Anime Network VOD General Info and Response/Reports

DirecTV Users: Your missing episodes from July 21 were stalled, they should be live in a few days (if they are not already).

Time Warner Users: West Coast - Your missing episodes from July 14 have been resubmitted and will go live soon.

Cox Cable Users: Your missing episode from July 21 should be fixed now.

Still awaiting responses from the other Providers, thank you for your patience.

Charter Users: Hayate the Combat Butler! (Season 1), Ep 42 & School-Live!, Ep 3 – are being re-pitched and should be available soon. Still investigating Haikyu!! 2.

SVOD USERS: Regarding Patlabor, Ep 2:
It’s being re-pitched with an extended end date of 2 weeks (no longer expiring on 8/11).

Still waiting on other Providers.

Charter Users: poked Charter again about your missing episodes, they should be available any day.

Frontier Users: Frontier is re-processing your missing episodes, I don’t have an ETA, but they should be up soon.

Suddenlink Users: Azumanga Daioh, Ep 12, has been re-pitched. Waiting on ETA on delivery.

Please let us know when you get these updates!


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Charter Users: They said last week that they were resending those missing episodes through their system. Will call them again.

Suddenlink: Your missing episode was re-pitched last week. Did you receive it?

Cox Cable: Waiting on callback.

Frontier: Waiting on callback.

###The September Schedules are now live.

Note to Free VOD users: Norn9, Ep 9.5, is a recap episode and will not be shown on VOD.

EFFECTIVE TODAY - September 9, 2016

In an effort to resolve issues better and faster, I am now going to send in a report every FRIDAY AFTERNOON, with a follow-up report on TUESDAY AFTERNOON.

This gives Admin a chance to get right on those problems and try to get them resolved quicker.

If you could adjust your schedules to report your missing episodes/incorrect content, etc. I would greatly appreciate it.

Also, if something changes over the weekend, please try to update me by Tuesday afternoon so I can adjust the report.

Thanks so much!

###The October Schedules are now live.

###The November Schedules are now live.

###November Schedule Announcements


I will be sending the report in before noon tomorrow (Tuesday).

The AN office will be closed on Thursday and Friday, but please continue to report any time, as I will be around all weekend.

Have a Great Thanksgiving!


###Spectrum/TWC Users, including:


Content from October 27, November 10 & November 17
Be on the lookout for your missing content and please report when you receive it.
If you don’t see the content by tomorrow (Tuesday, November 22), we need to know so we can do a follow-up.

###Optimum/Cablevision Users
Your missing November 17 update should be available.

###November 22, 2016 @ 6pm CT

Cox Cable Users
The rep confirmed this afternoon that they had everything from 11/10 & 11/17, except for Ushio & Tora, Ep 31. We’re still working with them on getting that resolved.
Let them know about @gymanime’s new report for When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace, Ep 5 from 11/3.

DirecTV Users
Following up w/ DTV for an ETA on the items that were confirmed today (11/22) as still missing.

Suddenlink Users
Talked with Suddenlink today about this and finally got this resolved. They’ve confirmed receipt of the episode, it should be live shortly if not already. They extended the window to 12/1.

Verizon Users
Sent them another urgent message about this issue.

Spectrum/TWC Users
Following up on the items confirmed as still missing. The users who haven’t responded should likely have everything since other people confirmed receipt.

###The December Schedules are now live.

Frontier now has its own page!

###December onDEMAND Schedule Announcements

Cox Cable Users

  • Most of your update should be available now, the rest is still processing.
  • RIN-NE 2, Ep 4, is being resent, should be available soon.

DirecTV Users

The following should be available now:

  • Locodol, Ep 6
  • Patlabor The Mobile Police, Ep 22
  • RIN-NE, Ep 21
  • Wake Up, Girls!, Ep 4

Norn9, Ep 12, is still processing and should be ready soon.

Cox Cable Users

  • Please confirm if your items are still missing. Everything pending has been reported as resolved by other customers. If it’s still missing, need to know if the you’re using the Contour 1 or the Contour 2 platform.

Spectrum Users

  • Gate 18 is being worked on now. Should be available this week- keep an eye out.
  • @Kirbyroth - Your missing eps should be available later today/tonight.

Young Black Jack 12 / Phantasy0112 issue

  • Investigating this to see the cause, probably won’t get relabeled.

Comcast/Xfinity Users

###The January Schedules are now live.

A blog will be posted for the Comcast/Xfinity schedule.

Note: Girls und Panzer, the dub version, has only 12 episodes. The recap episodes are not shown.

###SVOD Users, Please note:

There is an error on some of the schedules - I’m working to get this fixed.

Clamp School Detectives, Ep 1 - this episode should appear on January 12, not the 5th.

Schedules with error:

Bend Broadband/Blue Ridge/Cox Cable/Frontier/RCN/Service Electric Cablevision/Suddenlink/Verizon FiOS

###SVOD Users

From the January 5 update:

Bodacious Space Pirates, Ep 1 was mistakenly replaced by the movie Abyss of Hyperspace. Admin is aware and working to correct this. I have no timetable on when, however.

From the January 19 update:

Majestic Prince, Ep 25 is a special episode that was recently acquired (9/30/2016) by Sentai. This is its first showing on VOD.

Bodacious Space Pirates, Ep 1 is being resent with an extended expiration date. You should be receiving it soon.

###The February Schedules are now live.

###February 2017 onDEMAND Schedule Announcements

###Comcast Announcements