Video Game News & Discussion 2009-2017

I got my RRoD in Jan. of 2008, less than a year after I bought it. =(
RRoD seems to be like chickenpox, everyone has to go through it at some point. xD

I’ve heard many good things about Batman: Arkham Asylum. To be honest, I’d get it on PS3 if I already had a PS3, since you can play as the Joker in that version.

PP, you planning to get that new Silent Hill game for Wii? Looks fantastic, I must say.

Saw a video of a game called Heavy Rain the other day, it looks really interesting no idea what its about but it looks like it has an original story. Played the demo of WET as well, its ok plays a bit like Max Pain. I got a bit bored of the flashy moves within the first 2 minutes of playing and the music got on my nerves. It reminds me of Kill Bill as well which is a nice thing.

I’m waiting for Little Big Planets water kit to be released at the moment, and I might get the PS3’s Naruto game when I get paid.

Well this might sound really stupid but, PSP 3000 or PSP Go.
Waiting to see if PSP Go will get a UMD transfer service. Plus top 5 on wish list Little Big Planet PSP, God of War 3, Brutal Legend, Bayonetta, and Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

Well this might sound really stupid but, PSP 3000 or PSP Go.
Waiting to see if PSP Go will get a UMD transfer service. Plus top 5 on wish list Little Big Planet PSP, God of War 3, Brutal Legend, Bayonetta, and Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep[/quote]

I’ve had little to no interest in the PSP it doesn’t look like a comfortable console to play on. Having said that when I play on my DS the last 2 fingers on my hands fall asleep.

Well they could not fix my 360 :frowning: ,but they are sending a check for the full price I paid 3 years ago. So as long as the check comes everything is fine. Though honestly at this point I’m not sure I want another one . I got about 40.00 worth of stuff on my Hard Drive , I can always trade my games in as most of them I waited to they were cheap so I’m not loosing to much if I trade them in (Probably try out Toysrus since I would not be stuck with just games) , and my live membership expires at the end of this year. I’m not to sure how the check thing works Well in the end depending on what I decide I may not end up with a 360 if its just a normal check and I do not have to send proof I got another 360. Knock on Wood I’d probably not be having this problem if MS had just gone with Intel instead of IBM.

Sorry to hear that PP. However, I’d have to say you would do well to consider getting a newer 360. The recent Jasper chipset doesn’t seem to have the RRoD or E74 problems that previous ones experienced. Plus, if they are refunding the full price you paid (presumably $400?) then you could get an Elite for $300 or a Pro for $250 and have money left over to boot.

My brother-in-law keeps telling me to buy an Xbox360. But I am not sure I will play it enough to warrant the cost. Also, some of my more favorite titles are on Wii and Playstation 3. I need to find friends with those systems I guess, hehe.

Also, a virtual cookie for those who know where my icon comes from.

Sorry to hear that PP. However, I’d have to say you would do well to consider getting a newer 360. The recent Jasper chipset doesn’t seem to have the RRoD or E74 problems that previous ones experienced. Plus, if they are refunding the full price you paid (presumably $400?) then you could get an Elite for $300 or a Pro for $250 and have money left over to boot.[/quote]

The new Jasper consoles still have an exceptionally high failure rate, and not just from the RROD. Even with the new hardware improvements, it’s still several times more likely to fail than a PS3 or Wii. Trust me I know, as I “junk out” returned 360’s several times a week.

I still have a first gen 360, and it is still functioning. It has it’s issues, like freezing when attempting to save on occasion (and more than once has corrupted a save file because of it), and the disc tray won’t always open without “encouragement.” But at least I haven’t had any massive hardware failures. However, with the other problems I’ve had, I rarely use it anymore except to play my collection of HD-DVD’s. For most gaming, I stick to my PS3 and Wii, as all the games I want are either multi-platform or exclusive to those two.

I really hope my 360 doesn’t die. It’s out of even the extended Microsoft warranty, and I don’t think I have the discs to download the HD-DVD drivers anymore. I’d be pissed if I couldn’t watch them anymore.


Sorry to hear that PP. However, I’d have to say you would do well to consider getting a newer 360. The recent Jasper chipset doesn’t seem to have the RRoD or E74 problems that previous ones experienced. Plus, if they are refunding the full price you paid (presumably $400?) then you could get an Elite for $300 or a Pro for $250 and have money left over to boot.[/quote]

The new Jasper consoles still have an exceptionally high failure rate, and not just from the RROD. Even with the new hardware improvements, it’s still several times more likely to fail than a PS3 or Wii. Trust me I know, as I “junk out” returned 360’s several times a week.

