Dear Rai

Prof Stout’s really cool. You’ll learn a lot of useful things in Social Psych. It explores what makes people (within the context of a society & culture) tick & how to use that to your advantage (in either a positive, or if you want to go there, negative way). Yeah, there’s a lot of reading, but the lectures in class cover it pretty thoroughly & you get some cool discussions going.

It was one of my favorite classes! I really preferred it to general psychology since the information can be more readily applied to examining yourself and the situations you wind up in.

There’s also Social Problems with Cliff Wilson, which is a great class, but you need a really good mix of respectful students since it discusses some rather touchy subjects. There you examine a lot of the problems/issues that society struggles with.

I hope you find this helpful for when you’re picking courses in future quarters!

Dear Rai, I’m too stuffed from eating to move – so here’s a post.

Starting Wednesday I’ve had to house sit as my family left for a major cow show. I’m retired from cow showing, so I didn’t go as someone has to stay home to take care of the animals, stay awake in class, and pretend to be working at work. The weather in Houston has taken a turn for the worse: it’s dark, cold and wet with a chance of sleet. I had to take care of the animals in the evening. I was rushing to get everything done on time as I had a date with Haissan that I really wanted to keep. It was a very nice date. He made a comment about being thirsty, so I left my water bottle for him. I wonder if he noticed.

The next day I had to get up an hour earlier than I am used to, to take care of the morning feedings. all feedings take an hour or more to complete I finish on time and make my way to school. This is my professional writing class; basically everything I’m learning in that class – is what I’ve learned from working at the DAs office. Be polite, watch how you write, watch how you talk, etc. In this lesson he spent an hour talking about how Second Life will replace actual college campuses. A half hour later, class ended. It’s a three hour class. I fought the rain to my Cougar and headed home. I chilled on the couch under a large pile of covers and half heartedly playing with the corgi, Dexter. I then headed to work. It’s a cold building. There are times that I feel being outside would be warmer compared to the temperature on our floor.

I left work and headed home. The rain had increased to a constant, annoying drizzle. I lost a half hour waiting on the rain to stop before I could go outside to feed the cattle. It was awful. The ski suit I wear to stay warm is too big, the boots are too small, and the gloves are anything I find in the garage. Those always soak through with freezing water. Due to the time restraint, I knew that as I finished – it would be dark. I had to battle the mother cows to put their harnesses on we tie them to the fence so that they don’t hurry and eat their food, then run and eat someone else’s and I had to battle their sons; Dante and King both of whom Haissan helped named. The two boys are half brothers same bull different cows so they look almost identical, all black, except King has a white marking on his belly. The two boys wouldn’t leave me alone, everywhere I walked, there they were. Begging for real food two weeks old, milk only yet they eat real food.

The pens the cattle are held has become a “death trap”, all the rain has saturated the ground, filling in any hoof hole with water. Any miss step could cause freezing cold water to surge into ones boot or worse, causing one to completely fall and injure an ankle. Or worse if a cow decides to walk across ones body. The only way to travel through the pen and ground are the small mounds of dirt that barley rise above the water. These so called islands may not even be safe, for one that looks solid may actually be pure water. Due to my earlier feedings, I was able to remember which trails were safe and was able to feed the rest of the animals.

After I finished with the cattle, I still had one species left to master for the evening; the ducks. Due to all the rain, the ducks were in heaven. Everywhere they went, there was water – not only water, but dirty, muddy water; their favorite. It was very dark, and the lights can only create so much light; I begin to chase the ducks round and round, trying to get them to go to their home. No luck, they liked the water filled ground. After several more attempts, the female duck of the group announced she was tired and the quad raced to their sleeping quarters; but not before they jumped into their second home. Our pool. This is perfectly fine, we aren’t using it but I was: tired, cold, wet, hungry and not in the best of moods. I grabbed the pool skimmer and chased them out, they then run into their room and bask in front of their heat lamp.

Exhausted from battling the elements, I realized that I missed dinner. I did the only logical thing, I ordered Dominoes. It was so good, I had three slices instead of two so now I’m completely stuffed. I still have homework left to do, not sure if I’ll get to it. All I want to do is vegetate at the moment and take a hot shower.


