Dance in the Vampire Bund

I think it’s ok as long as the original creators are wanting this. Though I don’t understand why they didn’t edit it themselves before allowing anyone to grab the license. Well I’m actually wondering why they put it in in the first place. Kind of reminds me of ‘Ghost Stories’ with their long lost episode… Darn that ghost and her cleft mouth.

Interesting… did Dragonball uncut block out Goku’s butt and wang in later releases? He went fishing all the time in the buff.
His son took a leak on a bad guy in one of the movies. Silly censors.

side note Vampire Bund sounds like some Danish or French pastry.

Funimation Comments Further on Vampire Bund Edits

posted on 2010-03-10 13:43 EST
Streaming/broadcast to remain edited; Funimation to consider unedited DVDs

My inner conspiracy theorist is screaming.


Someone at Funimation to higher ups : They clogged our email servers !
Higher ups: Better do something to shut them up before they crash it.

Called it the second the edits were announced. :stuck_out_tongue: Predictable business, predictable fans.

Was it all publicity, probably.

However the fans had to react, they couldn’t gamble that it wasn’t a PR stunt.

Man, I just want to watch Baka to Test legit.

My position in censorship is case by case as I said before. Really some super graphic and grotesque stuff have to be considered. In this case there was very little that we have not seen before that is common now, so I agree fans had to speak out in this case - I was against the edit/censorship issue myself and have stated so as if this falls in that category, a lot of other anime that is similar will fall into this trap too. Though unlike other fans I wasn’t rabid about it. I could live with minor edits in context - it wasn’t the end of the world.

In terms of the fans - I mostly meant, now that Funi is offering only a possibility of it, based on that statement. All that rage and bitter complaints, suddenly evaporate … on a maybe? Sounds to me like fans didn’t have much conviction if they’re willing to hate and attack each other for days nonstop with thousands of posts, attacking other fans, etc. Where one singular maybe is enough to turn them from such hate to “ok, maybe is fair.”

Like tonka said elsewhere, especially with many months to a year, they have the edge of time to play with to let tensions cool.

Predictable is predictable. :wink:

Maybe its time to stop trying to license stuff to appease fans for licensing stuff they don’t want and wait to see how a show turns out first? Seriously I’d say it makes them look like clowns ,but that would be insulting to clowns. :wink:

If I had been really looking forward to this release, I don’t think I would be breathing a sigh of relief yet. They’ve just said they are considering releasing it uncensored. Remember how they were considering ways to release the rest of Kodocha? Or how they were considering bringing over the games based on various properties they had licensed? Usually in anime, “we’re considering this” means “not really, but we just want the fans to shut up.” Sadly, the fans usually fall for it…

I won’t expect an uncensored release until its officially solicited and shipping. Now the question is, will Funi announce their decision or wait until the DVDs are announced and fans start asking.

I’m not sure I’m buying that this was some type of marketing thing Dragoon. So they drag their brand name through the mud, so Vampire Bund sells well? I am not following. Perhaps if it was something else, then yes. But here…I don’t know. I have to agree with Cody. They are lol “considering” it. We will see…

I think a word from Naga the Serpent is in order.

Not Naga, please make it stop, please make it stop, please make it stop! :ohmy:

My thoughts on the matter, I posted on another site.

I can understand them making a mistake, in today’s world everyone is wanting the latest anime now. And with fansubs giving that, the legit companies can’t stand around and watch a series that hasn’t aired yet. I doubt Sentai or any other US licensor can get advanced copies of a show they license until the episode airs in Japan.

Obviously, in the seven episodes that have aired they can release them unedited but they will hold off on the final five until they have aired so they can ensure “they comply with current US law”. This is my understanding from their statement.

I think after Vampire Bund US companies will be more careful but I can see this happening again due to the fact US companies are trying to compete with fansubers and are trying to give fans legit viewing options as a show airs in Japan.

As long as Funimation releases the DVDs uncut I can overlook this whole mess. I doubt that the anime will contain material that doesn’t comply with current US law in the final five episodes but it is possible.

Crunchyroll Adds “Dance in the Vampire Bund” and Five More Series to Anime Catalog

March 07, 2018 8:00pm CST

Dance in the Vampire Bund - Complete Series - S.A.V.E. - Coming Soon

Vampires and Idols - Get Hooked on the Newest Anime in Our Catalog!

March 15, 2018 10:00am CDT
This week, we sample the premiere of “Dance in the Vampire Bund” to see if it’ll reel you in!