you are Suzumiya Haruhi ! xD a GOD that rules the SOS-Brigade you are kinda freak, and kinda wierd but thats special from you ^^ you are ‘high and mighty me’ type of person. youre color is really ORANGE, thats mean you are cheerfull and active your charismatic make everybody adore you
You’re right about the Evangelion one not loading. Doesn’t for me either - probably because it’s old. Maybe I’ll hunt for another one and perhaps I’ll come across some more of these.
You are Yoko. She is the best marksman and weaponry expert Team Gurren has. You have a no nonsense attitude, but will also laugh with everyone at a joke. You feel that you can handle yourself and need no help if the situation arises. When it comes to a yelling fight you will always win. You enjoy wearing clothes that show you are who you are and you act very mature for your age. You are also very good at aiming a good blow to an annoying friend.
Gintama - Otose
No picture or description. Never seen the show, but from the Wikipedia description of her, I have to say I like the character. ^-^
You are Tatsuki. You kick arse- even though you’re a girl. People mistake you for a guy sometimes because of your attitude- but you don’t mind. You hate homos. You’ve got a guyish dress sense. You are really over protective of your best friend. You always stick up for people that can’t stick up for themselves. And basically- yeah you just love kikin ass…
Your are Kittan! A great friend to all, and similar to Kamina. You would do anything for a friend and will not be taken lightly. You feel that you are better than your friend, but dont really mean it(you really look up to him/her). You love your family and love being with them. In the end you would give yourself up to save your friends and the one you love. you make act like an ass sometimes, but you are a fun all around person to be with.
You are Ichigo. You’re short tempered, really stubborn and really harsh and kinda cold. But that’s just a front- on the inside you’re really over protective and a responsible person. You would give your life to protect those that are important to you. Plus, you have really funky hair! And funky clothes- rock on |m|
Which Doctor Who are you?
Your result: Congratulations! You’re the Eleventh Doctor
You’re truly one of a kind. They not only don’t make 'em like you any more, they never did in the first place!
Somehow, even the most mundane of things can be transformed into a unique statement in your wayward hands.
Your ability to raise eyebrows everywhere you go – while still somehow being entirely admirable – is unparalleled.
OK, sometimes you make bad decisions and perhaps you’re too keen to let your reputation speak on your behalf, but you are a hard person to forget, and that is how you have come to have a reputation in the first place.