I still have a first gen 360, and it is still functioning. It has it’s issues, like freezing when attempting to save on occasion (and more than once has corrupted a save file because of it), and the disc tray won’t always open without “encouragement.” But at least I haven’t had any massive hardware failures. However, with the other problems I’ve had, I rarely use it anymore except to play my collection of HD-DVD’s. For most gaming, I stick to my PS3 and Wii, as all the games I want are either multi-platform or exclusive to those two.

I really hope my 360 doesn’t die. It’s out of even the extended Microsoft warranty, and I don’t think I have the discs to download the HD-DVD drivers anymore. I’d be pissed if I couldn’t watch them anymore.[/quote]

Yeah I keep hearing a 54% fail rate and its pushing me away. I’m wondering if I should take it as a sign they are giving me my money back and go get a PS3 Slim or just save the money. Slims look nice ,but with Sony when they make something smaller it pays to wait sometimes. I enjoy my 360 ,but really I rarely touched it which may be why it lasted as long as it did. Heck I think I play the DS and my PS2 more then it. Thinking now maybe I should just wait for a little while before I decide money will be here for what ever. The check should be just a check . *Knock on wood.

Ya know, I’m really mad at my 360 right now. It wont log into Live, keeps giving me crap about the MTU settings and I don’t have a router! Stupid technology.

[quote]The future of Mechwarrior 5 is a little up in the air today, with Harmony Gold - the media company that holds the rights to the Robotech universe in the US - commencing legal action against the upcoming mech title.

Legal threats are being sent out to gaming websites as you read this, Harmony Gold demanding that they pull down the trailer for Mechwarrior 5. Why? It’s a long story.[/quote]

More on that in the source.

All I really got to say is this is probably how Harmony Gold really stays in business suing everything and everybody that makes anything that looks like a mech from Macross/Robotech. Its a shame this company is probably also the reason we don’t have any of the other Macross series from Japan.

My brother-in-law keeps telling me to buy an Xbox360. But I am not sure I will play it enough to warrant the cost. Also, some of my more favorite titles are on Wii and Playstation 3. I need to find friends with those systems I guess, hehe.

Also, a virtual cookie for those who know where my icon comes from.[/quote]

Dynasty Warriors?

Well, I’ve got a PSP as my main hand-held, next ot me GBA SP.
I haven’t found to many good games out there, Except LocoRocom MoH Heroes, Battlefront Renegade Squadron, Disgeae Afternoon of Darkness, and Crisis Core FFVII.
I’m looking into Class of Heroes and NeverLand Card Battles right now. Do you have any recomendations?

Well got my check and deposited it today now all that is left is wait for the bank monkey’s to get it in to my account. Not really a big deal waiting more as the place I buy my consoles from still has not gotten the Slim in or restocked the 360’s. Still debating right now. If I just bought the system and warranty I would still have around a $100.00 left.
Walmart has a couple decent Slim bundles ,but I prefer the place I get my stuff from as they give you 6 months to return stuff if something is wrong.

Put up a poll as to what I should do. No comments just vote.

Sorry dude, I’m planning on picking up a PS3 myself but XBOX RULES ALL!!! Game wise, can’t beat it. So many more titles to choose from.

Really depends on the games you’re interested in PP. I think the 360 has more fun “exclusives” (360/PC). On top of that, you already have some 360 games. Of course you could always sell them, but odds are you won’t get much out of that.

However, PS3 has some awesome games as well, and admittedly I haven’t followed it quite as well (I have both consoles, though just got the PS3 last week). Also, blu-ray is awesome, and though you’d be getting it (presumably) for a means of gaming, blu-ray is an incredible pro to the PS3. I watched The Dark Knight on blu-ray last night and was blown away.

PP, I agree with what Hentai said. Both are great consoles and you can’t go wrong either way. So I’d suggest writing up a list of games you’d want for both and whichever list of current/upcoming games seems more appealing to you, go for that one.

Yea, the blu-ray option is very enticing. Because you know that’s where the trend is headed anyways. But what about Playstation’s online play? I’ve never used it, don’t know anybody who has either. Any good, other than being free? I’m about to contact Xbox support this morning, my Live has been down for weeks now saying “user’s may have trouble signing in on a console sorry we’re working on it.” Not a happy camper right now.

“More fun exclusives?”

I beg your pardon
Not only does the 360 not have more better quality exclusives. But this year alone the ps3 has the 360 beat in the exclusives department

Same situation next year

PS: There’s more variety to ps3 quality exclusives than to 360 exclusives