I had the pleasure of meeting spazzysam this weekend at Kamikazecon in Houston and spent the weekend promoting Anime Network during all of the game shows I hosted there.
I do game shows at conventions all over North America and will hopefully be at a convention near you soon!
I had the pleasure of meeting spazzysam this weekend at Kamikazecon in Houston and spent the weekend promoting Anime Network during all of the game shows I hosted there.
I do game shows at conventions all over North America and will hopefully be at a convention near you soon!
Sorry I’m so late in welcoming you, but I’m finally here so you can rest easy!
What a great job you have, I’m jealous. You get to do something you obviously love every day, what a unique thing.
And NOW, you’re a member HERE!! YAY!! :woohoo:
I’ve noticed that you’ve looked around the forums, so please feel free to jump into any convos that interest you, we love having new folks talk with us. (The only thing we ask is that you use the Search function before starting a new thread, especially in the Anime section.)