A cow show. I know that’s a real, legit thing but it sounds funny. Like someone from Massachusetts going to see antique automobiles on display or something. Or, “Cow show? The only cow show I like is the meat counter at the grocery store…”

Come to think of it that also would work for any kind of strip, dance or even drag show where a person’s not happy with the appearance of those who danced…

Lol, I’m glad you agree it’s a real thing. But to give you a better perspective on it- you know what a dog show is, correct? Same thing, just with cows. We have to wash them, groom them, and then show them. The showing is basically the same, we walk them around, then set them up (move their bodies and put their feet in certain spots). The judge then looks at how the animal looks, how they walk, their temperament and then how the person did as the shower show-er not shower as in bath.

But lmao, a “cow show” at a drag show, that is a good insult. I’m not brave enough to use it but more power to you.

Gentay wrote:

Dear Gentay,

Just like a dog show? Do they have contests where cows run an obstacle course?, or jump off a platform in to water to see which cow will fly the furthest? Do you have vendors where you can buy cute cow outfits for them to wear or cow toys?

[quote]Dear Gentay,

Just like a dog show? Do they have contests where cows run an obstacle course?, or jump off a platform in to water to see which cow will fly the furthest? Do you have vendors where you can buy cute cow outfits for them to wear or cow toys?[/quote]

Well, when dealing with obstacle courses, cows have the mindset of “no”. Although if they did have the mindset of “yes”, it would not be graceful, it would not be elegant, they would barrel through the whole thing destroying every obstacle. Oddly enough, yes there are cow outfits and cow toys. Should I find the picture I made of my calf wearing an elf costume?

sure, post pics. Can you get an outfit so a cow can cosplay as Yoko? That should get Rai excited

Dear Rai:

As a fan of your Valentine’s promo, I want to wish you a beautiful, romantic day! I must say that particular promo is my all time favorite. I hope you and your robot friend get to spend some quality time together today.

Thanks to you (& everyone else behind the scenes) for all your hard work!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Much Love!

I figure that’s what the kids get ribbons for at the State Fair every year, and the County Fairs and stuff. Showing cows and pigs and so forth. The winners might get to show next year, the losers feed the family most of the winter :slight_smile:

eheh thanks I guess, though me and the robot are just bros haha. We’re glad everyone enjoyed our little event, we loved all the letters we got!

Back to the grind…>.>

Dear Rai,

My weekend went well. The weather cleared up and Houston was able to get some sun and a bit of warmth. I spend most of Saturday writing up a lab report for my Biochemistry lab, hit 10 pages. During lunch time I went shopping to refresh my stock of fruits and veggies. Due to the harsh weather in other countries, the store did not carry the strawberries that I needed for my lunches. I found my green grapes, baby carrots, and grape tomatoes, but I needed another fruit. I wasn’t interested in the oranges as they can be messy, so all that was left were apples. As I looked at the different types of apples, I knew I had no idea what I was looking at. I did the only logical thing I could. I called Haissan. “I’m shopping for apples, what is a good kind?” Long story short, he knows apples.

Seeing as how it was the day before V day, there were flowers everywhere. I needed to get some for mom and as I was looking, I saw a vibrant orange stripe. I looked closer and saw that they had bouquets of my favorite flower – Bird of Paradise. I grabbed one and found a nice bouquet of Red Daisies for mom. On the subject of plants, it’s official that my Lucky Bamboo is dying.

The next morning I was awoken by the sound of a delightful poem. Haissan called and read to me a wonderful poem about ‘good morning’, it was a lovely gift seeing as how we weren’t able to see each other that day due to work and study schedules. I dozed/slept till 9 ish when I was awoken by a nightmare and decided to stay awake. Mom loved her flowers and was appreciative that I didn’t go the generic route of roses. She and I agree that they are just Blah. We agree that flowers that are cheaper, last longer, more colorful than roses are just a bit better. Not that roses are bad, we wont turn them down, but we like it more when the flowers are different – which is a reason why I like the Bird of Paradise so much.

