World of Narue / Narue no Sekai

hi every1 i like the world of narue

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Why do you like it?

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i like i cuzz of the action in it and the cool androids

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Episode 10 -

This is one of my favorite episodes of the series. Kazuto takes Narue to a Cosplay Convention to see Magical Girl #4, but Narue gets upset that Kazuto is falling over himself to meet the voice actress, and walks out. Kazuto then gets recruited to judge a costume contest.
Kazuto canā€™t get in touch with Narue and thinks she must be really angry at him. But Narue, with Yagiā€™s help, is making a Magical Girl #4 costume to please Kazuto and ends up entering the contest. Masaki helps them finish the costume and you can see that the kids have really bonded and become good friends.
When Narue arrives at the contest, she looks so cute that she wins and Kazuto passes out when he sees her. When he wakes up, he says that he likes the ā€œrealā€ Narue the best and she gives up the contest. He says that she doesnā€™t have to dress up for him, but later says he wouldnā€™t mind if she wants to wear the costume once in a while.
Love the scene when Yagi shows up as another character from the show and Masaki tells her to take if off and they fight. :laugh:

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Episode 11 -

Haruna invites everyone to Akioā€™s hot spring as a thank you for helping her over the summer. The kids end up throwing them a surprise wedding, which was sweet. Akioā€™s mother doesnā€™t seem to mind that Haruna is an alien Starship. Again, people are so accepting of others in this show. It is a nice message.
And Narue catches the bouquet! Kazuto knows that Narue has a dream to be a bride like her mother was. But I have to wonder if Haruna and Akio are really married, since Masaki presided over the ceremony and messed up the words! :laugh:

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I think in this case its the thought that counts. :slight_smile:

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So true, considering he is a minor and has no authority or license to perform a wedding! :laugh:

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Ecchi and Sci fi were made for eachother I swear.

HEY!! While weā€™re snagging old CPM titles, how about Legend of Himiko?

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Episode 12 -

An exciting last episode that concludes the series nicely for me.
It is the night of the festival and space ninjas show up, led by the one from the first episode. They use a time shield and freeze everyone, except Narue and Kazuto. Rin shows up and helps them get away. She gives each of them a device that can become any weapon. Of course Narue makes a baseball bat, but Kazuto makes the lance canon from Magical Girl #4. An impressive weapon! Too bad that it turns out to be a toy. Funny! Poor Kazuto looked so disappointed.
Bathyscaphe is able to protect Narueā€™s father and Kanaka, and the ninjas are captured, but Ran gets hit with the berserker virus. I liked the way Kazuto stepped in front of Narue to protect her. So sweet!
The inspector shows up after the fight and compliments earthlings. He asks Kazuto if he wants to stay with Narue no matter the risks and when he says yes, he makes Narue very happy. A definite ā€œawwā€ moment!
So, it ends with everyone enjoying the fireworks. The end is a little open, but very satisfactory. This has always been a fun show to watch. It is a simple, sweet story with good characters. Very enjoyable.
I also liked that one scene with Yagi and Maruo acting like an old married couple when they first meet Narue and Kazuto at the festival. Although they deny it, I think a little romance may be in their future as well. :slight_smile:

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So, finished this one. Pretty good series, I do say.

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Iā€™d have to agree, I thought it was very cute and had a decent ending.

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Oh yes another cute title from CPM! And while I like Legend of Himiko, World Of Narue always felt special to me. This is a gem right here. Glad you guys liked it!

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A friend loaned me their ADV DVD copy of this last week, so finally got to see this amazing series!

Itā€™s such a sweet show! Love the characters, and the ending was well rounded off, but open enough that if a second season were to be made, it could easily continue!

Definitely gonna pick up a copy of this for my personal collection! It is a gem!

Yami: ā€œA wonderful story of a human falling in love with an alienā€¦ He-heā€¦ :yellow_heart::black_heart::yellow_heart::black_heart::yellow_heart::black_heart::yellow_heart::black_heart:ā€


It appears that the Geneon 4 disc release is about 1/3rd the cost of the ADV 2 disc releaseā€¦

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Glad you enjoyed it and liked it well enough to want to own it.

It is a nice little story and will always be a favorite of mine.

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