, and incredible stories into what became some of the greatest computer games ever produced. Although everyone who played CRPGs in the late 1990s probably leans toward a particular favorite game, thereā€™s little doubt that Baldurā€™s Gate II: Shadows of Amn deserves to stand among the very best games of the era, or indeed among the greatest games of all time.

It wouldnā€™t be a fantasy RPG without a few dragons, now would it?

No one can deny BioWareā€™s pedigree as a developer of superb RPGs. Between the Baldurā€™s Gate series, Neverwinter Nights, and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, BioWare has been steadily reimagining the way gamers interact with their RPGs and the characters within. Arguably its finest achievement, however, was the Infinity engine, which powered the Baldurā€™s Gate games, as well as the Icewind Dale series and Planescape: Torment. While plenty of games had included an isometric perspective before Baldurā€™s Gate, the Infinity engine managed to accomplish the seemingly impossible feat of taking TSRā€™s turn-based Advanced Dungeons & Dragons gaming system and rendering it in real-time gameplay, while remaining mostly faithful to the underlying mechanics. Thanks to the artificial intelligence scripts that you could outfit your characters with and the pause-anytime command system (which let you freeze combat to adapt to a changing situation or override a script by issuing a new command to your party members), the Infinity engine wasā€“if somewhat off-putting to D&D and turn-based gaming puristsā€“immediately accessible to a wide audience that liked its games to have a bit more action and a bit less waiting.

Eventually you had to descend into Hell itself to reclaim your soul.

Though Baldurā€™s Gate featured the Infinity engine, Baldurā€™s Gate II is when BioWare really hit its stride as an RPG developer. In Shadows of Amn, you continued the story laid down in Baldurā€™s Gate, in which you (the main character) were revealed to be one of the Bhaalspawnā€“that is, a child of Bhaal, the God of Murder. Most of the familiar characters returned from the first game, including Imoen, a somewhat naĆÆve fellow orphan and fledgling mage/thief; Jaheira, a druid harper who was obsessed with keeping your character on a path balanced between good and evil; and the fan favorite Minsc, an eccentric ranger who kept his pet, Boo, a miniature ā€œgiant space hamster,ā€ on his person at all times. Numerous new non-player characters were included as well, including Aerie, a waifish member of a race of winged elves, and Jon Irenicus, the nefarious elven exile who saw your character as his key to godhood.

The bulk of the early portions of the game took place in the huge city of Athkatla.

*At the outset of the game, a few of the characters from the first game are killed off, and the remaining characters, including your player character, are placed inside one of Irenicusā€™ lairs, underneath the great port city of Athkatla. After fighting your way out of imprisonment, your initial goal is to find and rescue Imoen, who has been locked away with Irenicus in Spellhold, a prison for spellcasters. When you do finally find her, however (and doing so will probably take 15 to 25 hours of gameplay, depending on how many side quests you take on), your reward is to have your half-divine soul stolen by Irenicus. A lengthy and involving adventure follows, which sees you pursue Irenicus through the Underdark and into an elven city that heā€™s threatening to destroy. After killing him, though, youā€™re sucked after him into hell, where youā€™re forced to destroy him one last time to regain your soul, and your life.

All in all, Baldurā€™s Gate II is a towering achievement in the history of role-playing games, giving you a huge world to explore, plenty of well-drawn NPCs to argue with or get romantic with, and an engaging story thatā€™s simultaneously epic and personal. ā€“ Matthew Rorie*

Iā€™m super stoked for SvR 2010 now after reading Gamespotā€™s preview and watching the premier trailer. =O

On another note, my definitive list for games that I want that are yet to be released.

August 2009
Batman: Arkham Asylum

September 2009
Halo 3 ODST (Possibly, depends)

October 2009**
Alpha Protocol
Brutal Legend
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010
Forza Motorsport 3
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony

November 2009**
Modern Warfare 2
Assassins Creed II

December 2009
The Saboteur

January ā€“ December 2010
Metal Gear Solid: Rising
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Dead Rising 2
2 Days to Vegas
Bioshock 2
Danteā€™s Inferno
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Alan Wake
Lost Planet 2
Mass Effect 2
Final Fantasy XIII

I was planning on getting Batman: Arkham Asylum but after 3 years my 360 finally RROD. Itā€™s out of MS warranty ,but I got extended from where I bought it so its covered to 2011. Sent it away today if they canā€™t fix it Iā€™ll get a replacement or cash. Funny thing is I had just downloaded the Batman: Arkham Asylum

Got my Wii ,DS , and some Lego kits to keep me busy to it gets back.
Might get the Metroid Prime Trilogy for Wii on Tuesday if I can get some more money together.