The day went normal from there, I was able to relax and study for a exam on Monday, I fed the animals their dinner and just as I was finishing mom approached me and said we needed to move the hay ring from the back other pasture to the front. As we’re walking she telling me how everyone is supposed to go out to dinner, I then reply that it will be around 8 before we would be able to leave to go out. She was about to disagree when I inform her that she is talking to someone’s who’s minor OCD is counting time, she said to walk faster. We reach the ring and the ground is solid mud. We tilt the ring onto its side and start rolling it, seeing as how I had the side in the mud – mud is now running down my arms. Not cool. I get inside the ring and roll it like a hamster. It works great, I wasn’t sinking in the mud and it wasn’t rolling down my arms, except that it was going too fast. I holler to mom to slow down, she wasn’t even touching the ring, my own momentum was rolling the ring faster that I cared for. Mom caught up to the ring and we started to go down a slope. I felt something hit the back of my head, kinda hard. I thought it was a stick that broke in half…except that the weight stayed on the back of my head. I reach up to touch my head and find it was mud. (another part of my minor OCD, I don’t like getting dirty) I was livid, I swore that I wasn’t going out to dinner and got out of the ring. Eventually we got it to the front of the pasture. I spent the next twenty minutes with my head in a sink washing the mud out, then combing leaves and hay out. I then had to rinse the rest of the mud off. I stayed home and everyone else went to dinner….a few minutes to 8. I took a shower and swore that I still smelt like the pasture.

Monday morning I head off to class to take an exam that I really had not studied for. I just didn’t feel the drive, which is always strange for me. Class starts and only a few students are in the room, the Prof talks a bit and says it’s his birthday and how the exam is being pushed to late next month. Someone leans out the door and in enters the other 22 students. Neither us (the few students ready for the exam) nor the Prof knew why so many students were outside, whether they were still studying, or avoiding the exam.

I head off to work and make a bee line to a friend who’s birthday was V day. I had been teased with the knowledge that her BF had a special day planned for her. Turns out he had wrote her a card, took her to an expensive restaurant, showered her with gifts throughout the entire day, and how it was just basically the perfect day. For her. I listened to her story about how happy she and her BF were and how the day was everything she wanted and it got me thinking. Out of everything she talked about, the only thing I would want – the card. Due to my unhealthy eating habits, the expensive foods would go to waste, I have no real desire for objects I have no use for, the trinkets would just collect dust, I’m not a mushy gushy person so the excessive and over the top romance might make me sick. It’s always good to learn about bit more about myself. As I was about to leave I was poked and it became “quiet time”. A coworker of ours that I’ve always disliked due to their very poor work ethic would shortly be leaving our area of operation, far sooner than the summer I was told for school. Turns out they had called the police claiming to be the victim in a crime when after research was done, was found to be the perpetrator. A person of their status cannot be in our area of operation.

I head home and was greeted by one of my most favorites of dinner, noodle soup. The chicken flavored water and large wavy noodles make it the best. I’m not a fan of juice but I just love the flavored noodles.



Haissan wrote:



Don’t judge me.

Get back in the kitchen.

Well, I am so getting in trouble for that.

Gentay wrote:

[quote]Haissan wrote:



Don’t judge me.

Get back in the kitchen.

Well, I am so getting in trouble for that.

Now we know who wears the pants in this relationship.

Gentay wrote:

[quote]Haissan wrote:



Don’t judge me.

Get back in the kitchen.

Well, I am so getting in trouble for that.

So what would be better, a beautiful poem, or a mass produced V-Day card? I’m just wondering.

I got your back Haissan


Gentay wrote:

[quote]Haissan wrote:



Don’t judge me.

Get back in the kitchen.

Well, I am so getting in trouble for that.


He’s studying culinary. Since I want him to succeed where else would I want him.

So what would be better, a beautiful poem, or a mass produced V-Day card? I’m just wondering.[/quote]

Ah, the key part. A handwritten “note” or “poem” in said crappy card.

How did you get a hold of that? Haissan said that was our special time. There are a lot of special times. He says I don’t listen well.

should I get the wooden spoon? Extra special time

dear rai, I wrote something incredible but your system logged me off prematurely, so I will refuse to rewrite it… I am too pissed off about it.

