AKB0048 / AKB0048 ~ Next Stage

Is this happening in the Online Player or on Video on Demand?
And is it for all episodes?

What is the name of the photographer in ep 10?

SCB calls her “Michan” later on, which is credited, but she first addresses her by a name that is not in the credits.

BTW, I think that this show needed a warning about not using jellyfish as one was used in the show (I’ve heard that moeblobs aren’t supposed to be “sexualized”; ep 10 of AKB is just another reason in a long list as for why that don’t fly lol).

You’ll find out who she really is later in the series.
For the moment she’s just “Michan”.

There’s more to her than was explained in that scene?

They say that she’s someone (the name I can’t really make out when SCB says it) the 5th who was a center nova who went AWOL from AKB a while back.

ANN lists her name as Mikako Minamino but that’s not what it sounds like SCB is saying to me when she says her name. I’m not actually sure what name SCB says.

She calls her by her proper succession name, Minami Minegishi.

A question answered. Why ANN doesn’t credit her by that as well is another, but ANN’s Encyclopedia is loaded with mysteries (characters omitted, minor characters claimed to be main characters, etc…) so I know better than to ask that one :laugh:

That’s kinda what I thought SCB was saying but with rewinding a stream being a crapshoot (it could summon the Buffering Monster or the Lag Monster), and this dub being fast & loose with pronunciation of Japanese names (creating what I’m sure is unintentional humor lol) I wasn’t going to bet on it.

Likely because that is just her succession name and she’s no longer an AKB0048 member, thus, no longer uses that name.

Chris Ayres got Tiffany Terrell to sing the outtro. That’s something that I wasn’t thinking that we’d get from Sentai again. I wish the HD stream for this weren’t so problematic as watching this in SD is like watching an old Xvid f-sub from back in “the day”.

This show could still use some realism. They also could have mentioned that their trenchcoats were magically impenetrable, like the clothing in Darker than Black/Aria the Scarlet Ammo earlier. Though to their credit nothing stops these blobs from performing; beyonce ain’t got nothin’ on them.

Was there an explanation as to why the one moeblob has a rocket launcher mounted inside of her forearm? Was there a reason why the WOTA use ineffective “space AK-47s” against armored robots or why they have what have to be the most inaccurate RPGs ever devised?

These WOTA guys kinda reminded me of Miltan and his, ah, bros from DxD but now I’m thinking that they’re a more respectable form of brony.

Well, I finally finished this one. I didn’t really see what was mentioned by others in this here thread. It was interesting though, really needed a commentary track.

The blurb in the credits about “This is a work of fiction…any resemblance to actual works or people is entirely coincidental” was hilarious.

Season 2 Cover/Disc Art



The face of Emily Neves’ character on the cover looks weird.

LOL @ the back cover including one fanservicey scene in the midst of the winsome moeblob picture gallery.

Props for no Beastie Boys references this time (at least none that I’ve detected) around. Still no Chris Ayres directoral commentary though.

Yup. Putting this series on the top of the “to buy” list.

That pic puts this series on the top of your to buy list? I don’t understand.

Sadly this isn’t on my to-buy list as it doesn’t look likely that Chris Ayres will make it to his traditional con in my area next year. Can’t buy it for the director to sign it if the director is MIA.

No, no. I just like the picture. That’s all.

AKB0048 ~next stage~ - Episodes 01-13 (Dub) are now live on ANO

Always nice to see a picture of The Unsung Heroine of this show.

Which one is the unsung drug (I can’t believe that they tried to tell me that heroine wasn’t pronounced like the drug when I was in public school…PC is ridiculous), the annoying little sister or the red haired one who was chosen by the space jellyfish after she gave up her bloodlust (sad face)?

Do they actually spell out the name of the group that oppresses them in this season?

Kanata (The one with the red hair) due to the fact that she’s the character that gets the raw end of the deal of being in AKB0048, despite having all of the qualifications to be a member of the main group. She still supports everyone else in the group etc.

I thought that she only got the short end of the stick because her heart wasn’t pure, that despite being more skilled/equally skilled as some of the actual appointed successors she wasn’t given approval by the space jellyfish because she was still (for most of Season One) bent on revenge and bloodlust and all that awesome stuff. Also wasn’t she pheremone-challenged?

I gotta clear off my anime plate so I can see Part II of the best Chris Ayres dub to-date.