I would like to post a request that the auto loggoff or user inactivity auto log out be expanded to more than just ten-30 minutes rather it should be in the range of hours…

I find it a waste to post a message get prompted to log back in and scroll back only to have this painstakingly well written post lost to all that is evil on this site. It is frustrating… Long story short, I am quitting my job, its last day is on the 28th, I got great car insurance coverage, my current car is shit, and my new car is awesome, I got a great financing deal with my bank and the car is not collateral for the loan, and oh yeah, here is a picture

Dear Rai,
The weekend is over – so I’m bummed. On Friday I gave myself a paper cut at work, on my middle finger of my left hand, it’s just under the nail so whenever I type I end up putting pressure on the finger tip – so it hurts to type.

I had to house sit again this weekend because my family went away to a cheerleading thingy, it’s for my sis to compete in, I didn’t pay attention to what or where. I order a pizza from dominoes to support me through the weekend. It’s not a good idea for me to use the kitchen unsupervised , bad things happen – always.

Saturday was so awesome, I can’t tell you. This is one of the few things that can compare to it. [video][/video]

Sunday I got up and felt awful. I can’t stop sneezing and blowing my nose. I know this is from work. It’s in the 50s outside and on our floor the temp hovers at the same temperature. Everyone has heaters in their offices and cubicles. I’m able to think clearly so I’m pretty sure it’s not a cold. I make my way outside to the animals and I’m ready to make to kill a cow. The only bull “Boy” at the house, is supposed to go away for slaughter or being a bull but hasn’t yet, attacked one of the gates and took it off one of the hinges. I leave the gate as is and turn around to see him ramming Ivy (one of the cows with a calf, Dante). Last straw, I grab the whipey stick and start beating his butt until he heads back into the pasture. I work on feeding one pen of cattle and, literally as I’m heading toward the other pen with the gate, I see a heifer named Patches push the gate off its last hinge to let Molly, a heifer, into the pen. Patches watches as Molly steps onto and over the gate and makes her way into the pen, Patches then makes her way to her spot to eat, stands there, and looks at me as if asking “what?” The gate she just pushed over is a pure metal gate and is heavy as hell, not to mention all the center spots on it have been covered with chicken wire – preventing me from picking it up and correcting it. It’s just too much. I started to wrap the feedings up before I stumble upon King with a string hanging out his mouth. I pull on the string and keep pulling and pulling, until a humongous sized string ball comes out. I stare in amazement that he had eaten such a thing, if I hadn’t of pulled that out, that poor calf could have become insanely sick.

After finishing the morning feedings , I eat my breakfast and take an hour nap. I felt a little bit better, skipped lunch due to the time and checked on the animals. I watched Dexter potty on a tree only to be disturbed by Smores the duck. That has got to be the worst thing to do; bite someone when they’re trying to pee. Dexter retaliated by chasing the duck back into the pool. I called Dexter inside for lunch, only to have Smores come flying in after him. Ducks are jerks.

I spent a little bit of time cleaning my room and bathroom. I put up my clean laundry that had been on the floor for a few weeks, emptied the trashcans, had a snack, and vacuumed the hallway and my bedroom. Then I started the finishing touches on my lab report.

Dinner feeding starts, a few of the cows were smart and went in through a different gate to get into their pen to eat. I tie them up and as I head back to open the bad gate to let the stupid cows in. I watch as Honey takes the gate off its last hinge and I watch it barley move due to the chains I placed on it. I get closer and look down. Dante was napping next to the gate, had I not placed the safety chain on the gate and Honey knocked it over, it would of landed right on that poor calf. I move the rest of the cows into the pen and as I’m moving the gate back, I hear an awful racket. I look over to see Ivy trying to go “through” a tied up cow. She wanted to go to her spot to eat, she didn’t want to go around the cow, she was trying to make them move. I swat Ivy and make her go around the cow. I tie everyone up and tell the two calves to go play in the yard with Dexter. This was purely to protect the dog – Smores followed us down the hill just to annoy the dog. The two half brothers are having a blast running up and down the hill, running and playing chase with the dog, before they get tired and run back into the pen.

Dinner ends and I head back inside. I get a text from mom saying that the bull “Boy”, will go away Wednesday if the ground is able to stay dry. Hurray. But it looks like rain on Tuesday, we’ll have to see then.
